USJ Fiasco

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Ok so from here on I'm gonna be changing the story line just a little bit to give it some originality, but I'll still use the same story line of the original

I woke up before my alarm went off, however, there was only thirty minutes to spare. Instead of going on my phone like I usually do I got up and began getting ready. Today was the day our class was going to some facility for disasters and accidents. Another chance for me to wear my, as Katsuki once stated, revealing outfit. As I was putting my hair up I got a text. The tone was different from my others so I knew it was Katsuki, honestly the only reason I made his different was so he wouldn't get annoyed with me not messaging back. I finished putting my hair up and grabbed my phone.

Katsuki: If you end up wearing the same suit as last time I'm gonna rip it off
Me: listen. If you rip it off then that'll just end up showing more skin than I did before.
Katsuki: I didn't mean rip it off in front of everyone..
Me: haha....anyways don't get too cocky today
Katsuki: what the fuck is that supposed to mean? By the way I'm gonna do the best, better than everyone in anything we do.
Me: right. Anyways, I'll meet you in the hallway (:
Katsuki: ok sure

I put my phone in the side pocket of my backpack and headed out to school. As I was walking I decided to take off my necklace and put it in my bag so I wouldn't lose it during the training. When I got to school I didn't see Kastuki in the hallway. 'Hmm, I wonder where he is, it's probably too early for him anyways'. I was about to check my phone to see if I got a text from him then someone snatched it out my hand.

"Hey! Give that ba-" before I could even process who it was they decided to kiss me. Out of reflex I smacked them as hard as I could only to realize that the handmarked face was Katsuki. "Ah....whoops"

"Whoops?! That's all you're gonna say after you smacked the shit out of me!"

"Ok listen. You didn't give me a change to process wtf was going after getting my phone snatched so..."

"Whatever, you liked it anyways" and with that he pulled me into class.

I was too lost in thought, I had a really strange feeling something weird would happen today but I couldn't figure out what. My thoughts were interrupted when the walls opened up to reveal our uniforms once more. Before I could grab mine, the little weasel snatched it from me.

"I thought I said don't wear this unless you wanted it ripped off" he looked down at me with an angry face that had a hint of lust in the background.

"Listen," I snatched my outfit back, "I'll think about changing the style once I become an actual hero"

I walked out the room to change and all I could hear was a little 'tch' sound come out of him. After changing I went into the same bus as Katsuki and Izuku. I wanted to sit by him but Katsuki stopped me and made me sit next to him. Oddly enough, Katuski ended up being made fun of, I laughed a bit causing Katsuki to warn me and I zipped my lip sarcastically earning another death stare from him.

"Hey Midoriya did you see the rumor of Disatrous being seen around here!?"

"Didn't they say he died??" Izuku responded

"Well supposedly, but the villain who threatened him a while back died so rumor says he was trying to protect something which is why he faked his death"

"He used to be the number one hero before he left, do you think if he comes back he'll take back his place?"

Soon the whole bus was filled with talk about hero, what kind of hero name is disaterous anyways? What type of quirk did he have? Curiosity got control of me so I searched him up to see what his quirk was, apparently, he was able to create earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes of different magnitudes to stop various villains in the blink of an eye. It also said he was rumored to have a wife and child who were never seen before, and that he left because of a threat from a villain, though two accounts say he sold himself to the villain and now he's free since the villain died but who the fuck? As I was scrolling through various videos of him I saw another post that was about him but it was completely different from what I've been reading, it was another threat but it was made two months ago. Reading "I know your out there Disaterous, you should remember me since I'm one of the reasons you went into hiding. Come out of hiding for me yeah, and I'll try to spare your little girl." I clicked through more articles of him having a daughter and what she could look like and who could've sent the message, if it was a crazy ex or someone close to the villain who died. But before I knew it we were already at USJ.

"Hey you're going to stay with me alright?" Katsuki grabbed my arm and walked me out the bus

"Yeah yeah, of course I'm gonna stay with you." I rolled my eyes and walked with him to the opening

"Don't try anything stupid by the way"

"Hmm. I should say that to you since you're threatening to rip off my clothes."

"Don't worry. I'll only ever threaten you with a good time." He smirked and pulled at the zipper in front of my outfit. I smacked his hand looking around to make sure nobody payed attention to this conversation.

Our instructor was Thirteen, which made Izuku fan boy a little. As they were saying which parts dealt with what a random black hole appeared in the middle of all the disaster zones. Dozens of people were walking out of it but we didn't think much of it since we thought it was part of the program. However, before katsuki could jump into action along with others, Eraser head stopped them and said they are real villains and to step back.

"B-but maybe we could-"

"I said stand back! You guys aren't prepared for this" he yelled going up to them. And looked at the last man to walk out, a man with light hair and hands all over him.

The man looked around the crowd and said "Ah ah, well this isn't MY business, but....which one of you is Y/N?"

I froze.

Ahhhh I updated a day late I'm sorry, also should I go a little off the timeline of the original BNHA?? Idk I have a pretty wild story made up but idk how you guys will react (((:

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