Chapter 9

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He breathed in, the smoke invading his lungs, filling like a non-watery water. His mouth let the smoke drift away in curling wisps, slipping from his teeth. Florence and the machine pounded heavily in his ears. Cosmic love. Here voice sounded like bubbles that were somehow strong, but popped intensely. It resounded  in his skull. He breathed in more smoke, desperate for his high. 

This wasn't a cigarette. Why would he want a cigarette after yesterday's events? Very, very loud pot was what he needed. His pulse beated in his fingertips. Piper looked like she was saying something, but he paid no mind. For some reason, Leo suddenly didn't care. He felt as if he was floating. He wasn't giddy, but he wasn't emotional, just far away from the feeling that he was feeling before. What was that feeling anyways? It wasn't sadness, or anger. It was guilt, partially, but something else, he wasn't sure, though. 

Piper moved to shift his headphone from his ear to the back of his head. "Leo! It's called puff, puff, pass for a reason. You've taken at least twelve!"

Leo laughed, it spilled from his throat to his lips. He might be happy, just a bit. Fuck Percy. Fuck her. Fuck Jason. "Fuck you." He said, getting in her face, and laughing again. "Fuck this." He laughed again, and leaned against the concrete, taking another hit. He  listened to Florence scream about the dog days, how they were over. The intensity going boom, boom, boom in his ears. He can be happy if he wants. 

"Leo!" She whined like a child. He just moved his head phone back over his ear, so he didn't have to listen. He didn't are much for hearing her annoying voice. That annoying voice that talked too much about her boyfriend, says too many words about her relationship problems. He didn't care, why would he? It's not his problem. He didn't like relationships, especially when he had to run away. Especially when he falls in love with them, that sucks more than anything. "Fuck that." He said. 

Piper leaned over, and snatched the pot out of his hand. She said something, he couldn't hear her through his listening  music. She used to be so much better. She used to tell everyone that she would never get married, that she was independent. She didn't need love,  a boyfriend, anything like that. 

Leo turned off his music, and set his bulky headphones around his neck. He laid down on the cold, hard concrete, feeling  if it buzzed underneath his fingertips. "You used to be so cool." He told her, not caring for the sad, heartbroken look she gave him. "You didn't care about any relationship. Now it's all you  talk about. Now I can't ask you for advise." 

She took another hit, before passing it to him. "I talk about other things, just more about relationships because I care about it more now." She stared at him as he inhaled, letting it rest in his throat for a few seconds. 

"You used to hate them." She was so much more sober than him. He gave it to her, and let his hands rest on the pavement. "I hate you." He aid louder than he meant to, but he didn't care. 

"You're high," she reminded him, as if he didn't already know. "You say loads of stuff like that when you're like this. You're also sad, and I don't know why."She inhaled, and it looked like she learned to fly. Her shoulders rose up, he could imagine wings being crushed under her backpack. As she exhaled, he could see wisps being colorful and moving through the air. 

"That might be true." He moved around so he was behind her, and lifted his legs, pushing them onto her shoulders. "But half the things I say are true." She turned her head to see him. He took the blunt. "And I've said that I hated you at least a ba-jillion Times. You do the math."

"You don't hate me." She insisted. "Otherwise you wouldn't be lighting up with me, in the bathrooms, on the church rooftops." She bit her lips, and moved her fave out of his eyesight. "I'm sorry, though, I haven't been talking to you as much lately, and I know I should." 

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