Chapter 27.

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         Sophia's POV.
      "Hey Sophia,how are you today?"
          "I'm fine,Sarah,"I replied with a smile I hoped didn't look forced."Any news?"
         "Everything's normal and as usual,everyone sends you good wishes. Oh,there was a call for you,a woman. She said it was urgent. I told her you weren't available at the moment but she asked for your mobile phone number and I said I'd ask for your permission first. She gave me hers in case you accepted to contact her."
     "Hmm,okay give me the number."
      The person answered at the first ring.
           "Uhm,hello,this is Sophia De la Fuenté. I was informed you wanted to talk to me."
              I heard sobs.
        "Sophia,it's you,my child. Your voice hasn't changed, still sounds as stern as when you were younger.
           "Yes it's me,you still remember my voice."
            The phone slipped off my fingers and I found myself screaming hysterically.
         "Sophia,please calm down...what's wrong?",a confused Sarah asked me.
           "How...why is she...",I continued, ignoring her.
         Sarah left the room and came back seconds later with Aamir behind her.
         "What's wrong, Sophia?"
        "It's my mum, she just...she just called me"
           He pressed my head against his chest. "Shh,tell me,what did she want?"
             "I don't know, I hung up immediately I heard her voice."
             "Okay,what we'll do is wait till you're calmer, then we'll call her back so we can know what she wants",he said slowly.
         "But I don't care what she wants."
         "Tsk,tsk,we aren't sure about that yet so we'll call,okay?"
        I nodded.
           "Good,let me get you something to drink downstairs. Will you accompany me,Sarah?"
             "Of course, let's go."
       I looked at the bottle of water by my bed and understood he just wanted to explain things to Sarah. It was a good idea, she was becoming a part of our lives and deserved to know about us.
             "Click the button."
           "Click it,or would you rather have me do it?"
           "She's probably already asleep."
          "It's 8pm."
              "Exactly. She had always been an early sleeper."
         "Are you done giving silly excuses?"
                  "Yes. You're so annoying when you act all-knowing."
           "You need to see yourself when you do same."
          "That's a lie. I never act that way."
                "You do,all the time."
                "Trying to distract me,aren't you? Now click the damn button."
                We were currently in Aamir's room for privacy. I didn't have the courage to discuss it with Jamal so I decided to escape.
               "Alright, fine."
         She picked after the first ring,again. Had she been waiting by her phone like they were to inform her she'd won the lottery?
               "Dear,I'm so happy you called back."
         I didn't know what to say so I just waited for her to continue.
           "After this afternoon I thought you'd block my number but I'm so glad you didn't. That means you..."
            "What do you want?",I finally found the courage to speak. I didn't want her thinking I had forgiven her and everything could go back to normal, if that was even what she wanted.
                "I know you're mad at me,Sophia and you have every right to be but I just want to explain things to you,my reasons for leaving you. Can we meet up somewhere,dear?"
              "No,I don't want to see you,neither do I care about why you left your sick,frail child to fend for herself. There's no excuse for that."
              "It wasn't like that. Please we really need to talk."
          I looked at Aamir for help but remembered the phone wasn't on loudspeaker.
              "I'm listening. You can say whatever you have to say over the phone."
               "Oh dear,I didn't leave you willingly, your father made me."
         "Just how despicable can you get. First you disappear for close to a decade and a half and then you come back putting the blame on a dead man because he's not here to defend himself."
        "No,I had tried contacting Vincenté before his death. Several times I had called the house asking him to give me your contact or anything but he said he didn't want me anywhere close to you."
         "You had been calling him?"
          "Yes,but he was bent on not letting me get to you."
       He had been receiving a lot of calls lately and he was never happy at the end of each call.
        The landline phone was out of place,meaning he was on the phone before it happened.
           "You killed him",I said,my voice coming out as a whisper.
           "What, no."
           "He had the attack because he was talking to you. I hate you!"
          I went back to crying as I hung up.
           "What is it?" Aamir asked, rubbing my back.
             "You remember Camilla told us my father was on the phone before he died and I told you we had to get the call traced?"
           "Yes,I forgot to follow that up."
         "Well it was her. She killed him, Aamir. She..."
     I tried choking in my sobs, I was honestly tired of crying.
            "I hate her,I hate her so much. I wish her the worst that can ever happen to anyone, I wish her pain, agony and death."
         "Shh,you don't mean that. Just rest a while and when you're calmer I'll take you to your room."
              I opened my eyes to see Jamal smiling at me. I looked around and realized sunlight was already peeping through the curtains.
     Also worth noting was that I was still in Aamir's room.
       "Morning you. I can't believe I slept off here."
          "Again",he added,almost frowning.
            "Yeah. Aamir is so useless. He was supposed to take me back to our room last night."
           The kid was still asleep.
          "I doubt that."
         "What do you mean?"
           "Nothing",he shrugged.
            I stood up,stretching my extremely weak muscles.
       "You're already ready for work?"
            "Yup,just came to check if you both were still alive before leaving. You've been crying again, haven't you?"
          I looked down at the floor.
         "It's normal and I perfectly understand you're still in pain,it even manifests physically. That's why I insist you can't return to work anytime soon."
        I had been fine. Everything changed yesterday.
            "You're right. I'm not ready yet."
           "But that doesn't mean you should stay locked up. We should go out later in the day. Is that fine by you?"
         I nodded.
           "Good. See you when I get back." He placed a kiss on my cheek and left.
        I went back to our room to brush my teeth and when I got back Aamir was still asleep so I sat on him. Seconds later he hadn't moved so I went for jumping.
         "Isn't she crazy?",he murmured.
       "Get up,it's past eight."
       "You know I started becoming this lazy only when you came into my life."
           "I know,I'm such a blessing."
         "So what's going through your mind this morning?"
           "Strangely, nothing. I'm just looking forward to eating bacon for breakfast."
      "You,anxious about food? You really need air. We'll go out tonight."
      "You're late. Jamal's already taking me out."
        "But I'm sure Sarah's available."
        "Probably, I'll ask her when I get to work."
       I did everything possible to distract myself while the boys were out. It more or less worked as I barely cried throughout the day and I didn't imagine my mother being ground by a truck.
       Okay, maybe I did.
    Jamal was the first to get back home. I was finally making up my mind on what to wear when he came in.
      "Hey,you're back. I was just..." The murderous look on his face made me swallow my words.
           "When were you planning to tell me?"
       "Tell you what?"
        "Everything, your family history, your medical condition."
          "How'd you find out?"
       "Your mother called, asking me to help her talk to you. Imagine my shock and embarrassment when we both realized I didn't know the story."
        I didn't know whether to focus on the anger I felt towards my mother or the one Jamal felt towards me.
          "I ask again, why didn't you tell me?"
         "We weren't close back then, I didn't know how you'd take it."
         "And recently?"
         "I thought you'd be mad I hadn't told you before."
           "So now what, you wanted to hide it forever?" He paused for a second. "Wait, does Aamir know?"
         I nodded.
        He shook his head. "And for how long has he known?"
             "Since...since I came to Houston."
             This seemed to upset him more. He walked out of the room and banged the door behind him so hard that I thought the walls would crack.
        I looked at the gowns I wanted him to give me his opinion on.
    Great. Just when I thought our relationship was making progress.
        This chapter is entirely in Sophia's POV because... Well because she's mourning and she deserves all the sympathy she can get,even from the author.
         That's all I have to say, lol.

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