chapter eighteen

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Leo drummed his fingers on the moniter as he worked. He waited as something printed.

"Leo, I wanna smoke or something. I've got loads of pills in my bag." Nico sighed aggravatedly. Leo has been working on this ever since Nico had come over.

"Nico, I'm really sorry," he took out some scissors and cut out something from the newly printed piece of paper. "But I have to do this"

Nico honestly didn't care. He wanted to get high. He didn't care that Leo seemed frustrated and thought that whatever he was doing was so much more important, because nico wanted to get high. He wanted to forget about his depression and everything that came with it. He wanted to forget about how in love he was with Leo because it hurt just a little too much. But he watched Leo pin the picture of some guy onto the wall. He seemed really dedicated to this. They could do drugs another time. Right now he should just enjoy Leo's company.

"How's your sister?" Leo asked, referring to Hazel.

"Awesome." Nico reached in Leo's pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and held out his hand for a lighter. "Like seriously, I love her more than anything." He might love Leo around the same amount, but who needed to know that?

Leo laughed a little under his breath, and handed him the lighter before write down something in his notebook. "She's pretty awesome, I've gotta say." his fingers pushed through his curls that looked like springs.

"Her and Frank are doing well." Leo's house was cold and Nico snuggled into his jacket. "Didn't you used to have a thing for Frank before they got together?" Why was he bringing this up? He was only hurting himself.

Leo grimaced. "Jesus, lets not bring that up."

Nico poked his side. "Yeah? Remember when you wanted to hit that?" Leo grinned at Nico, before pushing him on his bony shoulder.

"Would you believe I did." 

Nico gave him a sideways glance. "No you didn't."

Leo snickered. "Oh yes I did before they got together. And then I met Percy."


Leo rolled his eyes. "Don't be a twelve year old you dork. Its just sex."

"I just don't like the thought of you and my sister's boyfriend fucking." Nico handed him the pack of cigarettes, momentarily forgetting he had it. He also didn't like thinking of Leo fucking anyone. Or kissing anyone for that matter.

"Aw, is Nico still a baby?"

Nico felt his ears heat up. "Shut up, you whore."

Leo pretended to be hurt. He grabbed his chest and splashed on a fake-wounded face. "Rude, you virgin. I haven't even had sex with Percy yet, would you believe."

A shrug fell upon his shoulders. "Whatever."

Leo scrapped a piece of paper and started writing on a new one. He circled something and then drew a line.

"I'm not even going to ask what you're doing." Nico admitted. He let his eyes scour over the contents of Leo's work. "So how's school going?"

"I have a B."

Nico's eyes widened. "What?

Leo hasn't had a B in a while. And they'd known each other for a very long time. Leo, when he was thirteen and angry at the world. When he was eleven and empty. Full of nothing. When he was fourteen with his obvious emo-ness. Black hair, black nails, earrings that he still wore on occasion. And that mischevious grin that spread across his lips and desired trouble. He liked it when Leo was that way because they were more alike in style.

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