Chapter 21

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Nico let his head rest on his hand as he propped his feet on top of Percy's seat. "How much longer?" He grumbled.

"About two more hours." Percy said over his shoulders.

Nico sighed distastefully, slumping in his seat further. He looked over at Leo, who was sound asleep against the window. His mouth was slightly agape and his curls were splayed against his seat. His long eyelashes pressed against his cheeks. His clothes were messed up and he had something on his lip. Probably food from one of the gas stations, and Nico felt a strong obligation to wipe it away.

So he did. He moved from his seat, to his knees on the ground of the van. He leaned over and picked it away. As he suspected it was a piece of granola.

"Hey, Nico I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, but could you sit back in your seat?"

Nico felt his heart beat a little faster in his chest when he looked at Leo. He shut that part of his brain away. His heart broke a little, knowing that Leo would never love him back. It was okay, though. Slowly but surely he was getting over him. He sat back into his seat.

He looked at Percy. He was driving with his hands on the wheels, eyes looking tired. "Hey, Percy." He inquired.

Percy made another turn. "Yes?" He looked nervous, as if the very ideology of speaking to Nico was rather bothersome.

It kind of irritated him. He knew he was rude, but Nico wasn't a mean person. He guessed he'd apologize anyways since he'd gotten this far. "I'm sorry for being a dick to you."

Percy opens his mouth, and before he can speak, Nico quickly adds, "But that doesn't mean I like you." His eyes trailed across the floor of the van, he pushed his leg back onto Percy's seat, and nudged the guy's head. "You still gotta prove yourself. You're dating my best friend, I wont stand for some hit it and quit it bullshit, got it?" although the words themselves sounded nice enough, along with Nico's glare, that he was sure Percy could feel, and the snapping laced in his lips, it was anything but friendly.

He could see Percy's Adams apple bob as he swallowed hard. "Yeah, don't worry about it."

Nico crossed his legs on the seat. "Don't break his heart. He's really in love with you;"-(as much as it pained him to say it.)-"and you're not allowed to break his heart."

Percy answered without missing a beat. "I won't. I could never break his heart. Nico, I love him more than anything. You have no idea."

Nico had some idea. Quite a bit unfortunately. "Good." he snapped bitterly.

Percy smiled nonchalantly. "I know your sister, ya know? We went to school together. She was a sophomore."

"Bianca?" Nico asked as his mouth went dry, and his feet hit the floor.

Percy laughed. "Ah, Hazel."

Nico's heart dropped to the floor. "Yeah, of course." What was he thinking? Of course he had meant Hazel. He just hoped Percy had known Bianca, but he hadn't. Obviously.

"You have another sister?"

"No." Nico said immediately, his teeth grit. "She's gone."

Percy just chuckled lightheartedly. "People don't just disappear."

Nico ground his teeth together. This guy was really pushing some boundaries here. "Bianca isn't alive anymore." Nico stated, and although he did everything in his power to prevent it, he could hear just how broken he said it.

"Oh, Nico I'm so sorry. When did it happen if you don't mind me asking."

Nico wanted to jump right out of the car. "A year and a half ago."

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