Chapter 22~ Home Again

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Third POV~

Perona's eyes widened.

"He's... W-What?"

Abselom grunted and slid to the floor. "Father's dying... He wants you three home..."

Bartolomeo growled and moved to grab the seventeen year old by the collar.

"Why the hell would that bastard want us back if he's just gonna keel over?" He snarled, pushing the blonde up against the wall. "He'd be lucky if I didn't finish him myself!"

Abselom gritted his teeth in pain and grabbed at his assailant's hands, trying to ease the pressure being put on his chest and throat.

"Father's... Choosing a... Successor...!" He grunted, noticing that his feet were no longer in contact with the floor.

"It's not just you three...! He's summoned... everyone... who's ever been... in the family...!"

He gasped as Bartolomeo pushed him even further into the wall, cutting off his air supply even further and causing more pain.

Abselom's eyes once more caught on the petite pinkette and he struggled a bit to look down at her.

"Especially... you!" He gave a strangled cry. "F-Father... Wants you...! You're... In the top rankings... Perona...!"

As his eyes began to roll back into his skull, Bartolomeo cursed and released him.

Abselom collapsed to the floor with a gasp and held his throat as he wheezed.

Perona's eyes were wide as she stared at the boy that was once her friend.

"Why does Father want... Me?" She breathed in shock.

Abselom shook his head. "I don't know... All I know is that... everyone is liable for the position, but... there are eight he... truly has his eyes on... and you're one of them... Perona..."

Cavendish stood from his seat on Perona's bed at this and stalked towards the blonde teen.

"None of us are going back to that hell hole!" He snarled menacingly, but his advance was held back by Bartolomeo, who had been deep in thought a moment ago.

"Hang on." The green haired man whispered to the ear his partner, sending shivers down the blonde's spine. "Think of it this way; we have a chance to kill the bastard before he choses a successor. We do that and the family'll spiral into chaos."

Slowly, Cavendish nodded, noticing the sense in Bartolomeo's plan.

Perona in the other hand was way ahead of them.

"Fine." She said curtly to the bleeding teen on her floor. "I'll participate. Just tell me what to do."

Abselom gave a tiny smirk and looked the pinkette up and down. "You're... gonna need a dress, heels... and is there any way to get that cast off?"


After the family members had been woken from their unconsciousness, Perona, Bartolomeo, and Cavendish were hurried into a car and driven out of the city and towards the one that held the family's house at its outskirts.

But, unbeknownst to them, they were being followed.


Perona's breathing was shaky as the car neared the house and her knuckles were white as she gripped the hem of her black dress tightly, barely noticing the pistol she had hidden digging into her thigh.

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now