Chapter Sixteen

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"Percy, this van is actually horrible." he pushed out his hand, "Wrench." and continued to work.

"Mom just said it wouldn't start. I'm sorry." he stood next to him, looking at the car parts with confusion. "And I know you probably have just as much of an idea on what to do as me. I really hope that we don't have to take it into an actual shop, Smelly Gabe always gets really passed when something goes wrong."

Leo looked at him. His black hair, his green eyes. Pale, unmarked skin except for a small bruise on his chin from Gabe. He was taller than Leo, just a bit. Which was pretty unsurprising. He was wearing a turquoise shirt that brought out his eyes.

Leo stood a little taller, and lifted his feet so that he was on his toes. Leo kissed him, right on his lips. "I've got it, Percy."

Percy looked down at him, his lips tugged at a smile. "Yeah, okay."

Leo looked away, smiling a little, but trying not to for some reason. He popped down the hood. "How about you try starting it. Percy nodded, and got in the car.

Leo heard a revving, but it didn't sound like it was working quite yet. Then Percy tried again, and it did.

"Leo! You're a miracle!"

Leo felt heat rise to his cheeks, letting that smile unfurl on his lips. "Don't you mean I'm a miracle worker, Perce?"

Percy got out of the car and walked over. Leo had his arms folded as he leaned against the car. "Did I fucking stutter?"

"Jesus, you're such a dork." Leo laughed.

"Nerd." Percy pushed his face into Leo's shoulder.

Leo hummed in satisfaction. He was happy. Finally. Out of all the drugs, and people, and everything else in the world, this was what made him want to live his life. His arms around Percy's neck, and his hand on his waist as they intertwined. "I love you." he muttered.

Percy chuckled a little, and Leo could feel his warm breath on his neck. "I love you too, Leo Valdez." he tilted his head and caught Leo's lips.

I love you. He thought as he deepened the kiss. Don't leave me, I need you. His heart was beating fast. Percy's kisses did something to him. Something that no one else could do.

"I love you." Percy whispered, as he held Leo's waist, and kissed him again, catching his lips once more.

Leo pushed his hands into Percy's hair. His lips were warm, and a little salty. His mouth tasted like something he couldn't describe. He felt saliva on the edge of his mouth, but he didn't care. He was here, he was alive, and for once he was glad he was.

Percy got Leo onto the hood of the car, his legs still hanging off, and his heart pounding. Percy kissed his neck, then bit him softly, making a shiver race through his body. "Percy..." he breathed.

Percy sucked and kissed. "I love you." he caught Leo's lips again, and bit his bottom lip. Leo tugged on his hair. He felt Percy squeezing on his thigh. He put a hand on the hood of the car to brace himself.

"I love-" he smashed his lips to Leo's again, and pressed his hand a little under his shirt. He felt Percy touch him just under his clothes, the heat trickling across his body. He took off Leo's jacket for him, and Leo grabbed his shirt, and shoved their lips together. Percy's mouth was warm and their bodies moving together made Leo lose his mind. Percy bit his lip again, pulling Leo closer almost desperately. He kissed Leo's jawline, then his neck, sucking lower to his collarbone. He found just the right spot, and sucked there, as he touched Leo's chest. "Percy..."

His other hand squeezed on Leo's thigh again, higher. "No, Percy." Percy removed his hand, and kissed his neck again. "Stop." Leo muttered.

"Okay, okay." he breathed against Leo's lips.

Then they locked eyes. Leo was breathing hard, and his cheeks were flushed. He smirked. "Got a little excited there, Jackson."

Percy laid his head on Leo's shoulder again, smiling. "Shut up, Valdez."

Leo traced lines on Percy's back. A gust of wind blew into the garage. It was a friend of Leo's place, that was closed, but said Leo could use. The floors we concrete and the AC was always on high.

"Its freezing." Leo mentioned.

"You seemed pretty warm a second ago."

Leo's face got even hotter. The tips of his ears burned. "Fuck you, Jackson."

"It'll happen one day." Percy nuzzle his nose into Leo's curls, and messed with he bouncy coils.
Leo looked up at him, a snarky grin on his face. "In your dreams."

Percy smirked, sassy as ever. "Im getting closer and closer everyday day, Valdez."

Leo giggled quietly. "Yeah, okay."



"Leo Valdez!" Calypso laughed. "What is that, on your neck?!"

Piper grabbed him by the collar, and inspected the hickey closely.

"Ooh, Leo's getting it." Jason taunted.

"Shut up!" Leo blushed massively. "Geez, we didn't even like... Uh."

"Ew, Valdez, I Dont want to hear about your sex life." Calypso wrinkled her nose. Reyna narrowed her eyes.

She eyed Leo. "Just remember to be safe."

"Reyna!" Leo whined. "And Calypso, short hair isn't exactly helping to cover anything on your jaw."

Calypso shrugged. "Its not that short."

"Thats not the point, Sunshine."

Reyna shot him an ice cold glare. Leo swallowed hard.

"Let him be." Nico intervened before Reyna could kill him with a look. She scared Leo shitless, with her sharp makeup, and her dominating personality. She was awesome.

"Don't worry, I'm gay, Rey." he jumped onto the counter and popped a cigarette in his mouth.

"Oh, no." Reyna snatched it from his lips.

"What?! But I always smoke in here."

She glared at Calypso and Nico. "Not anymore, you don't." Nico flipped her off. Calypso stuck out her tongue.

Leo shrugged. "Does your boyfriend know you do that shit?" she asked.

"Yeah," he shifted uncomfortably. "He's not exactly cool with it."

Calypso watched Reyna as she gave it back to him. "You should listen to him."

"My life, my choice." he put it back and swung his feet.

"Ooh, Leo Valdez is sooooo hardcore, right?" Piper teased.

He laid down in the counter, putting his hands behind his head. His heart was still thumping from Percy's touches. "Guys, I just love him so much."

Tell me what you think! A lot of stuff is happening right now, I'm moving out, (more like being kicked out, but hella.) I have a fuck ton of art projects, and don't eve, get me started on my love life. Things are crazy. It all works out in the end, but yeah. Its just a lot, okay? Bear with me.

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