Chapter 17

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So this story has mentions of someone be transgender with that, if you have a problem with that then you can get the fuck off my story, okay? The rest of you proceed as you will :).


He stayed up the entire night with Leo. Percy didn't do much besides sit there on his phone, or watch Leo furtively try to find his mothers murderer. With everything that's been happening he hasn't had much time to work on it. Percy didn't know if this was healthy.

He watched as Leo took a stack of papers and frustratedly threw them across the floor. "Ugh! Fuck this!" he sank down, and placed his face in his hands. "I have so many leads, but nothing is enough to pinpoint anyone specifically."

Percy sat next to him. "Hey, are you okay?" he calmed his voice, and rubbed his back softly.

"No," He admitted. "I just want the person who fucked up everything to get what they deserve!" Percy trailed his fingers against his back, eying the younger boy hesitantly. "I'm missing something. I've got to be. I owe it to her to did out what happened."

Percy took his hand. "Leo, can you look at me?" he tilted his head just a bit so that their eyes could lock. "You don't owe anyone anything. You want to find your mom's murderer, that's fine." Percy took the other hand, not missing a beat. "But I will not stand idly by as the love of my life tears himself apart over this. Leo Valdez, its okay. You can figure it out. Just breathe."

Leo let out a frustrated sigh. He took his hands back, and ran his fingers through his hair. "This is really really hard. I'm only fifteen, and I just want to do it, okay?"

Percy felt a jab at his heart. He knew that Leo wanted to do this, but he needed to just sit and think, away from the papers. "I know." he ran his fingers through Leo's curls. "Just calm down. Its better to think when you're calm, clearer." he lent over and kissed the curls.

Leo took a deep breath, and looked up at the ceiling. His hands relaxed in his lap. With the smaller person's soft curls across his face, his soft hands strewn to his lap like leaves, his small breaths escaping his lips, his body deflating from his troubles. Leo Valdez would always seem to be the image of beauty. "Okay."

"You can do it. You're Leo Valdez."

"I don't know what the entitlement of my name has to do with this." Leo admitted.

Percy took his hand and pressed it to his lips softly, gently. "It has everything to do with it." although it didn't exactly have much. It was just the fact that it represented Leo Valdez in a whole. The name Leo Valdez felt like magic on his tongue.

"You really think I can do it?" the lamp shone on his black hair, catching in his big, brown eyes that made a breath rise from Percy's chest and traveled to his heart. He felt as though Leo's presence made him burst at the seams.

"I can't imagine thinking you couldn't." the words weren't even on purpose, but more of a natural reaction.

Leo smiled, pressed Percy's hand to his cheek as if it were something important. "I love having your reassurance." the warmth of Leo's cheek against Percy's hand made his heart hammer in his chest for a reason unknown.

Percy Jackson felt himself fall a bit more in love with him.

Leo's eyes trailed on the ground. "And as much as I would would love hearing it a million more times, I have to get to work."

A sigh protruded from his lips, and he smiled at the younger boy. "Don't worry, you can do it."


Later on the Sunday of that morning Percy heard a knock on the window.

Tap, tap.

Leo hadn't stirred.  His hair was strewn on the floor curled into a ball, sleeping soundly with a red mechanical pencil in his left hand. Was Leo left handed? Percy instantly wondered. But then he quietly laughed at himself, Leo Valdez may be filled with wonders, but now may not be the time to recollect onto them.

Tap, tap, tap.

Percy shifted and woke Leo. "Hey, Sherlock, I think someone's at your window."

"What?"Leo sat up his jacket falling from his shoulder. "Its probably just Jason, can you put my notebook on the dresser. No, the other one. Thank you." he stood with his long legs, and walked to the window. He unmatched it, and pushed it open, having a gust of wind and a trickling of snowflakes burst through. "Come on in."

Jason fell into the room. His shirt was covered in dirt, probably from mud. Leo obviously didn't like that. "Percy, do you have a shirt?"

Percy reached over to his bag, grabbed one, and tossed it to Jason. His eyes were bloodshot, and his nose was runny. He kept hiccuping and sniffling. "What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"My mom." Jason wiped at his eyes. "She kept calling me a fucking tranny and ugh!" tears trickled down his face.

"I've told you not to listen to her. Have you told Thalia?" Leo asked gently. Jason took off his shirt, and Percy saw his binder. For a second he was completely baffled. Jason Grace was transgender. The one Percy had heard so much about, Thalia's little brother. Was that why she was so overprotective of him. Percy only knew her because her and Annabeth were good friends.

"N-no. She shouldn't have to worry about me."

"Its okay, Jason. Your mom sounds like a bitch." Percy voiced. He was scared he said the wrong thing, but he hardly cared. You should never make fun of someone for something theybcant control. That definitely includes gender. "I'm sorry if that sounds rude, but you should have the choice to do whatever you want with your body."

"I'm glad we're all in agreement." Leo stated bashfully. He looked up at Jason. "Your mom is a transphobic druggie and I hate her."

"I don't wanna go back home." Jason laughed a little through his tears.

Percy felt bad that he couldn't have Jason because of Gabe, and he hated that he couldn't help.

Leo hugged his friend, and although it was obvious that Leo wasn't comfortable with it it was obvious that Jason needed it. Percy smiled at his boyfriend.

And when Jason finally had to leave because he had a curfew, Percy looked at Leo with a wide grin on his face.

"What's that look for?" Leo folded his arms over his chest and smirked up at him. 

"I'm just completely in love with you."

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