Chapter 3

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Leo's bed was unbearably uncomfortable. Tight jabs of springs pressed against his back, and arm. It hurt, and the blankets were thin, with the cotton clinging so much together, that it wasn't fluffy anymore. Leo made up for it, though.

His thick curls draped slightly over his forehead, and lips only slightly agape. It was dark now, with shadows dancing on the walls. Percy didn't live in a neighbourhood like this, there were no people smoking outside, or cars racing down the streets. There was nothing like that around there. It was a clean, nearly-no-crime street. His bed was comfy, and his blankets were nice. Leo's face while sleeping Wa something of heaven. Relaxed, and turmoil dispersed from his features. Thick eyelashes pressed against skin. He was still wearing the clothes from earlier. That army jacket, and black sleeveless shirt with jeans. The bandanna he wore before had long since disappeared to the floor.

The Latino boy shifted, eyes opening. He wrinkled his button nose. "Don't stare at me, weirdo. Jesus, Fuck off, Jasckson."

Percy snorted. Leo was so normally kind hearted and respecting. "You're grouchy."

Leo sat up, and grinned. "I said shut up." He pushed Percys head into the mattress. Percy laughed and pushed him back.

"So should we go do something?" Percy asked.

Leo shrugged, his jacket already slipping from his shoulders. "I would think that you would be needing to get back home? It's like ten o'clock, and you said your curfew was suppose to be eight."

"I texted my mom while you were asleep." He sat up as well. "I told her that I wouldn't be home tonight."

"Oh, okay." Leo looked a little elated. "So, I don't know, what do you want to do?"

Percy felt a little embarrassed about texting his mom, but not being totally sure.

Percy took note of the room again. Seeing this, made him feel bad for ever feeling sorry for himself. Whenever Gabe would go on some ragefest, where he would beat Percy, and Mom, he would lock himself in his room with mom and lay on a comfy bed, with pastel green walls. There were no nicks in his wall unlike Leo's, his dresser looked brand new, while Leo's was wearing down, with the glaze of wax nearly all the way off. Percy, despite what one may think, was well aware of the situation in his house. While Leo may not have the nicest things, neither did a lot of people. He couldn't help being angry that Leo would give his therapist such a hard time, and only having two foster parents that fought. Then again, Percy gave his therapist a hard time as well, and admittedly, the rage fests that happen sometimes are usually only once a month, which he thinks is manageable. Even with this conclusion, his mind had to remind himself that Leo was in a foster home, so the ones before might not have been very good. These thought plagued his mind and confused him to no end.

He scanned the walls, while Leo,tuned the radio, til he had to turn around to see another. This one had red pins sunk deep into the plaster, and pictures of random people on the wall. A string was wrapped around some of these pins, going to other pictures. Some of these pictures were scribbled out, as if to show it was not right. "What's all that?" Percy pointed to it, and Leo frowned.

"That's nothing."

"Very nice nothing, but it doesn't look like that." Leo sighed and shook his head.

"Really?I think it's the best kind of nothing." 

Percy rolled his eyes. They could go on with this ridiculously sassy banter, or Leo could tell him. One of the two. "Please tell me what it is."

Leo smirked. "I just said, Percy, keep up. Its-"

"Leo." The aforementioned boy frowned at the seriousness Percy was portraying. Then he seemed to build an internal wall.

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