Chapter 11~ Guy Talk

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Mihawk POV-

I groaned and slammed my head against the bar table.

"Hey." The bartender and owner of the place, Shanks, started. He was also my best friend. "What's up with you? You're never this emotional."

I groaned again as he brought me the strongest drink he had, the one I had asked for. I downed it in a single gulp and slammed my head back to the tabletop.

I was greatful to him.

He was closed today, and yet I dragged him out of bed to open up shop for just me. It was late and I had only just ended chaperoning the school's dance before calling him and telling him I needed a strong drink.

"And what's up with the weird outfit?" He asked with amusement in his voice. I hadn't gone home to change before calling.

"I'm a pirate..." I grumbled, removing the hat and running my hands through my hair, all the while my head still on the table.

I ordered two more drinks before he stopped me."Oi, Hawky. Look at me," He ordered in a serious tone, his Irish accent coming out slightly. He knew I didn't normally drink this much. He grabbed me by the face and had me look at him. I didn't protest. I had too much on my mind to.

After scanning my face for about a minute, a sly smile crept onto his features.

"It's a girl, isn't it?"

I cringed slightly and he let go of me, a triumphant look on his face.

"Yes!" He cheered. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew you'd fall for someone some day! But what's with that face? Oh, wait don't tell me! Let me guess!"

He stopped the little dance he was doing behind the counter and began to scratch his stubbly chin like Sherlock Holmes.

"She's married."

I shook my head.

"She's got a boyfriend."

I shook my head again. I was positive she had said 'last time'.

"She's got a kid."

I shook my head.

"She's not into men."

I shook my head once more. He sighed exasperatedly and ran his fingers through his longish red hair. "Then what's the problem with her?!"

I looked up at him with a regretful look. "She's sixteen." I said quietly.

Shanks's expression changed to several different things, slowly at first, then all in an instant.

Frustration to shock. Shock to confusion. Confusion to concern. Then finally from concern to understanding at why I felt the need to drink so much.

"She one of yours?" He asked seriously as he poured me another drink.

I nodded. "Yeah." And downed the drink as easily as I downed the first. "I have her for fifth period PE."

"So how'd you realize it?"

"I saved her life, along with another student." As he stared at me in shock, I moved around to behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Jack. "Two registered sex offenders." I informed him, opening up the bottle and starting to drink. "They showed up to the dance and almost took her as she was leaving early."

I stopped drinking and stared down at the half empty bottle in my hands.

"She felt so small...." I mumbled, mostly to myself. "So breakable and delicate...."

Shanks grabbed the bottle. "I think you've had enough, Hawky." He tried to pull it from my grip, but I grabbed his wrist and looked up at him with eyes pleading for answers.

"I'm a twenty-five year old teacher, Shanks. She's a sixteen year old student. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

He patted me on the shoulder and smiled slightly. "Just forget about it for now. I'm sure this is just a phase or something..... Or, whatever it is you teachers say to kids..."

I nodded and allowed him to put the bottle back. He smiled again and stuck the hat back onto my head.

"Come on. I'll drive you home." I nodded again and let him lead me to my car. He locked up the bar as I sat down in the passenger side.

I looked up at the sign above the door and raised an eyebrow as he got in and started up the car.

"Why is your bar called Puzzles again?"

He smiled wide and tapped the side of his head.

"That's the puzzle!"


I no own Puzzles or How I Met Your Mother......

....But I really really want to! 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。

And sorry its short. This story's probably gonna have a lot of filler chapters like this while I wait for the inspiration gods to shower me with inspired ideas.... Or something...

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now