Entrance Exams

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Fuck my life, I thought I could just avoid him today but noooooooooooooo.....I never should've cursed Mother Nature...you win ya betch.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing here?!" Katsuki yelled, he really hasn't changed.
"You're right in my face, I'm not deaf you don't have to yell." I glared at him, which of course made him angrier
"Listen you little shit, with a quirk like yours you should've just got a job helping decorate parties, you're almost as useless as Deku!"
"Wow, you really haven't changed, I guess the only thing that changed is how much more angry you are. Too bad your hair still looks like a rejected sharkboy" I saw his hands begin to spark, and I got my self ready.
"What the fuck did you just say to me bastard!!" Before anything could happen that announcer guy said the exam would be starting in 10seconds.
"If you'll excuse me." I nudged my way past him and he grabbed my arm. His hands were smoking and burning hot.
"You're going to regret that." Then he let me go and everyone raced into the city replica.

It was almost time for the elementary carnival and I was in the decorating room waiting for everyone to show up. I ended up looking through the boxes and I found one filled with glitter. That interested me a lot so I began playing with it, then I decided to make it more fun by using my quirk to move it around, in my head I felt like I looked like a water bender but with glitter instead. I spiraled it around on top of my head then I heard someone slam the door open.
"What a damn loser, using your quirk to play with glitter, how useless is that thing?" This caused me to drop all the glitter on myself, "wow you can't even keep it lifted up, you'll never be as good as me, not now or never, especially with a quirk like that." And off went Kacchan, a tear began forming in my eyes but I breathed in heavily and put the glitter bad in the box before anyone would notice. So what if I can't lift anything heavier than a table, but you just watch Kacchan I'll be strong, stronger than you one day.

***end of flashback***

Many robots appeared and so far I had about 40 points. I would've gotten more if there wouldn't of been idiots who don't pay attention to their surroundings and almost getting crushed by robot parts. I ran to another area that had a four way street, then one robot appeared in front of me. As I was about to attack three more appeared on the remaining three streets. Two three pointers and a one and two point robot. They were getting close, too close for me to attack individually. Then I had an idea that was a bit risky to my quirk limit.

"Hey! Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fight those robots?!" That voice came from another participant. I didn't know what his quirk was so this could potentially ruin my plan.
"Tch." He was just about to attack the robot across from me when I used my quirk to lift up the one in front and in back of me then turned slightly to slam them down on the two that were on my sides. "There I just answered your question." And with that I ran off again leaving the boy with an open mouth.

"1 minute left!" I was about 60ish or more points in, hopefully, I lost count after the 53rd point I got. Shit, where are all the damn robots at? I heard a loud bang, I turned to see Bakugou blowing up as many robots that were in his way. Your quirk sure is flashy but do you even have some sort of strategy? Then as quickly as I blinked he was staring directly at me. He came at me with full on speed and his fist in the air, was he really about to punch me? I got myself ready then he completely went past me and ended up destroying a robot. Are you kidding me!!?

"You know maybe I should follow you around considering how inattentive you are."
"I can take care of myself thank you very much."
"I meant to steal your points, I could give two shits wether or not you can defend yourself" I rolled my eyes and ran off again. Then a huge rumble was heard throughout the arena, and a huge robot appeared, the one worth 0 points. THAT SUCKER IS HUGE HOW IS IT NOT WORTH LIKE A BILLION POINTS. Since we were told to avoid it I ran the opposite way, and as soon as I did that it turned the corner completely demolishing a building letting chunks fly everywhere. One huge piece was coming at me and I tossed it aside causing me to fall over something in front of me. As soon as I got up one of its huge fists came at me. Holy fuck no. I moved its hand over making it punch a nearby building instead and I ran away. I stopped somewhere far away from it, I felt something come out of my nose and when I checked it, it was blood. Shit I'm reaching my limit, where does this school get the funds for things like that, is the founder of this place some secret mobster or Bill Gates or something?! My thoughts where interrupted when I heard a hide bang come from farther away, it sounded like it came from another area.

Later that day I heard the news that Izuku got pretty messed up. I wonder if he'll remember me after the past three years. So I decided to give him a little visit in the nurses office. I knocked on the door a few times a cute little old lady opened the door for me. "Uh hi, um...I'm here to see Izuku."
"Ah okay he's right over there." She pointed to were he was lying in the bed, I limped over since my dumbass ended up twisting my ankle when I fell. "Are you alright hun?," I nodded in response and then she grabbed my hand, "here let me help you." Then her lips extended to were my ankle was, let me tell you that was the weirdest thing I've seen all day. It was like a frog that sticks its tongue out to catch flies.
"Err..t-thanks.." I actually felt way better, but a little more tired than when I first walked in. I opened the curtain to where Deku was.
"Deku?" He woke up a little and looked at me, then his face got as red as a tomato and he sat up bumping my head in the process.
"Ow.." We said in unison, I laughed a little at him and sat in the chair next to his bed.
"Remember me?" I smiled
"Y-y/n? Y/N OS THAT REALLY YOU?!?" His face lit up like a shining red light, then he got all flustered once again when I laughed.
"Yeah, hey I'm glad you were actually happy to see me."
"What do you mean?"
"Well I ended up catching up with Kacchan earlier than I anticipated to...you know how he is." I shrugged and then sighed.
"O-oh..yeah, he was pretty upset when you left.", my eyes widened and a small blush came across my face
"The day after you left he became angrier than usual, and in the middle of him tormenting me and exploding everything he said 'why did she leave? Does she think she's better than me? Where the hell did she go?!' Then he dropped me and walked away." My blush grew even bigger
"Well...that's Bakugou for you..but anyways I should head home, see you soon." I smiled and began walking away
"W-wait! Y/n..."
"I like....I'm happy I got to see you again.." He smiled and laughed nervously. He was literally the cutest little thing ever. I chuckled and waved goodbye. Did Kacchan really get more fired up when I left? Maybe it was just coincidence...or maybe puberty, yeah puberty, that makes you do and say stupid crazy things. Damn it y/n stop thinking about a lame ass like him, yeah he's hot, and buff, and swift, and powerful, and....what was I saying? Anywhore I just need to worry about if I got into U.A. or not.

Ohohoho so does that mean katsuki likes you?!?!

Also there's gonna be a nice little moment that happens next chapter (wink wink)

Thank you for reading!!

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