Chapter 25

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Mom: How are the two of you doing?

Percy: fine. How r u. Has gabe been ok? he better not have put a hand on u

Mom: about that. I may have kicked him out

Percy: what?!

Mom: Percy how come you never told me he hit you

(Hey just wanted to tell you to read all the stuff i have at the end cuz I worked hard and there's important shit.)

Percy: how did u find out.

Mom: his friend told me.

Percy: gtg

Mom: Percy we need to talk about this

Percy:I didnt tell u bc we need the money. Even if he spends most of it he makes enough 2 get us by.

Mom: Your safety is more important

Percy left his mom on read. He groaned and pressed his face into his hands.

"What's wrong?" he took his hands from his eyes and looked at Leo, who was standing in the middle of the room with one of Percy's hoodies on and some boxers. His hair was dripping wet, and he held a towel in his hand.

Percy sighed and shook his head. "My mom. She found out about Gabe and she kicked him out."

Leos face lit up, and he grabbed Percy's face, pecking him quickly on the lips. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you."

Percy messed with the covers of the guest room bed. "Leo, it isn't a good thing. Even if he spent most of it, he still made money. We can't afford it."

"Oh," Leo's face fell. His wet curls fell into his elfy face. "I'm sorry."

Percy took his hand, and kissed the palm. "It's okay. I love you." he smiled and took the hood of his hoodie, pushing it over Leo's head. "Look, now you're just like Nico."

Leo giggled adorably and pushed it down a bit further. He held out his hands. "I'll beat you up if you touch me. Fuck you." Leo got in his face. 

Percy just laughed. "You do a good impersonation. But I think you're too cute for it."

"Ooh, ooh, wait!" Leo said, getting excited. He sat on the bed, and put his foot up to the headboard. He struck a pose that looked exactly like Nico's. "Percy Jackson, if you ever hurt Leo then I'll fuck you up." Leo threw himself back into a giggling mess.

Percy looked at his boyfriend happily. He knew that Leo probably took offense to them making fun of Nico, but he did it anyways because he knew it cheered Percy up. "Hey!" Leo said getting excited again. "Nico-mph!"

Percy grabbed him by the hood with both hands, and kissed him full on the mouth. Leo made a high pitched noise in the back of his throat. "I love you, nerd."

Leo blew a puff of minty air in his face. "I love you too, dork." then he went a little serious, his fingers coming to play with the strings of his hoodie. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Its important to me."

Percy wavered. He wasn't exactly used to serious talks with Leo. Although they had their fair share of long, serious conversations, neither of them have almost ever just brought it up directly like this. "What is it?" Percy obliged.

Leo's eyes trailed on the floor, and he took a breath. Percy could see his chest filling up with air the same way his did when he saw Leo against the sun. "Percy, you know how I wanna get emancipated and live with Ari and all that?"

Percy nodded. "I've kind of heard it. A little when you were talking to her."

Leo looked nervous. So Percy put on his most supportive face. He would be okay with anything Leo decided. Given that they could still be together. The Latino blushed and mumbled something.

Percy laughed. "You're gonna have to speak louder than that."

Leo straightened and looked him straight in the eyes. His own were filled with determination. He sucked in a breath and blurted. "Live in that apartment with me! I made enough money for it. And I'm getting a new job soon. And with two other people in the house it should cover the expenses well over." he could see Leo becoming more and more nervous. Unsure that Percy would agree. He knew what this meant. It meant starting a life together. It meant commitment. Was Percy ready for this kind of thing? He knew he mom would be perfectly fine with it, and he was almost eighteen since his birthday would be in March.

"Yes." Percy breathed. A life with Leo? An actual life. He thought of Leo coming home and complaining about work, so Percy would rub his feet. Or maybe draw a bath. Or helping Ari with her freshman homework. They could paint the walls in which ever way they liked, and from the artwork strung up in Ari's room, it would definitely be worth it. A life with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's sister. He thought of the three of them sitting on the couch together. Ari pointing out all the great parts of a Disney movie, and Leo cuddled up next to percy, cracking jokes about the storyline nd such. The thought of something so domestic was enchanting. Percy had never thought that he would be the kind of person who would want to do that sort of thing, but its seemed so nice. Like the best thing ever.

Leo looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? This is a big deal. You know that, right?"

Percy ran his fingers against Leo's knuckles. "I know." he mumbled. "I'll have to leave my mom and everything. But she won't have to pay for me anymore, and I know we'll visit often."

A grin plastered itself onto Leo's elfy features. "I love you so fucking much."

There were plans to be made. A life to live. This was their heaven. Living together and having each other.

This is paradise.



So there ya have it everybody. As long and drawn out as this fic was it was really nice. There were A few times where I just left it, but I always came back to it and I'm glad I did.

I'm not gonna bullshit you, though. I know this is a bad ending. Like geez this is really bad. Like actually wtf.

At first this was fun, okay? Like I loved taking unpopular couples in this and making them seem to work out. I loved the details I put into this. I loved everything about this fic okay?

But then I started disliking it. I think it was around chapter fifteen. Like I would get a fuck ton of writers block. Like I would write a sentence, and then just stared at the screen for what felt like hours. Maybe it was the thing where I fell in love with a girl and she broke my heart. Maybe that's why my work suffered so greatly. But anyways. I started to hate it. Like I didn't like having to keep my characters in this line. With fan fiction you have to keep them in character. You can't add a bunch of other parts to their personality. At first I loved that about writing fanfics. Like I loved that the character was already spelled out for me and all that.

But I wanted my own people. I wanted to make my own characters. So I started having these ideas and I immediately went to this fic just to write it out. But then I remembered that I have An obligation to keep them in character. I want to make The reader happy. I made Ari. I never once thought of the day that I would add my own original character to the story and I was actually mad at myself. Like I should have found a way to use an actual character. So I decided to end this fic. Finally.

I also decided to make my own story.

I really really didn't want to put this story on hiatus because I hate that so fucking much. So I did finish it. Like it feels right to end it here. Everything is slowly falling into place.

And yes I was going to do some foreshadowing with the whole "willingly" thing, but I realized that you know what? Of course Percy is gonna screw up one day. Maybe not cheating or something. But one day he's going to snap at Leo or do something dumb. And Leo will realize that people make mistakes. Willing mistakes at times.

I do plan on making an epilogue. So ya know. Stick around for that.

Also thank you to all the people who stuck around since the beginning. Even through all my writers block and everything. Thanks so much for the support and everything.

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