Oh shii waddup

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"I'm flying!! Oh my god I've always wanted to fly!" I flew around the fields of chocolate covered strawberries and roses. I landed on top of a cookie. I sniffed the air "mmmm~ so sweet and everything looks so yummy" I looks across the field to see ice cream and sweets everywhere (ever seen shark boy and lava girl? Well boom there's the visual effect). As I was walking up Mt.Frosting I felt someone grab my shoulder. I thought I was alone so it started me and I got a bit scared then saw it was Katsuki.
"K-katsuki?? What are you doing here?" I was extremely shocked, why in the hell is he in my dream.
"Well I found some pocky and I came to see if you wanted some." His face got closer to mine as he smiled very very devilishly.
"Hmm..sure," I reached for one but he pulled them away, "wha-"
"I was also thinking we could play a game with these~" he took one out and smirked as he put it to his mouth.
"What kind of game?" I had no idea where this was going. How do you play a game with pocky? Do you make houses with them or what!? Why can't I just eat them...
"Don't worry you'll still be able to eat them," my eyes widened as his smirk grew bigger, "open your mouth."
I hesitated at first then slowly opened and he put the chocolate stick in between my teeth. "Now, the other side will be in my mouth and whoever backs away first looses, or whoever gets less looses."
"Heh!?" Before I could protest this game he put the other end in his mouth and began biting his way towards my end. I was too flustered to eat my end but also too flustered to move away. Right before his lips touched mine he backed away letting a small piece fall to the floor.
"You suck at this game by the way." He said as he was finishing up what he had left in his mouth.
"Is the only point in this game just to kiss people?" I crossed my arms a bit annoyed, mostly at the fact that he didn't go the whole way.
"Technically, but I didn't kiss you so I guess I played it wrong too." He looked directly into my eyes and got closer. "Well then, let's finish it properly."
"What?" He bent down to grab the small piece that fell and put the end into his mouth. His movements where quick, he ate the remaining piece of the candy and smashed his lips against mine as he grabbed my face so I would back away. He tasted just like that candy, his tongue then licked my lower lip and I gasped which gave him access to enter my mouth. He slowly pulled away, then looked at me and said


"HOLY WHITE LORD JESUS WHAT THE POCKY STICK?!!!?" I quickly grabbed my phone and shut off the alarm. Sarcastic 'I want to die' smile then appeared on my face. Just dandy, I think sleep could help me forget everything but noooOOOOOooooOoOo. I rubbed both my eyes and sighed heavily. Yes this was my dream school, but did I wanna be there today? No, no I didn't.

I got ready and ate some toast before I left. I went into David's room to say goodbye, but he was already gone. I should be used to this by now but....he's like a father to me and now I hardly ever see him. Come to think of it, he had to come to my school once to talk to my principal, obviously it wasn't anything bad, I mean I'm a golden student, but my principal seemed to know him and after that he's been disappearing a lot. I glanced at the clock, "Oh shit I'm gonna be late!" I used my quirk to bring my backpack, keys, and uniform blazer towards me. Then I put my last pice of toast in my mouth and ran out the door. Putting on my backpack, while closing and locking the door with my telekinesis, I quickly ran off to the school. I wonder if I could sit on a loose piece of wood or something and just levitate myself to the school. I then got a flashback of when I tried something like that when I was younger and I completely failed and face planted hard. I shook my head and continued running.

Surprisingly I wasn't even late, instead I actually ended up getting there at the same time as Deku. "Oh hey! You're in 1-A too?" I smiled and waved at him.
"O-oh yeah...I thought I was about to be really late." He chuckled
"Oh same here, I basically ran here." I opened the door to see this buff guy with glasses arguing with someone. I looked to see he was arguing with a Kacchan. HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHHAAA cool, he's in my class, great, awesome.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Deku grabbed my shoulder, I didn't even realize I was shaking a bit.
"Huh?? Oh..yeah..totally I'm fine why?" I tried to pull of a shaky nervous smile
"Well y-your face is really red."
"Haha..that's supposed to be my line." I straightened up a bit then went to find a seat. Unfortunately before I could someone noticed Deku and the glasses dude came running up to him. Deku looked a bit intimidated so I got into a position to be able to push him away if he tried anything, he didn't, instead he complimented Izuku. Then this tiny looking round faced girl came up, she knew Izuku too.

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