Chapter 12~ A Sick (as in ill) Man

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Perona POV-

I woke up with a stretch and a yawn and looked around me.

The usual group had stayed over at my place after Homecoming (apart from Sanji who never went) since it was on a Friday.

I sniffed the air. It smelled really good, like eggs and bacon. I counted all the friends in my room to see who was downstairs cooking. "Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Lila, Kid, Law...." I whispered, my eyes widening.

No one was downstairs, or at least, no one I invited.

Burglars wouldn't make breakfast before leaving, would they?

Quietly, I grabbed a bathrobe from my bathroom and slipped it on, making sure my pajamas weren't visible, then grabbed one of Zoro's discarded swords and made my way out of the room, feeling like a total samurai.

The breakfast smell grew stronger as I made it to the stairs connecting the first and second floors.

I unsheathed the blade and moved into the kitchen. A strange man with chin length red hair and scars over his eye was humming a little tune and frying up bacon on my stove.

"W-who a-are you and w-why are you here?" I asked, trying to sound brave but failing miserably.

The man turned immediately and stared at me in shock.

"Oi, kid!" He began in a slightly Irish sounding accent. "What the hell are you doing here?! This ain't your house! Get out! Trespassing's illegal you know!"

I stared at him in confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about? This is my home! You're the trespasser!" A burning smell hit my nose and I looked over at the pan. "Your bacon is burning." I stated simply.

The man turned- "Awe shit!"-and took the food from the heat.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you making breakfast?"

He turned and looked towards the direction of the living room. "My friend passed out on the couch last night before I could get him to his room. He's gonna have a killer hangover when he wakes up, so I decided the least I could do was make him breakfast."

I raised both eyebrows now. "There's someone else here?!"

As if on cue, a familiarly accented voice shouted from the other room. "Shanks!" In stormed Mr Mihawk in all his bedraggled glory.

"Why the hell am I in this house?!"

I gasped and lowered the weapon I still had in my hand. "Mr Mihawk?!"


Mihawk POV-

"Mr Mihawk?!"

I turned slowly, rubbing my pounding head. Shouting had probably not been the best idea....

Perona stood there in a fluffy white bathrobe, a sword I recognized as one of Zoro's in her hand at her side. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her feet were bare.

I felt my face begin to heat up.

Stop it!! I hissed to myself. Don't think about her!!

"Hello...*gulp*... Perona."

Shanks looked at me weird, but didn't say anything.

"Is he a friend of yours?" She asked, pointing the unsheathed blade at Shanks. I nodded. "Yes, but I don't know why I'm here." I growled and turned to look at him.

He held up his hands innocently.

"Hey, I told you I would drive you home! I did nothing else!"

"You made breakfast." Perona pointed out cutely. Shit!! Stop it, brain!!

I cringed slightly and gabbed Shanks by the crook of his arm. "Come on. We're going." I stormed out of the kitchen, but a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Wait! Dracule!" The pink haired girl called, running up in front of me. She stepped close and peered intently at my face, which began to flush again, dammit....

"What do you want?" I asked, leaning my head back further from hers. That only encouraged her to lean in further and my face to flush redder.

"Are you feeling ok?" She asked finally.

"I-I'm fine!" I assured her, looking anywhere but at her face. I noticed that the bathrobe was falling open, revealing..... Pajamas. Thank god!

"You sure? Your face is pretty red..." She stuck out her hand and pressed the back of it against my forehead. "....And warm too. Also, you're usually less..... Emotional, than this. Are you sure you're ok?"

I gulped again and gently pushed her away. "I said I'm fine!"

With that, I moved past her and out the door. I heard Shanks say that she could have the eggs and bacon, then he ran after me, shouting his nickname for me all the way. He finally caught up at the end of the long driveway.

"Hawky!" He said, grabbing me by the shoulder and forcefully turning me to face him.

"Let go." I told him darkly. He complied and I turned and continued to walk. "That was her, wasn't it." He said after a few paces. I froze and looked back to the house.

From an open window, I could see Luffy and Ace devouring the breakfast foods, Lila trying to control them, Kid and Law arguing, Zoro trying to talk to Perona, and finally, said girl looking back at me with an expression of worry on her face.

