Where is she

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I woke up to a loud bang. The door was slammed shut and a loud lock was heard. I turned my head to see the same boy as always, he was probably here to make my arms go numb again or something. He came closer to me but he had a strange aura about him, it was...dark. His eyes were different and the smile on his face sent a shiver down my spine. As he got closer I felt a knot in my throats and I wanted to scream. He got on top of me and pulled out a knife, I tried to twist my body in a poor attempt to try and get free. The knife got closer to my neck only to got straight down and rip open my shirt. The knot in my throat was finally gone, I gasped loudly. As I was about to scream his face came close to mine and I took that chance to head butt him as hard as I could. He got thrown back with a whimper and I yelled.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I shouted at him as he got up and just laughed as blood ran down his head.
"It's not like you can do anything right now, your hands are useless at the moment and your entire body is tied up, this was bound to happen sooner or later." He got close to me once more then brought the knife towards the middle of my bra.

I twisted my body more and yelled. I felt a fuzzy feeling in my head and then he was thrown off me onto the wall. My vision got blurry and I heard a loud slam of the door once more. The lady ran in and  went to grab the boy. Before she could touch him he grabbed her arm and it fell limp.

"Tch. You never know when you're beat." She kicked his feet and grabbed his head before he hit the floor. He grabbed her arm but nothing happened, she beat him. "Leave. Now." Her tone was more villainous and dark than it's ever been before. The boy was pale white and dropped to his knees. A faint and choked up "I'm sorry" was all I heard before I blacked out once more.

"Todoroki-kuuuun~," I heard my name being called by y/n, "I thought we were going to have lunch together with Bakugou and Midoriya" she pouted and grabbed my arm
"Right. I'm sorry, I forgot" I saw Bakugou walk in and send me a death glare before snatching her away, "Oi, Bakugou..don't forget what I told you" I looked at him sternly before leaving the cafeteria

"I want you to stay the hell away from y/n or else you'll regret it!" Bakugou shouted at me but I still had to tell him
"What." His voice was cold
"That isn't y/n" I looked at him directly in the eyes
"Huuh? Is this some type of joke you both planned while being in your little tower together?!"
"No bakugou im being serious-"
"Don't. Fuck with me two face, I'm being serious." He turned around to walk away but I snapped a bit and grabbed his shoulder while freezing it at the same time. "Oi..you wanna die?"
"I'm telling you the truth." I let go of his shoulder and walked away

"Hey y/n, when you're done eating meet me by my locker." I earned another glare from bakugou, but it didn't seem as deadly.

I walked to my locker and I saw y/n walking up to me. She smiled but I just kept my straight face.

"So what did you want Todoroki-"

"Where is she." I cut her off and she gave me a confused look

"W-who are you talking about?" She watched a student walk past before looking at me again

"I'm talking about the re-"

"Y/n, yeah she's fine you don't have to worry about her. I'm just here to keep up her reputation, I'm kinda liking it here though." She smiled again but more devilishly than before

"Where. Is. She." I took a step closer

"Woaahh ok ok listen, she's fine, it was just a stupid idea my sensei had because she needed to see someone and the only way she could was if she had y/n. But that doesn't mean I know how long she'll be gone so unless you want her reputation to go to shit, I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut pretty boy."

"Hm" I walked away and went to find bakugou.

I saw him walk into the bathroom so I followed him inside. A part of him looked, stressed. I looked at him questioningly before walking up to him.

"So did you find out where she is?" His voice was low and he didn't look me way


"Listen. I'm not stupid alright, I knew it wasn't her from the beginning." He scratched the back of his neck and turned to face me.

"Then why did you get so mad when I tried telling you?"

"Because I like working alone, I didn't need your help....at the time," He crossed his arms and looked down, "I want to find her just as much as you do, but I don't want to risk her being in more danger." He looked up at me once more

"Then, what should we do?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the tile wall.

"I have a plan" he took out his phone and looked like he was typing a message


Ahhh I hate how long it takes me to update this book, buuuuut I've been trying to figure out how I should write this and end it before starting my others🗿 BUT IM ATILL GRATEFUL FOR ALL THE SUPORT ILY!!!

vote goal ~ 15🌟

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