chapter twenty-four

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He felt Percy trace his fingers against Leo's back. "I'm sorry I was so mad. Like, I just started getting angry and then I couldn't control it." he padded his fingers against the bandages and winced.

Percy just wrapped his arms around Leo from behind, warming him to the bone. The smaller boy made a noise in the back of his throat in approval. "Its okay, I know you were just mad, and I can understand that. Honestly, it was a little scary, but kind of really hot."

Leo breathed in Percy's ocean scent. His hair was wet from the shower. "You dork. Me being mad isn't supposed to be hot."

Percy laughed lightly, his arms still on Leo's shoulders. "I know." he kissed the back Leo's neck. "But your hair was in your face, and you yelled and let yourself out. It pained me to see you in so much pain, but seeing you, beautiful Leo Valdez. Just snap. Its kind of beautiful. Because you didn't care that your hair was in your face. You didn't care that the neighbors would hear you. You just looked so strong and so... You. It was amazing."

Leo turned around in Percy's arms and snuggled into his damp, pale shoulder. "I'll be happy to know that you didn't think I was being overdramatic."

"Of course you weren't."

Leo shifted so his legs were on either side of Percy. "Thanks for thinking that." he pushed his face into the crook of Percy's neck. "I have a sister." he mentioned out of the blue.

"Yeah, and she knows we're dating." Percy traced lines up and down Leo's back.

He pulled away a little to look Percy in his eyes. "How?! I was so careful." his heart dropped. "I just wanted to make sure she liked us."

"She's fine with it. And she really wants you to like her." Percy kissed Leo's lips quickly and smiled. "Its going to be fine."

Leo wrapped his arms around Percy's neck and kissed him. About a month ago, doing something like this was unthinkable. The simple action of lips upon lips, and their bodies being this close was almost too good to be true.

Percy rested his head on Leo's clothed chest. Leo put his face in Percy's damp hair and breathed him in. "I love you." Percy mumbled.

Leo kneaded his hands in black locks. "I love you too." he looked at the position they were in for a second. "How come I'm always the one sitting on your lap?"

Percy traced fingers on Leo's shoulders and back, making goosebumps rise. "Well, you're smaller than me, and I daresay I'm the dominant one in this relationship."

Leo felt Percy's lips press to his neck, sucking softly. He shivered. "Well, that's logical. But Piper says I'm the girl in the relationship. I don't want there to be a girl in the relationship. That's why I'm gay."

Percy tilted his head to get Leo's neck better, but pulled away momentarily to speak. "Piper can shut her Damn mouth. You're not the girl in the relationship. No one is."

Percy bit him softly, making Leo let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, okay." he swallowed hard and tucked his face back into Percy's hair. "It just bothers me a little bit."

"I know. But its okay. You're going to have people like that." Percy pressed their foreheads together. "Ari seems really cool. How are you taking it?"

Leo shifted uncomfortably, taking Percy's hands in his own. "Well, its difficult. I didn't even know i had a sister until this morning. And I can understand why Hephaestus left. That doesn't mean I dislike it any less than before."

"I get that. Will you ever forgive him?"

Leo shrugged. "Probably, but it'll take some time."

"Good." Percy kissed him again. Leo tilted his head, and tugged at his hair.

Leo pulled away. "I need to take a shower."

Percy snorted. "Can I come?"

"Perv." he pushed Percy away, and stood up.

He made his way into the bathroom, just as Ari was drying off, wrapping a towel around her chest. Her hair was wet, and it dripped a little onto her shoulders. "You taking a shower?" she asked him.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Obviously." he fidgeted. This was his sister. Arianna Cope. "How was it? Like when you met Hephaestus."

She shrugged, turning away towards the bathroom, and putting on a shirt. Leo blanched and covered his eyes. "I reacted a lot like you." she said as he heard the slapping of elastic against skin. "I got really mad and yelled at him a lot." he felt a hand on his own. "Also, a body is just a body. Nudity is nothing to be ashamed about. And you're gay anyways."

Leo laughed a little. "Percy told you?" she nodded.

"I'm ace." she waved her hand, and leant against the door. "Don't tell dad that you're into guys, though, okay? You should have seen his face when I told him I wasn't straight." obviously she wasn't happy about the reaction. She wrinkled her nose and let out a sharp breath. "Apparently he says he's okay with it, but it makes him uncomfortable.

Leo felt a little disappointed in that.

She looked up at him, with brown sparkling eyes, full of hope. "You meant what you said, right? You're going to take me in once you turn sixteen?"

"Absolutely." he said, never skipping a beat. He wished wholeheartedly for that. In the past twenty-four hours of knowing his little sister, he realized how cool she was, and he desperately wanted to learn more about her. He'd been deprived of her existence for so many years. Even if he hadn't known she existed, as soon as he found out she was his sister, he had to know more. "As soon as I turn sixteen, I'm getting emancipated. I'm getting an apartment. You, me, and I haven't discussed it with Percy yet, but I want to live in it with all of you." he took her hand and grinned, proud and wide. "Would you be okay with that?"

She wrapped her arms around him. "Yes! Thank you!"

He felt her body pressed against his own. If everything goes correctly, than he's going to have his own family. Him, his boyfriend, and his little sister. "No problem." she pressed her face into his shirt. He clung to the cloth on her back.

She pulled away and shook her head. "Thank you for being here. Finally. I don't feel alone anymore."

"I love it. I've gotta take a shower." he ruffled her hair, her wet curls bouncing, and she laughed.


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