I smiled ever so slightly.

"Yeah." I told him. "It was."


Zoro POV-

I woke up to the sounds of shouting and the smell of burnt bacon downstairs.

Groaning, I stood from the pile of pillows I had claimed as my own and moved out the door. "Who the hell is making so much noise at nine in the morning?" I growled as I passed a clock on the second floor.

"Wait! Dracule!" I heard Perona call as I stood on the steps of the first floor staircase. I watched in surprise as Mr Mihawk and a man I recognized as the owner of the bar 'Puzzles', walked out of the kitchen and stopped near the front door.

Perona rushed out after them, dressed in only (as far as I could tell) a white bathrobe, and holding one of my swords at her side. She stepped close to Mihawk and peered intently at his face.

I furrowed my brow in confusion at his face. It was red and growing redder the closer my pink haired friend got to him.

"What do you want?" He asked, leaning his head back further from hers. Perona lean in further and I watched as Mihawk's face flushed even redder. I sat down on the steps and observed in satisfaction how her hair was slipping from her back over her shoulder, and how she pursed her lips slightly in a worried looking face...

I mentally slapped myself. God dammit brain! Last time means last time!

"Are you feeling ok?" She asked our PE teacher finally.

"I-I'm fine!" He assured her, moving his eyes around, looking anywhere but at her face. I noticed that his gaze lingered a little too long on the fluffy white bathrobe she was wearing, which was falling open.

I was about to stand and say something, when I noticed she was wearing pajamas underneath the fluffy fabric. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. Thank god she was wearing something underneath!

"You sure? Your face is pretty red..." She continued, pulling me from my thoughts. Perona stuck out her hand and pressed the back of it against Mihawk's forehead. "....And warm too. Also, you're usually less..... Emotional, than this. Are you sure you're ok?"

I watched the older man gulp, then gently pushed her hand away. "I said I'm fine!"

With that, he moved past her and out the door. I heard the redheaded bartender say that she could have the eggs and bacon, then he ran out after his friend, shouting the name 'Hawky' as he did so.

Perona sighed as they left, then went to hang her robe on a couch, as well as my sword.

"What was that all about?" I asked, finally making my way down the stairs.

She jumped and turned, then relaxed once she realized it was me. "Oh, Zoro. It's just you. Apparently some time in the middle of the night, Dracule and his friend showed up and crashed on the couches. According to the red haired guy--" "Shanks." I interrupted. "....Well, according to Shanks, he thought this was Dracule's house and he couldn't get him upstairs 'cuz he was already passed out."

I nodded thoughtfully, my eyes closed and my arms crossed.

"So," I started. "How long do you think until Luffy smells the food and wakes up?"

Perona smiled and counted down on her fingers. "Three, two, one...."


Luffy zipped past me first, Ace following not long after, with Lila clinging to his waist, trying to slow him down. Then came Kid and Law, arguing about something other than Lila for once.

"He was probably too embarrassed." I heard Law say as they walked past me. "That's why he didn't show."

Kid scoffed. "Wrong, bitch. I bet he wore one of those puffy cupcake ones that are supposed to show lots of cleavage, but since he doesn't have boobs he was crying at home all night because the dress wouldn't look right."

Law face palmed and slid his hand down his face. "I keep telling you, Sanji's not gay."

"I'd bet a thousand bucks he's totally flaming...."

I didn't hear the last part of that as the two rounded the corner into the kitchen, but it interested me, so I followed.

"Hey Perona, you coming?" I asked, turning to face her. My pink haired friend was staring out of an open window at something, a worried look on her face.


Nothing, she didn't even give a sign that she had heard me. I walked forward and touched her lightly on the shoulder. "Perona?" She jumped slightly at the sudden contact, and turned her head to face me.

I raised an eyebrow and looked out the window to see Mihawk and Shanks getting in a car and driving away.

"What're you looking at?" I asked.

The worried look reappeared and she turned back to look out the window.

"Zoro..." She muttered, still not looking at me. "I.... I think Mr Mihawk is sick....."

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