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A few days have passed since the whole incident and I refused to speak to Katsuki. He didn't really mind, and he stopped trying after the third day. Id be lying if I said that was a good thing, but a part of me wanted him to be persistent. I wouldn't say I was hurt, but I was just more confused than anything. I walked into class and he didn't even look at me once so I decided to "accidentally" drop my pencil, making sure the bending was extra..bent, but he didn't even budge. The class was the same as usual, hero training and lessons and what not. Mr. Aizawa said that tomorrow we were going to be with another teacher, then the class ended and we all went to lunch. During lunch I always say with Izuku and his two friends, robot legs and float girl, well that's what I called them since I'm horrible with remembering names.

"Hey y/n! Are you excited for tomorrow?" Deku asked me with a huge smile
"Yeah, this is a good time for me to show my full potential with my quirk." I sat down opposite of the three. Then Uraraka laughed a bit. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just haha you sounded a bit like Bakugou there." Then she laughed a bit more. My face heated up in irritation and embarrassment.
"Tch. I'm nothing like that idiot, if anything I'm better than him." I cocked my head to the side and smirked, then it soon died down after I realized what I said and I saw all three of them with grins plastered on their faces. "Okay maybe a little, but cmon you seriously can't compare me to him can you?"
"Of course not! You're way nicer!" Uraraka smiled brightly
"And frankly I think you might be a little smarter than him as well, and your manners are far more superior than his." Iida stated.
"And not to mention-"
"You're prettier than him." We all looked to see who interrupted Deku, and it happened to be Shouto.
"Huh?" If my red face hasn't gone down since the first time, then I'm pretty sure it's worse now.
"Also I feel like you have a bit more control over your quirk than he does." His face was stoic as always.
"I'm just saying what I believe is true, you don't have to thank me."
"Oh...well I'm just saying thanks because what you said was nice so-"
"Oi two face who the hell are you to say someone can control their quirks better than me? I'm better than any other lowlife here!" And here comes the gigantic fireball.
"Whatever you say. Anyways I'll be going, see you tomorrow y/n." His eyes met mine and wow I never noticed how cute he actually is
"Like hell you are! Who gave you the go ahead to meet up with her tomorrow!? And who the hell said it was okay for you to call her pretty?!"
"Is she dating anyone? No, so I can call her pretty and meet up with her if I'd like to." Shit shit shit, don't even test Katsuki what are you doing shouto!?!?!?
"Who said she didn't have a boyfriend?" That line made my heart drop to my stomache, it either meant he's talking about himself or some guy I haven't met, I was hoping for the second option.
"So who exactly is this so called "boyfriend" then?"
"Me" his answer was fast and blunt. So quick and serious that I almost fell back. Then he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me off.
"Kacchan! She was still eating!" I heard Izuku yell from afar
"I'll give her something else to eat so bud out Deku."
Well that's zesty, but I'd much rather finish my pizza thanks.

I didn't even know where I was going, he just pulled me off to a random area where nobody was. He finally stopped and I took this chance to yank my arm away.
"What the hell are you doing Katsuki!" He turned to me slowly with his head down. He looked extremely frustrated and I wasn't in the mood for his games. Then before I could blink he pushed me up against the wall. "Katsu-" I stopped talking as soon as I felt his lips ghost over my neck.
"Mmm. So this is how I can shut you up." His voice was raspy and low as his lips went around my neck, not actually kissing me.
"K-katsuki..what are you-" I stiffened up as soon as he began kissing my neck. My eyes widened as I inhaled a squeal.
"Cute." His hands were on my wrists holding them down and his legs trapped mine. His kisses got higher and he placed one last kiss at the corner of my lip. "Y/n?"
"Y-yeah?" My voice was caught in my throat and all I could think was hey I could totally break free from his touch, why aren't I? God I'm such a mess.
"I don't want you to talk to icy-hot alright."
I chuckled under my breath, "you mean Shouto?"
"I don't care what his name is, all I care about is you not talking to him."
"Who are you to tell me what to do? You're not my boyfriend so I can talk to whoever I feel like talking to." I turned my head to the side and felt his grip tighten around my wrists, "Oi! That hurts you idiot!"
"Who the hell are you calling idiot huh?"
"Well obviously you since you're the only person hurting me right now!"
"Tch, you're lucky your a girl or else your words would've gotten you into a lot of trouble a few days ago."
I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment and thought about breaking free, but frankly, I liked being in this position. Call me a weirdo but I missed talking to Kacchan, and if getting him mad was the only way to talk to him then I guess I'll have to keep provoking him.
"By the way.." he added
"You red undies look nice on you." His face had a giant smirk and devilish eyes
"Don't act stupid, I saw your whole 'oops I dropped something' act in class, you better be thankful I was the only one who saw."
"I-I was just trying to see if y-you'd notice me but I didn't expect my underwear to show!" My face got a crimson red, basically like the underwear I was wearing.
"Well you did get my attention, and it seems something else you did ended up getting two faces attention too.."
"Are we still bringing him up?"
"Yes, because you didn't say you'd stop talking to him."
"For the last time, you're not my boyfriend so calm down!"
"I am your boyfriend."
"Tch. Since when?" His grip loosened a bit and leaned down closer to my face and said very low and raspy by my ear,
"Since now." And without hesitation his lips met mine. This kiss felt different than before, there was more passion and it was more gentle. I was a bit surprised at how gentle Katsuki could actually be, but I melted into the kiss. He let go of my wrists and rested his hands on my waist and brought mine up to rest on his shoulders. After what felt like ages we finally broke the kiss for some air.
"That was nice...but I don't think that officially makes us a couple." I smirked at him and watched his eyebrows furrow in annoyance
"Fine. Then will you go out with me?" He said impatiently
"I mean I gueeeessss." I laughed a kissed his cheek, "we should get back to class by the way."
"Class isn't for another 4 minutes we have time."
"That barely gives us enough time to walk to the cla-" I was cut off by another one of his kisses
"You talk too much." As he was about to get another kiss I took my opportunity to duck under him and break free. Then I began walking to class.
"I may talk to much but at least I won't be the one with a tardy record."
"Tch. Whatever." His eyebrows furrowed once more and he caught up to me as we walked back to class.


Wowie wow this took a while do since my inspo was basically dead for so long. Also I've been in Vegas, Disney, and I just got back from Mexico. But I promise I will at least try to update once every two weeks <3

I love you guys and your comments always make me laugh

Vote goal: 5

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