Chapter 15~ A Serise of... Unfavorable Events

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Perona POV~

I slapped my hands over my eyes as Dracule rushed upstairs.

My face was burning and I'm pretty sure my cheeks were going to be stained red for all eternity after this.

"Did you see that?!" Lila asked me as Kid set me down on the mahogany leather couch, bumping my foot a little in the process and making me cringe in pain.

"Mihawk is totally hot!" My friend continued, plopping down next to me.

Kid and Law both raised their eyebrows at this and glared down at her slightly. Lila sweat dropped and smiled nervously, shaking her hands out in front of her. "I-in a totally not hot way, of course! Ha ha ha...."

I heard a yawn and looked over to see Ace staring down at his phone.

"Hey, I gotta go." He said, standing. "Marco and the guys are going to Denny's and asked me to join."

Luffy's eyes lit up instantly. "Can I go too?!"

I giggled slightly at his antics, and when Ace finally gave in, he jumped up and spread his arms out wide, as if they were made of rubber.

"Bye Mihawk!" My energetic friend shouted as the brothers ran out the door. I froze as the thumping of feet coming down the stairs hit my ears. My face began to heat up and I squeezed my eyes shut in fear of making eye contact with my PE teacher.

After about a minute, a soft, slightly Spanish accented voice came from in front of me.

"Perona... What happened to your foot?"

I peeked through my fingers just the tiniest bit and found Dracule kneeling in front of me with a concerned look on his face. He was still in his light gray sweatpants, but a white muscle shirt had been thrown over his rather muscular torso. It didn't do much though, seeing as it clung to his body tightly.

I closed my eyes again as my face began to burn crimson. Fighting down the blush, I took a deep breath and started talking.

"L-Luffy and A-Ace don't know t-this, but w-when y-you were a-absent, Mr D-Doflamingo h-had N-Nami, Vivi, and C-Camie w-watch the class...."


~flashback to Wednesday, PE class~

I whimpered as Zoro, Luffy, and I all walked into the gym. I involuntarily clung to my best friend's shirt and squeezed his arm as my three nightmare torturers came into view.

Zoro pulled me into a hug and I whimpered into his torso, clenching my eyes shut as tight as I could, wishing I could be anywhere but there.

"Hey..." He muttered, leaning down and resting his forehead on the top of my own pink head. "I talked to them earlier. I promise they won't pick on you today, ok?"

Ever so slowly, I nodded my head yes and we made our way into the now normal line. Zoro and I seperated the girls and boys side. His hand grabbed mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze before dropping.

"Hey guys!" Nami exclaimed excitedly after we finished warm ups. "So, today we're going to do something a little different than usual!"

I heard almost everyone groan and sigh in disappointment around me. Yup, I was their favorite past time these past few days.

"Instead of us picking people to cheer with, you all will!" Vivi explained. "Woohoo! Isn't that super?!"

"TOTALLY SUPER!!" One dude, Franky I think his name was, shouted, pressing his forearms together over his head and striking a pose.

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now