Chapter 13~ What's Up With Sanji? And Where's Mihawk?

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Perona POV-

P: Hey

S: .......

S: Hi

P: U coming 2 school 2day? Haven't seen u in 4ever.

S: ..... No

P: No? U feelin ok?

S: Idk.... Dealin w/ some personal stuff...

P: Like wut?

S: .......

S: Promise u won't tell any1?

P: Promise

S: .......

S: 'member when Zoro dared me to wear a dress?

P: Yeah....?

S: ...... Didn't feel that bad.....

P: ........

P: o.O srsly?!


P: I won't! I won't!

P: .........

P: So wut do I say when every1 asks where u r?

S: Just say I'm sick or somethin

P: U sure?

S: Yeah

P: K. C u soon?

S: Sure. C ya

P: Bye

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. So that's why we haven't seen Sanji lately!

"Hey, Perona!" I looked over to find Luffy running over to me from down the hall, followed by Zoro. I was making my way to PE. They caught up a few seconds later and Luffy wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Any news on Sanji?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He's sick. Something about a stomach virus going around where he works?"

Luffy nodded and Zoro snorted in amusement. "Serves him right for being such a pervert!" He laughed. I nodded slowly. "Yeah..... Sure..."

The three of us parted ways to change into our gym clothes, then regrouped at the bleachers.

I still sat on the boy's side (the girls were still shunning me), but the only people who would sit by me now were Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper..... Occasionally....

"Hey guys! Did you hear?" Chopper squeaked as he sat down with us. I smiled when he sat near me. Chopper was a cute kid. He was a freshman, but he looked like he was a 6th grader.

"Hear what?" Luffy asked, shoving a Twinkie in his mouth. I giggled and poked him in the cheek. "How are you not, like, three hundred pounds by now?"

Chopper giggled at the pout he gave me. "Hear what?" Zoro asked, trying to stay on topic.

"Mr Mihawk's not here today! We have a sub!"

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "But Mihawk's always here."

He nodded enthusiastically. "I know, right! I heard this is the first time he's been absent for as long as he's been teaching here!" He giggled once more before running off to share the news.

A few minutes passed before we found out who our substitutes were. Yes, substitutes. As in plural. As in the three girls who probably hated me the most.

"Hey everybody!" Nami cheered happily, standing in front of the class where Dracule usually would.

"Our wonderful principle, Mr Doflamingo, has given us permission to sub the class today!" Vivi added.

"So get ready for some fun and exercise, you guys!" Finished Camie.

I groaned and Luffy and Zoro looked at me questioningly. "This is it." I muttered. "My life is over."

The three cheerleaders scanned the class and I thought I saw their smiles grow slightly evil when they locked gazes with me. "Ok!" Camie exclaimed after a few seconds. "Can we have everyone on the floor and in a strait line, please?"

We all did what they said, but I made sure to hide behind Zoro, seeing how he was pretty tall.

Vivi stepped forward now. "I want all the guys to do jumping jacks, and all the girls to do stretches!" We did. "Now reverse it!" We did.

Nami smirked evilly and stepped forward as Vivi moved back. "Now, we want all the girls with pink hair to step forward!"

I whimpered and shrunk further behind Zoro more than I already had.

The ginger cheerleader glared at me, a cold smile still on her features. "I said, all the pink haired girls, step forward." I refused to move, but stumbled forward when someone pushed me from behind.

I watched as Camie and almost everyone else laughed as the green haired cheerleader moved back to her spot.

"Perona, here, is a fine example of good physical fitness!" Nami told everyone, turning me to face them and resting her hands on my shoulders.

"N-no, I-I'm r-really not." I stuttered, shaking my head.

She smiled a closed eyed smile and clapped me on the shoulders. "Sure you are! Now, everyone! Do you all want to see Perona do some awesome cheers with us?"

Everyone save Zoro cheered. Even Luffy and Chopper, being the innocent boys they were, were cheering.

"P-please no." I stuttered as they started to pick me up. Zoro stepped forward.

"Hey! If she doesn't want to do it, she doesn't have to!" He shouted at them. Thank you Zoro! Everyone fell silent and stared at him. "Zoro." Vivi started, her voice dark. "Go to the front office."

He furrowed his brow and took a step back. "What?"

"You heard her." Camie said, her voice equally dark. "Go to the front office. You are disrupting class."

Luffy jumped up. "If Zoro's going, I'm going!"

No! Please Luffy! Don't go!

Nami's cold smile faltered for a second and I thought I saw a light dusting of pink on her cheeks as Luffy looked at her. She cleared her throat. "F-Fine then. Luffy, you can go with Zoro."

Vivi and Camie shared knowing looks as my two friends passed us and left the gym, Zoro doing so hesitantly.

I squeezed my eyes shut in fear as the three girls lifted me onto their shoulders.

Dracule, please come back to school soon!


~flashback to Sunday, the day before~

Third person POV-

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*



"Doflamingo, it's Mihawk."

-"Ah! Dracule! So good to hear from you! So, what's up?"-

"I..... I'm calling in sick tomorrow."

-"Really?! I'm surprised! You haven't called in sick since.... Well, ever, actually! Not even when you were actually sick!"-

"Yes, well I'm using my sick days now."

-"Dracule. What's wrong? I mean really. And don't lie to me, or you're fired."-

The PE teacher pulled the cellphone phone away from his face and stared down at with furrowed brows. The seriousness in his employer's voice was almost disturbing. How did he figure something was really wrong?


The teacher shook the thoughts from his head and pressed the phone to his ear again.

"I.... I find the situation inappropriate to think about, let alone talk of to my employer."

-"You've become attracted to a student, haven't you?"-

Mihawk pulled the phone away from his face again and stared down at it in shock before returning it to his ear once more.


-"Dracule, throughout all my years since opening the school, I've had this conversation with almost two thirds of the teachers. Why, it's even happened to me before."-

The teacher raised an eyebrow.

"Who was it for you?"

In a slightly dreamy voice, the principal replied: -"That senior, Trafalger Law."-

For the final time, the teacher pulled the phone away, stared at it, then returned it to its original position.

-"The point is; it happens to every teacher at some point or another. So, yes, I'll allow you to take some time off to recompose yourself, but I want you gone for no more than three days. Got it?"-

Even though the principle couldn't see it, the teacher nodded. "I understand. Thank you sir."

A faint voice from the back grown caught the teacher's attention and he strained his ears to listen.

-"You keep the wine in your basement, right Don?"-

The voice was so familiar. Who was with Doflamingo? Mihawk had called his employer's home number, and it was nine at night...

The principle chuckled slightly on the other end of the line and threw his head back away from the phone. "Yes, Cro!" He reset the home phone against his ear and began to giggle suggestively.

"Listen, Mihawk.... I gotta go. Hope those feelings clear up soon!" He leaned his head back once more- "Don't start the fun without me!" -and hung the phone up.

The blonde man ran down his halls and latched onto the back of Crocodile as the raven haired man was walking to his employer's room, a bottle of wine in each hand.

"Who was on the phone?" He wondered.

"Mihawk. Something about having feelings for a student."

The Vice Principal raised an eyebrow. "Which student?"

The principal pouted. "He didn't say, but my best guess...."

The two both looked at each other and said the name simultaneously. "Perona."

Meanwhile, a rather shocked PE teacher was siting at a bar and staring at his cellphone. Doflamingo and Crocodile? He wondered. Huh..... I never would have guessed. Crocodile always seemed so..... Straight.

"So," Shanks started, pulling him from his thoughts. "You got everything sorted out?"

Mihawk nodded and the redhead behind the bar grinned. "Then get ready to drown your sorrows in three whole days of beer!"

He handed his best friend a bottle and grabbed one himself. Upon opening them, they tapped the edges of the glass bottles together and began to chug them down.

I have to forget... The teacher kept telling himself.

I have to forget....

My One Piece Highschool {a Perona fanfiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now