Chapter 6~ The Ice Cream Trip

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Zoro POV-

With a slight grunt, Perona opened the window and turned back to me. She smiled wide and held out her hand.

"Care to get out of here?" She asked in a sort of mischievous voice.

I snickered and walked over. "Why not?" We were on the third floor so there had to be a tree there, right?

Sure enough, she grabbed my hand and helped me climb out of the smallish opening and onto the thick branch of a tall oak tree. She climbed down from branch to branch nimbly, like a little pink cat.

"You do this often?" I huffed as I tried to unsuccessfully make my way to the branch she had told me was safe.

"Yup!" She said with a smile as she grabbed my arm to help steady me. "Sometimes trees are the only way to get out of an abusive household! Especially when they try to lock the windows and doors!"

As I raised my eyebrows at her in surprise, I felt my grip on the rough bark slip and I fell to the grass below with a shout and a *thud*.

"Oh my god!" I heard her say. A second later, she was sitting next to me and poking me in the cheek. "You ok?" She asked softly. I huffed and coughed and waved her hand away.

The force of the fall had knocked the wind out of me.

"Fine..." I huffed. "I'm fine."

She breathed out a sigh of relief and helped me to stand.

"So what do you wanna do now?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and looking around.

"We could go back inside." I offered. She put a finger to her lips and looked up at the blue sky. "....Or," she said after a little bit of thinking. She looked back up at me and smiled. "We could go get ice cream!"

I shrugged. "Ice cream sounds good."

She did a closed eyed smile and clapped her hands together happily. "Yay! Ice cream!"

"You wanna walk or drive?" she asked once she settled down. I shrugged again. "It's a nice day out, so why not walk?" She nodded happily and with that, we walked around her house and to her car.

She took a ten dollar bill from her glove compartment and we were on our way.


Perona POV-

After walking for about a half an hour, I saw the ice cream shop on the other side of the street.

"There it is!" I said, tugging on his sleeve and pointing. "Come on!" Without even a thought, I (being the total idiot that I am) ran forward and out onto the street.

"PERONA!!" I heard Zoro shout. I looked back at him.


A second later, a green blur flew at me and knocked me down on the other side of the street an instant before a truck ran over the stretch of road I had been so recently standing in.

I gasped and coughed and wheezed and looked up at Zoro, who's face was just a mere few inches from mine.

"Are you crazy?!" He shouted down at me. "You almost got hit by a truck!!"

By now, people were starting to stare. I heard a few phones snap and the sounds of videos ending.

"You felt like a truck, stupid!" I groaned. "Geez! I think you broke my lung bone!" I watched as his expression changed from anger and worry, to stern amusement.

He chuckled a little bit and I felt his warm breath hit my cheek. "You don't have a lung bone, idiot."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha. Very funny. Now can you please get up? People are taking pictures."

He looked up for the first time and I saw surprise on his features, as if he had only just realized there were other people around. He got up quickly and then helped me.

I grabbed his shoulder and, clutching my stomach, doubled over in a coughing fit. Zoro helped a little by rubbing circles on my back.

"And now you know how it feels to be a football player." He told me while I hugged my ribs in pain.

"I'm never ever ever joining a sport." I groaned as I straitened up. Zoro laughed and we walked into the shocked ice cream shop.


Zoro POV-

I helped Perona walk into the ice cream shop and could practically feel everyone inside staring at us.

I paid no attention to them and sat my pink haired friend in a two person booth.

"My bones are glass!" She complained as she plopped into the seat. I chuckled and poked her in the head. "Yeah, and your brain is jello."

She scowled cutely and waved my hand away.


"Just get the freakin ice cream man..." She trailed off into a yawn and I furrowed my brow in concern as I turned to go to the register.

I thought I had protected her head, but is it possible that she got a concussion?

"Sir..." The scrawny kid behind the counter started. I stuck out a finger and turned to Perona. "What flavor?" I called. "Plain vanilla." She replied, holding back another yawn. I turned back to the kid.

"One vanilla and one chocolate vanilla swirl."

He nodded nervously. "Sir?" He asked again.


"I called 911 when I saw what happened. I-Is your girlfriend alright?"

I raised an eyebrow at this. "She's not my girlfriend, but thanks man. I think she might have hit her head..." We both looked back to Perona who was yawning again.

He nodded again and got us our ice cream. I tried to give him the money, but he refused it, saying that it was on the house. I shrugged and walked back to my friend.

"It's on the house apparently." I told her. She smirked. "Well, I guess I should almost get run over more often." She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me.

I didn't even get to lick my ice cream before I heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights outside the place.

"What's going on?" Perona asked as men in medic suits walked into the place and over to us.

"Someone called 911." I said simply as they reached out table. They had us move into the ambulance truck, taking more care of Perona then me.

I could understand that. She was small and delicate looking. Thinking back, she felt delicate too. When I pulled her out of the way of the truck, for a moment, I was more scared of accidentally crushing her then anything else.

The medic guys checked our eyes and limbs and heads, and anything else they could, before telling me I was fine and declaring that Perona had a slight concussion, but nothing hospital level serious.

After that, they drove us back to Perona's house.

That was ok, considering that now our ice cream wouldn't melt on the way over.

The ambulance dropped us off and we went to the door, where I rang the doorbell. We just stood there in silence, staring at the door and licking our ice cream.

About a minute later, the door opened and we were greeted by everyone.

"Hiya!" Perona said with a cute smile.

Huh? What the....?

"What the hell?!" Lila asked, clearly in shock. Obviously she hadn't realized that we snuck out. She was probably trying to listen in on a conversation that was never going on while we were away.

Perona licked her ice cream. "We went to get ice cream!" I nodded in confirmation and licked my own. Wait, why did I get chocolate vanilla swirl? Chocolate's my favorite, so why didn't I get that?

"We want ice cream!!!" Luffy and Ace whined. My pink headed friend giggled a little bit. "To late!" She told them.

With that, we both walked inside and past the group, to the basement. "I hear you found the karaoke machine." Perona called over her shoulder. "Well come on! Lets go play it!"

She looked up at me and smiled as everyone began to follow us.

"Thanks Zoro." She said in a hushed tone, her dark eyelashes framing her sometimes pink sometimes blueish eyes. I smiled back and patted her on the head.

"No problem." I replied. "What else are friends for?"



Yes this is was just a filler/fluff chapter about their little outing. Don't sue me because I've forgotten to say I don't own one piece before now!!

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