Sore Loser

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Since the little 'hero v. villain' thing we had yesterday, I noticed Katsuki started acting a bit weird. Well not necessarily weird, but more like himself in a way. When I would try to talk to him he would seem extremely tense. At first I thought it was because of what happened during that time, but I found out it was because he lost. I swear he was always a sore loser, especially because he hardly lost. Dating him is such a hassle but it's not like I want to stop anyways. When I was about to put my books away in my locker someone slammed it shut before I could, I shouldn't of been surprised to see who did it.
"What if you would've closed that on my fingers?" I questioned, turning to face him.
"Ok but did I?" He grabbed one of my hands and looked at it. I pulled them away, "well no but-"
"Then don't complain," he grabbed my cheeks with his hand and leaned in, "I have a little bet for you."
I narrowed my eyes and tried to think what he was planning, though I can never know exactly what that boys thinking, "yeah..what is it?"
"Come to my house after school, I have something planned to see who's stronger."
"Really? Are you really that hung up on who won yesterday-"
"No. Now are you gonna accept the bet or chicken out?"
"I don't even know what the full bet is! What's that something you have planned?"
"It's a secret, what if you try to cheat when I tell you."
"Aren't you technically cheating since you know?" I crossed my arms and gave him a questioning look
"That doesn't matter, I don't even have to cheat at something I can win anyways, so just come over."

I thought about it for a moment but I really wanna know what he has planned, so I agreed so go over. I really hoped it wasn't anything weird or super disgusting like chasing lizards. God I hate lizards so much. I shuddered at the thought and began walking to class until Katsuki grabbed my arm. He grabbed my face once more and kissed my lips. "Man you don't know how badly I wanted to do that." I blushed then lightly hit him, "get inside already," I said after I planted a small kiss on his cheek then pushed him inside the class. Time went by a little too fast and then school ended. I stayed back since I had to get something from my locker and told Katsuki to just wait for me outside. When I was walking out I saw him talking to All Might, he looked pissed as usual, but even more so now.  When he noticed me his expression went from an angry frown to a devilish smirk, I was about to just walk past him so he could finish whatever conversation he was having with All Might until he grabbed my arm. I sighed and rolled my eyes turning around then greeting my other teacher.
"Anyways I don't need you telling me anything, I'm going to be the best student here and even surpass you as the number one hero!" Katsuki turned around and pulled me along with him
"Katsuki...that was a little harsh." I said trying to keep up with his pace
"Tch whatever."
He took me to his house and I started getting nervous, I still didn't know what the bet was. I was a little surprised to see that nobody was even home.
"Um..where's your mom?" I looked around then back at him
"She's out for a while getting groceries," his gaze became more mischievous, "now...time to start that bet." He smirked as he walked up to me. "Since I lost to you and your pathetic little teammate, I want a rematch."
"Ok..and where are we gonna find an empty building and a papier-mâchè bomb?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms
"I'm not saying to do the full thing idiot, I mean a fight between me and you, but with a twist," He smirked again and got closer "we can't use our quirks."
"I wouldn't use my quirk on you anyways," I looked down a bit embarrassed "I don't break promises."
"Hmm," he grabbed my face a lifted it up kissing my lips in a gentle and soft way "I don't either" he smiled. I was genuinely shocked, he smiled? He's smiling? Is he? Am I dreaming?? