Help Me

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I started waking up, everything was blurry, my head hurt and I blinked a few times to focus my eye sight. I was in a dark blue room, I looked around and tried to get up but I couldn't feel my arms. I looked to my side and sighed with relief when I saw both my arms. Though I was now realizing I was tied down to a table and my mouth was dry because of the cloth that was in it. I tried moving my legs, but they were tied up as well. I decided to stop struggling so I could save my stamina for when I needed it most. I heard a loud click of a lock then a door opened. I looked to my right and saw the lady from earlier.

"Ah finally you're awake. I guess I should tell you we lost since All Might came to the rescue. Ah and don't worry you're little boyfriend is safe."

My words came out muffled as I lifted my head.

"Hmm? I can't quite hear you," she walked up to me and took the fabric out of my mouth, "say that again." Her voice was teasing.

"I said. Where is he." I glared at her

"Ah don't worry, we left him were he got knocked out, why would I carry extra baggage with me."

"That's pretty stupid, he knows what you look like."

"You're right, but see, I want him to know. I need a little bird to tell everyone you've gone missing." She looked at me and crossed her legs. "So, how long have you two been dating?"

Why does she want to know this? Should I keep up the lie of Shouto being my boyfriend? What if he gets hurt. "We..aren't dating."

"No? Then he must just really like you. He's not bad looking either."

"Why did you even take me, how do you even know me."

"Ahhh I'm closer to you than you think. Plus I just needed you for a little revenge against...him," she stood up and walked next to me, "are you hungry?"


"I asked if you're hungry. Either way I'm bringing you food so you can choose to eat it or not." She undid the straps holding my arms and legs down.

I still couldn't feel my arms so I didn't bother getting up. She looked at me and then called someone on her phone. I heard her yell then no later than a minute the door slammed open to reveal a somewhat short looking boy, around my age, with straight black hair. He slowly walked over to me and I took this chance to try and run away but then I couldn't feel my legs and I fell down right on my face. Great now I'm stuck here with no way up.

"I told you to not touch her anywhere but her arms." The lady scolded the boy but he just scoffed.

"If I didn't she would've gotten away."

I felt someone grab me and put me on a chair. Then the boy came close to me again and suddenly I felt my legs again. I was about to get up again but then I realized my legs where tied onto the chair legs. I sighed and a few moments later there was food on the table.

"So what? Are you gonna spoon feed me like a little child? I haven't gotten sensation in my arms yet." I glared at the lady and she signaled the boy over again. I saw him reach for my arms then I was able to feel them again. It was an extremely tingling feeling as I slowly began moving my fingers. The lady then came over and touched my shoulder.

"Enjoy your meal." Then she let go and left. I tried to free my legs but there was a lock on them so no matter how much I tried I couldn't.

I sighed again and decided to eat the food. I wasn't gonna try and do a hunger strike, even tho I knew they needed me alive, I had to keep my stamina up for when I see a chance to escape. I grabbed the spoon and began eating whatever liquid was in the bowl, surprisingly it wasn't bad but I still had to be cautious.

Shoto P.O.V

I started waking up and blinked my eyes. Where am I? Sudden realization hit and I got up as fast I could and scanned the room only for it to be completely empty.

"Y/N!" I ran out the room and began looking for her around the building. "Y/N!!" I shouted, no response. "Y/N!!!!!" I shouted her name over and over but still no response.

"Ah Todoroki-kun here you are! We've been looking everywhere for you." Momo called out and grabbed my arm leading me out to were the rest of the students were. Maybe Bakugou took her but left me behind. I scanned the group of students and then I saw her.

"Y/N!" I ran up to her only to get stopped by Bakugou.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing." He stood in front of her

"I just..wanted to see if she's okay." Bakugou moved aside and let me talk to her

"Y/n, are you okay? What happened to the woman?" I looked into her eyes, something was different but I didn't know what. Everything from the fight was a blur but I'm just glad she's okay.

"Ah, you mean the villain 'Numb' as soon as All Might got here she left." She answered in a way that made me even more suspicious. Why couldn't I remember what happened?

On our walk back she was surprisingly close to me, causing more death glares from Bakugou. But why is she so close to me in the first place? She usually just gives me a smile then walks off with Bakugou, is it because he didn't care to take me along with her? Either way there still something very unsettling about Y/N but it could just be the shock from the villain attack I guess. We all walked back home and on my way to my house someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I was surprised to see Bakugou.

"Hey two face I have a question, why the hell is MY girlfriend telling me you two are dating and to stop touching her? Is this some dumb ass prank you both thought of?" His eyes got darker and I became confused

"Prank? What are you talking about?" I tried to remember but the only thing I recalled was when I answered the villains question.

"Listen you little punk, unless you want to die stay away from my girl, got it?" As he was walking away the memory of the fight came back. I froze a girls arm who was trying to hit y/n, there was two. And the one I froze..the one that I froze. I remembered now, I saw a girl with red hair change her appearance before trying to hit y/n. The one that's here, isn't her.

Ahhhh I'm sosososososososososososososososososososososososooooooooo sorry this took so long to update. Life's been busy and I didn't know what to write so this chapter might be a little sloppy. Next chapter will be better I promise!! I really do love the support and comments, they make me day, I love you guys thanks for sticking with me.

Vote goal ~ 15🌟

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