First Day

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7 a.m. *buzz buzz buzz*

My phone began going off, it was time for me to get up and go to the entrance exams for UA "Mmmm." I groaned as I turned off my alarm. I always end up scrolling through my apps on my phone for a good thirty minutes which is why I was always late to my first class. But today's different, today is the day that can either make or break my future as a super hero. I still ended up scrolling through my apps for about 15 minutes....or more. I quickly got ready and ate a piece of toast on the walk there. It was a good thing I didn't live too far from it. As I left the house I wondered if I should lock it, then I remembered he had his own key now.

What's going on? Where's mommy? Why did she leave without me?
So many thoughts ran through my head, what was I even supposed to do? A ten year old child just sitting here alone at the park. If someone tries to get me my quirk isn't strong enough to save myself. I can barely even levitate a desk. The last thing I remember was mommy yelling at someone on the phone and then ripping my necklace off and throwing it on the ground before leaving. I felt a tear stream down my face followed by many many more as I reached down to grab the necklace, then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I screamed and tried using my quirk to push him back, with no luck he ended up grabbing my arms. He laughed, but not a creepy stranger man laugh, but a nice one, like one you give to a puppy.
"Hey there (y/n) I'm one of your moms friends, I'm going to be taking care of you from now on." He smiled as he let me go and reached out his hand so I could take it. With one hand rubbing away my tears I used my other to grab his hand.
"You're buff! Just like a huge buff shark!!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah I am." He opened his car and in the back there was some seat, on the seats. "Here, sit on that and I'll buckle you up." I looked at him confused.
"Why? Mommy never made me sit in those." I crossed my arms and turned around.
"That woman....its just to keep you safer, it's fun, you'll feel really big and tall."
I huffed at his response and then decided to get it and he drove me to a small house.

***end of flashback***

I wonder why he never stays in the house, I mean he's basically the only family I have. Mmm oh well, man has a life I guess. He only comes to the house about once or twice a month now, this started when I turned 13. Whenever he comes he's always teaching me more things about my quirk, how to use and control it, the limits I have and what could happen if I go overboard and blah blah blah. I never really pay attention until I'm actually using it. I basically have telekinesis but cooler, and with all this training I can lift things as heavy as 30 grown elephants. I can even stop gases and liquids from hitting me if there's any type of force applied to it, mess with me now Mother Nature! You're rain can no longer ruin my good hair!! Every now and then I'll have a bucket of water and try to levitate the water, but it's no use, unless the water was being thrown at me then I could stop it easily. After a few minutes I was finally here, UA is so much bigger in person. My eyes widened so much I thought they'd pop out of my head. I began walking in when I heard people talking behind me.
"Get out of my way before I burst you into flames!"
"A-ahh, s-sorry, let's just go out there and try our best yea?!!?" He sounds so familiar. I turned my head to see a boy with messy green hair. Is that- my thoughts where cut off when I saw hIM, Katsuki.
His stare could literally kill you if his eyes had darts and guns. Weirdly enough his gaze softened only to turn into a look of shock, and then anger once again. Before he could say anything I turned and ran into the school stadium to go and find a seat. What the hell is he doing here? From the vibes he gave off in elementary I was sure he'd grow to be a villain or some grill guy who spits on your food. I looked down and two rows in front of me sat Katuski, and Izuku sat right next to him. After everything that's happened Izuku still talks to him?! I swear he's too kind sometimes. So after the announcer said everything we had to know about the little "game" we will be doing we all went off into our assigned areas. Just my luck, I was the same one as Katsuki. I sighed heavily and rubbed my head. "Why me.." I whispered to myself and closed my eyes. As soon as I opened them there was an angry Katsuki towering over me. Let's be honest here he's always angry so let's just say , a Katsuki, was towering over me.





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