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"Leo!" Percy yelled. He caught Leo's wrist. The guy in the car swerved. To the right, and got out of the way. Leo breath caught in his mouth, and the whole world seemed to tip.

Percy was breathing hard, hand still tight around Leo's wrist. "Oh my God. Leo, are you okay?" He sounded so worried.

"No, I'm fine." The driver went away, but Percy kept talking.

"I thought you were gonna die, Leo. Oh my gosh are you sure you're alright?"

"I said I'm fine." His throat clogged up, because he was angry that Percy fucking found out, and he almost got hit by a car, and Percy was still asking if he was okay, and of course he wasn't fucking okay! The only friend that he was honest with. The one he actually cared about, and now he was going to think Leo was weak and frail. That he couldn't take care of himself, and in all reality it was a little difficult, but he could deal with it if it meant not going back into the system. "Percy, I'm fine." His shoulders dropped. Even he could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Leo... it's okay." He pressed a comforting hand to Leo's back. He just wanted to go back to Sally's house and tell her, because she's such a great person. "That motherfucker, didn't even come to see if you were alright."

"I'm fine, okay? Just a little freaked out. I flew right into the road, he probably is too." His throat was still clogged, but he managed to keep the tears down. "I'm alright."

Percy fucking found out. The long lines of bruises on his arms, all on his back. The makeup he used this morning had successfully covered the marks on his face, so he thought he could just wear long sleeves.

"Okay, um, let's just take you back to your house." Percy muttered.

Leo ruined this. Today was supposed to be great. They were just supposed to go to the music store, go back to Sally's and play video games. There was only one way for him to fix this, expose himself show what happened so Percy doesn't worry much more. He didn't say anything, though.

"My mom's probably not home anymore. I'll have you know, she has a life. You know, she works at that candy store down the street." He muttered. "I might have to text her.

"Yes, Percy, I know." He breathed in an unsteady, shaky breath. "God, that car scared me." They started walking. He looked at the sunsetting sky. It normally calms him down, but this time, there were jagged lines across the atmosphere. Like when lightning strikes, except it's painted across the sky. As if the artist threw a fit of rage, and bashed their canvas with a paintbrush. "Dammit!" He could practically hear in his head. "Why can't I fucking get this right?!" It was frustrating to watch the colourful clouds, yet relatable.

They walk back to Leo's house in silence.


"I'll tell you about them." Leo said, taking off his jacket.

"The bruises?"



The two sat in a tenuous silence, a knot tied in Leo's stomach. "Um, yeah they were definitely from Sam and Tony."

Percy cursed under his breath. "Damn them. I knew it. They'll pay for this, for their God damned action."

"Probably, Percy, but I'll do that by myself." Leo countered, trying his best to stay logical, but his throat still felt clogged, and he felt as if he would explode at any second. "I just want you to know-"

"Why would they do this to you?! How?! How could someone bring themselves to hurt you?!"Leo could tell Percy wasn't asking him, but he was still angry. This is exactly what he hated in a person. Them going And suddenly wanting to protect him, like he's fragile.

"Percy I'm not made out of glass!" Leo said, nearly sobbing. He really needs to stop crying, it only makes him look more fragile. "I won't break so easily! I can take care of myself, I don't need your protection." He showed his arms desperately. Then he took off his shirt to show those bruises and scars, and then wipe away the makeup so he could see those. "You see all these?! They're everywhere, but I haven't broken yet!" He felt tears pushing against his eyelids, straining against his attempts to keep them down.

Percy looked upon Leo with wide eyes, and shock. His eyes scoured over Leo's body, looking so angry, he thought he might punch him. Percy strode over, as Leo waited for a hit to come in contact with his skin. He knew that Percy wouldn't do that, he knew that the anger wasn't aimed at him, but he looked so angry that Leo's brain nagged like second instinct. Whenever people around him were angry, He got scared, scared that they would hurt him.

Instead, Percy pulled him into a hug. "I don't think you're fragile, Leo, you're one of the strongest people I know."

Leo just burst out crying, tears running down his face, as if they had somewhere better to be. His throat unclogging, and an ugly noise resounded from his lips. He cries too much, Leo concluded. Maybe he's too emotional, maybe he should stop that. Percy looked at him. "Leo." Percys voice sounded heartbroken. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

He didn't know. He always knew what was wrong with him, but this time he didn't. He could always maintain stability. Leo never used to cry. Not until he met Percy. Percys the reason he's been so emotional lately. "I'm not sure." Leo rubbed at his eyes, sniffling and sobbing.

Percy sat them down on the bed, murmuring something about the adjective beautiful. "It's okay, Leo. You're alright." But he wasn't alright, he was crying, and sniffing, and all his bruises hurt, but he felt so numb.

"I'm sorry." Leo choked. "I'm so fucking sorry, Percy."

"You have no reason to be."

But yes he did. He was practically forcing Percy to deal with him. I'm a burden to everyone around me. He thought.

"Leo Valdez, you're amazing." Percy g insisted. "Every time I see you, even if my day was horrible, you always make it better."

Leo hugged Percy tighter, trying his hardest to believe every word. But his stupid, logical brain just couldn't. He's just a person. He could understand ice cream, or coffee, or a nice movie, but Leo was just him. He'd already concluded long ago that every person in the world is just a person. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less, just a glob of carbon and iron and a few other elements, but that's it.

So why was his mind questioning that every time he saw Percy? Every time he saw Percy or talked to him, he didn't feel like he was talking to a book, more like he was talking to something special, someone different. All he was was a person, though. There was nothing special about the way he slacked his grades so much he got a C average. Nor the way he laughed, or the way he smiled. It was a person's smiled, it was a person's laugh, and people, he had already been sure of, were disgusting. Maybe if Leo didn't analyze every detail, or if he forgot about every cynical notion, then be could live a naive, happy lifestyle.

When he first looked at Percy, something changed, he didn't automatically think he was the greatest person in the world. He didn't immediately think, I adore the way he never does his homework. That was something that grew over time. The more Leo thinks about it, the more He comes to the same shitty conclusion that he doesn't want to admit to himself.

He's definitely in love with this guy, who is, in fact a person.

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