Chapter 8~ Short, Sort of Filler Chapter

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Zoro POV-

"May I please have Perona to the front office?"

The staticky voice of the lady in the office called from the intercom in Mr Three's room.

"She'll be right down." My math teacher replied.

I watched as Perona grabbed her stuff and left the room. The entire mass of girls in the class seemed relieved once she left. I scowled at them.

It had been a few weeks since Perona came to the school but still everyone bullied her. It wasn't as bad as when she first came, bit it was still pretty bad.

The seven of us (Luffy, Sanji, Law, Kid, Lila, Ace, and I) had made it an everyday thing, going to her house after school; and we'd all stay over on Fridays. It was a pretty fun thing and we all watched our friend slowly become more comfortable around us.

Her and me, we had become close.

Like, almost best friend type close.

I had a few classes with her, math being one. She had the seat in front of mine in most of them.

"Who are you going to homecoming with?" The annoying voice of one of the girls in the class whispered next to me, pulling me from my pink haired girl filled thoughts.

"I don't know!" Her friend whispered back.

I tuned them out as I started to doze off. Math was boring and so was our freaky teacher.

Oh... That's right... I thought as I drifted off.

I'm taking Perona to the dance tomorrow....

I smirked as I thought of something.

The shitty soccer player's gonna wear a dress.....!


Perona POV-

As I walked through the halls to get to the office, I noticed the posters all along the walls that advertised the homecoming dance.

'Around the World and Through Time' the theme was.

....I guess it was kind of cool....

I stepped into Doflamingo's office, only to find Mr Mihawk there as well as the principle and Crocodile.

"Ah good!" The principle said with a wide smile. "Perona, you're here! Please, have a seat!" I sat down in the chair across from his desk, Mr Mihawk standing next to me.

"So," Doflamingo started. "You're living in Dracule's house."

I smiled and giggled a little bit. "No, I think I'd know if one of the best vampires in existence were the owner of my house!"

To hell with Edward Cullen! Dracula's my man! And he doesn't freaking sparkle!!

Mihawk sighed exasperatedly. "Not Dracula, Dracule. That's my name. Dracule Mihawk." I stared up at him with wide eyes. "Seriously?!" He nodded his head.

My face broke out into an enormous grin. "Dude!! You have, like, the best name ever!!" I jumped up to hug him, but he pushed me away.

"Stop that. And don't call me dude."

After about a minute of this, I sighed and looked back to Doflamingo, who was looking at us and giggling slightly. Vice principle Crocodile just rolled his eyes.

"So.... What was the point behind this little meeting?" I asked.

The P shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "I don't know! Is it because its fun having you here?" Mihawk face palmed and Crocodile had the look of: 'I'm taking orders from this guy?' written all across his scarred face.

"I dunno!" I giggled in reply, giving the P my closed eyed smile. Oh yeah, he was definitely one of my favorite people.

"So why am I here?" My PE teacher asked in an annoyed tone, cutting into our giggle fest.

"Because we want you to routinely check up on her." The VP said in a serious tone, gesturing to me. I picked my head up off the desk and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't mind! Dracule is a pretty cool guy!" Doflamingo and I began to giggle again at the look on Mihawk's face.

A second later, he burst out into a full on laugh. I tried not to, I really did, but his laughter is just too damn contagious! In that instant, my life was over.

"Horo horo horo!" I laughed, then slapped my hands over my mouth, my eyes wide with shock.

The three men just stared at me. All the laughter had stopped ad the room was deathly quiet. I stood and grabbed my bag quickly.

"E-excuse me w-while I go away now, p-please..." I stuttered with my hand still covering my mouth. I turned and ran out of the room, embarrassment causing my cheeks to flame redder than Kid's hair.

"Perona?" A voice asked.

I looked up to find Ace walking towards Doflamingo's office.

I raised a shaky hand. "H-hello, Ace!"

He furrowed his brow and grabbed me by the shoulders. He peered down at my face, causing it to grow even redder. "What's up with you?" He asked finally, letting go of me.

I smiled slightly. "O-oh n-nothing! Just a l-little embarrassed, th-that's a-all!"

With that, I rushed past him and on to the rest of my day.

I got home and almost instantly plopped down onto my bed.

"Uuuuugggggg....." I groaned.

Lila came over and patted me on the back. It was just me and her today. Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji all had sports stuff to do, Ace had to wait around to drive Luffy home, Law was in the hospital (he wasn't sick or anything, he just likes being there for some odd reason), and Kid was stuck in detention for getting pissed off at someone and throwing a desk across the room, then threatening to burn the whole school down.

Mental note: Never piss off Kid.

"Oh come on." Lila said. "Your day couldn't have been that bad!"


She sighed, then a sly smile lit up her face.

"Soooo.....!" She started. "You're going to the dance with Zoro tomorrow!" With my head still in my covers, I nodded.

"We're going as friends." I told her. "Zoro only wants to go so he can make fun of Sanji." I sat up on the bed and Lila sat down on it next to me.

"Oh, don't be so sure about that!" She said with the smile still on her face.

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

She shrugged her shoulders and looked away from me. "Oh nothing~!"

I 'humpffed', crossed my arms, and smirked at her. "So who do you plan on taking? Kid or Law?" I watched in satisfaction as my friend went rigid.


"Kid or Law? Who are you going with?"


" T_T... You can't go with both."

"I can too! Just watch!" With that, she grabbed her stuff and ran out the door.

After about a minute or two, I heard the sound of my car starting. "Oh, she better not have...!" I said, running to the window. There, driving down the street, was Lila driving my car.

"Dammit Lila!!" I shouted down at her, bit she was already gone.

I sighed and slumped back onto my bed.

Great. Now I'll have to call someone to pick me up tomorrow. After a few minutes, I shrugged to myself.

"Eh. I'll just skip and call someone to pick me up for the dance."

I smiled at my decision and felt a nap coming on.

Tomorrow was going to be a good day!

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now