chapter 5

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He leaned against the plaster walls, well fuck. Leo was gay? This was different, obviously. Leo didn't exactly seem straight, but it was rude to assume sexuality. But he just told Percys mom that he was flat out gay. Something in his chest swelled and exploded. He knew it sounded stupid, he knew Leo probably didn't like him, no matter sexuality, but he couldn't help feeling that there was that possibility now. No, this is selfish.  He thought. He was bisexual, and when he told all his friends, even a guy that he liked, he wished desperately that they would just treat him the same. Besides, Leo hadn't even told him yet, and, well, him telling Percys mom was different, mom was amazing at talking.

Percy walked into his room, waving his hand and smiling at both his mother and Leo, who were clinging to each other. Leo scrambled away from Percy's mother. "Uh, so the trash is taken out."

Leo laughed nervously. "But I'm not outside, stupid."

"You're not trash!" Mom whacked him, but not hard.

"Sally, that's child abuse." he said matter-of factly.

Percy stopped breathing for a second. Leo had backed away, just a bit, but enough to see the purple bruises on Leo's arms. Maybe that's why Leo's only been wearing long sleeves lately. He'd never thought of it. Maybe Leo was abused? Or maybe he just got hurt. He shouldn't jump to conclusions. Child abuse was a very serious thing, and Leo joked, a lot. Joking about serious things? Usually it's mean, but Leo said in a way where Percy couldn't be mad. Of course, Percy had been abused previously by Smelly Gabe, but the subject still seemed so far away from him. Leo had been in foster homes since he was about seven, so how could he be certain that Leo hadn't experienced something like that. Percy shivered at the mere thought. Although Leo had that posture, and personality of displaying something strong, there was also something that it felt Percy should protect. A small innocence, maybe? Leo didn't display his innocence in any obvious manner, he smoked cigarettes, and cursed like an Irish sailor. But there was some th so entirely innocent, something he wanted to protect in the way he cocked his head, or the way he put his hand over his mouth when he laughed, the way he carried himself. There was something special in his movements. Either way, this is no time to do a Leo, and investigate.

"Percy, don't just stand there like an idiot, sit down."

He looked at his friend. God, he's adorable. His cheeks were slightly reddened, and that shirt he was wearing, long sleeved and pastel blue, definitely too big. It wasn't enormous, it still hugged his frame. Leo's eyes were big, and he'd never liked the colour brown on other people, until he met Leo. When it there was light eyes were glittery, with the feeling of warm mocha every time he looked into them, then when it was dark, it was like a pit that he would fall in and never get out of. Leo's skin was smooth and soft, and the tiny amount of freckles sprinkled on his cheeks was just as perfect. He should really stop describing Leo. He'll never get anything done.

Percy sat down next to his friend, as his mom strolled out. Percy hugged Leo from behind, burying his face in the smaller guys shoulder. "Am I just making the assumption that you eavesdropped, or am I a terrible person." Leo muttered.

Percy pulled away, eyes wide. His face flushed, shoulders stiffening, embarrassment.

Leo snorted, looking a little uncomfortable. "As I thought. And judging by the way you just hugged me." He gestured to him self, with his covered hands. "You're not homophobic, if I'm completely correct."

"Obviously. I'm bi." Percy said before he could stop himself. Leo looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well then," His eyebrows were raised, "shit, that's definitely a phrase."

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