chapter six

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Before we start, please remember to check out my friend's story, and account, Jellybeanswee . I would appreciate it a lot. Either way, I love you guys, and I wish you would tell me what you think, because my self esteem for this story is literally crying level.


His finger stumbled over the key, and he froze. "Percy?"

The older guy remained silent, but Annabeth sniffed and walked over, whacking Percy upside the head. They both had tears in their red, puffy eyes. Leo wondered if he'd done something wrong. Percys arms were still around him, so he supposed it wasn't that bad.

"Leo, that was amazing." Percy said, blushing so hard he looked like a green eyed tomato. The aforementioned guy backed away.

"I agree." Annabeth sniffled. "There was so much raw emotion. Have you ever taken interest in being a pianist?"

Leo honestly shook his head. It was just something his friend Skylar taught him when when he was at the Mayers house. He'd never actually tried it in front of other people. But he would never make it a career. Life wasn't like that, and he shouldn't make that an aspiration. It wasn't, learn a few keys and, hey, here's a million dollars for ya kiddo! You had to work, put every fiber of your being into it, with sweat, and effort, and tears, and every drop of your blood into it.

"I'm planning on being the new age of technology." He wanted to say. That's what he wanted, though. To be better than Apple, or Google, or or Samsung. He wanted to best every company. He wanted to get enough people to listen to him, and then maybe then his relatives would give a shit. Maybe then they would say they were wrong, and no, of course mommy was murdered by a freak with a neon orange skii mask, and of course we blamed you out of spite. Maybe then they'd say sorry, and that's honestly all Leo wanted since he was eight. Well, that and to make the guy deeply regret what he'd done.

"I'm going to MIT." He said simply.

Her eyes widened. "Percy, I didn't think your boyfriend would be this extraordinary. I never thought you'd get that."

Leo flushed. Heat rose to his face, and anger boiled at himself with the fact that he could cover every emotion except for embarrassment. Percy himself blushed even further, which seemed impossible. "We're not dating, Annabeth! Get your nose out of my business!"

Whoa, what was that? Leo thought, Percy had is fists clenched, with teeth grit, and tears still in his eyes. What on earth could make him so angry? Leo had never seen Percy angry, and you'd think, after spending two weeks or so with another person, you'd think you'd see them angry. He never had, though. It was honestly a little scary seeing Percy get so angry. Leo hated seeing other people mad. It meant bad things would happen, like they might hurt him, or a person he cared about.

"I was just kidding." Annabeth laughed rather nervously. "But that's still astounding, you know? The possibility that you could do that."

Leo wanted to tell her the same thing thing he told Percy. The fact that there are people who have to be president, there are people who have to be ballerinas, and movie stars, and Beyoncé. Why not be them? There was no reason why not. Instead of doing the thing he told Percy to do, and speak his mind, He said only two words he had no cares for. "Thank you."

Percy nodded, still blushing immensely. "Um, so I got the coffee." He held up the foam cup. "It's uh, chocolate mocha."

Leo smiled at Percy, and took the cup, their hands grazing the process. "Thank you Percy, and try not to explode, okay, because I wouldn't be surprised if you did at this time." Leo gave him a cheeky smirk, and Percy apologized.

"I'm sorry, but uh, I think it's about time for us to be going." Percy explained. The redness started going away.

"Oh yeah," Leo murmured. "Sally said to be back quick. That's a shame. I really like it here."

Annabeth nodded, shaking Leo's hand. "You should come back one day. Play my piano. You can honestly come over whenever."

Something in his chest swelled. She was okay with that? It may not seem like much, but she must know he liked the piano, a lot. It was something that reminded him of a friend, a best friend. "You people are so nice."

Percy shrugged his shoulders. "What do you mean?"

Leo scratched the back, hella hoping they don't see his expression, because he may not act like it, but he gets extremely emotional over this sort of stuff. "You, and Sally, and Percy. Always helping me out and stuff. I mean, I just met you and you're just letting me do that. It just means a lot to me." He fidgeted. "God, I'm so emotional."

Without warning, Annabeth hugged him. Even Percy, which always seemed to know Annabeths next move, just hugged Leo Valdez for nearly no reason. She squeezed him in her arms. It felt strangely like when Sally hugged him, after he told her he was gay. Comforting and warm.

"Anytime, Leo."


Leo sipped at his coffee, the warmth rushing through his body, to the tips of is ears, and tingling on the edges of his skin. It was still really cold outside, but it was okay, since Percy just hugged him close once more. He remembered what he said before. About how Percy and his mom Were okay people to be touching him, but no body else was. Well, he had to take that back now because Annabeth gave really really good hugs. The fact that he'd even thought that, though. When he said that, he meant it, and Percy seemed happy. Its just, the fact of the matter was, Leo was getting too close to,these people. He glanced at Percy, he looked amazing, with slightly flushed cheeks, and black wispy hairs flying into a halo from the cold winds. His green eyes trailed on the sidewalk.

"So, Leo, I wanted to talk to you about anything." Percy said out of nowhere. They legitimately hadn't spoken since they left the music store, and out of nowhere, he starts talking to him like he's a teacher, and Leo's a troublesome child.

So of course, automatically Leo said, "What did I do?" The fact was that Leo was ADHD, and teachers see that he's been in foster homes since he was eight.
The fact that he played pranks and on his classmates, and teachers, all the while making jokes in class, made him feel every time anyone said his name in a helping voice, he was in trouble.

Percy fidgeted a little. "You're not in trouble, Leo. There was just something bothering me." He tilted his head, so they couldn't make eye contact. "There are bruises on your arms."

Leo instinctively backed away, pulling down his sleeve. He backed away so fast, he almost fell right in the way of a speeding car. He could feel the air move behind him, the noise of the overworked engine. Oh, shit he was going to die, and what were his last words, and right in front of Percy? This is so not cool, and what about Piper and Jase- then there was a sharp pain

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