Chapter 5~ Sneak Out

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"Hey... Lila." Zoro called down the steps that lead to the basement.

About a minute or so later, the raven haired girl ran up the stairs. "Yeah?" She asked cheerfully. She had been the one to find the karaoke machine and she was proud of herself for doing so.

Zoro rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I kinda sorta made Perona cry...."

Lila stared up at him in shock for a moment, then growled. "What did you do?!" She hissed. He slid his hand down his face. "I was just wondering something, but then I started to yell and she ran away crying."

"How long ago was that?!"

He looked up to the ceiling and scratched his head. "Three... Maybe four minutes ago?" He glanced down at her, only to have a fist meet his jaw. He tumbled back onto the floor and the raven haired girl stood over him.


"Mihawk told me to let you handle it!!"

"Well Mihawk isn't a girl, is he!? That was the most wrong thing he could have told you!!"

"Well what do you want me to do about it, huh?!"

With a furious huff, Lila reached down and grabbed him by the arm. Pulling him to his feet, she began to drag him up the stairs. "You and I are going to her and you ARE going to apologize!"

He said nothing the rest of the way to Perona's room.

The two stopped outside the door when they heard the soft sounds of muffled sniffling coming from the room behind it. Lila turned to Zoro and raised an eyebrow expectantly.

He sighed and knocked on the door.

"Perona." He called under the watchful eye of his friend. "It's Zoro."

The sniffling stopped for a second. "Go away please." She said from behind the door. Zoro turned to Lila and shrugged. She sighed exasperatedly and knocked on it herself.

"Perona, it's Lila. Can I come in?"

After a moment, they heard her quiet reply. "...ok..."

Without a moment of hesitation, Lila entered the room, dragging Zoro along with her. As soon as the pink haired girl saw him, she squeaked and dove under the covers of her bed.

The green haired teen raised an eyebrow. "What happened to that whole 'bad reputation' stuff you were singing about earlier? You don't look like you don't give a damn to me."

"Well maybe thats because it was just a song and I actually do give a damn!" She replied with a sniffle.

Zoro sighed again and turned to Lila.... Who wasn't there. He furrowed his brow and moved over to the door that was now closed. He tugged. "Huh?" But it wouldn't open.

"I'm locking you two in until you fix this!" Lila's voice came from behind the door. "So hurry up and make nice! Luffy's bugging me about the karaoke machine."

Zoro's eyes widened.

"What?! Oh hell no! Lila open the door!!"

After a few minutes of no responses later, he sighed and slumped down to the floor, his back against the door. He looked up at the pinkette who had crawled out from under the covers and sitting on her bed.

"So what now?" He asked as she stood from the mattress.

He watched her walk over to a window and he raised an eyebrow again. She didn't turn around, she just stared out the window. To him it looked like she was twiddling her fingers.

He sighed again.

"Listen Perona. I'm sorry I made you cry, but I just don't get it. When my parents skipped town and left me on my own, I was almost thrown in jail. So I just don't get how you can be so annoyingly nice after everything that happened to you."

She looked back at him and smiled slightly.

"I guess I never really hated anyone before. I can deal with bullying because of the abuse I put up with in the foster system. The thing about being normal always bothered me though...." She trailed off as she looked back out the window. "I'm not normal, I know that. I just can't help not putting on a mask in public."

She turned around and smiled at Zoro again.

"But hey! Mihawk never said he was kicking me out! That's a plus, right?"

Zoro smiled back. "Yeah, that's definitely a plus."

"Now," the pinkette started. "I seriously doubt that Lila's gonna let us out any time soon, so..." She turned back to the window and the greenette heard a small *click*.

With a slight grunt, Perona opened the window and turned back to her friend. She smiled wide and held out her hand.

"Care to get out of here?"

Zoro snickered and walked over. "Why not?"


About an hour and forty five minutes later, Lila, Kid, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sanji, and even Mihawk were all standing outside of Perona's door, trying to listen in.

Why did the PE teacher stay, you ask? Well, you'll have to ask him.

{Mihawk: I was checking the integrity of the house and cleaning up after everyone *grumbles*.}

There you have it. Boring stuff.

"I can't hear anything!" Luffy whisper complained. Lila shushed him and strained her ears even more to try to hear the faintest of noises.

"Why are they in there together in the first place?!" Sanji hissed, clearly annoyed.

"I told Zoro he had to apologize." She turned and glared at Mihawk. "And then I locked the door and said they couldn't come out until they make nice."

Kid and Ace raised an eyebrow at this. "Make nice?" They asked in union.

Lila sighed exasperatedly. "You know! Make nice! Become friends again! Oh, you know what I mean!" Law shrugged in acceptance to this answer and stuck an arm around Lila's waist, much to Kid's fury.

"They still shouldn't be locked in there together!" Sanji growled.

"I agree." Mihawk chimed in. "It's plainly obvious Roronoa is attracted to her."

Everyone just turned and stared at the teacher with shocked wide eyes. He raised a sharp eyebrow. "What? You think I was paying attention to just the house?"

They were still staring at him when the doorbell rang.

They all went down as a group and Lila opened the door.

"Hiya!" Perona said with a smile, Zoro standing beside her. They were both holding and licking soft serve ice cream cones, Perona's was plain vanilla, Zoro's was a chocolate vanilla swirl.

"What the hell?!" Lila asked, clearly in shock.

Perona licked her ice cream. "We went to get ice cream!" Zoro nodded in confirmation and licked his.

"We want ice cream!!!" Luffy and Ace whined. The pinkette giggled a little bit. "To late!"

With that, the two walked inside and past the group, to the basement. "I hear you found the karaoke machine." Perona called over her shoulder. "Well come on! Lets go play it!"

They all smiled and started after them, all except for two people.

Lila stayed back, as did Mihawk. Luffy was the last of the group to go (he was still brooding over the ice cream). "YAY!!" He shouted. "KARAOKE!!"

Just as he began to run forward, Lila caught him by the arm.

"Luffy," she started. "What's Zoro's favorite flavor ice cream?" Luffy furrowed his brow together in thought and confusion.

"Chocolate. Why?" Lila let go. "No reason..." She muttered looking back to Mihawk. Luffy shrugged and ran to join the others.

Mihawk smirked down at the girl.

"Chocolate vanilla swirl." He said simply, pointing his index finger in the air and swirling it. Lila's eyes widened at this.


The cold fish....?

Liking someone?!


Sorry if it's short!

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now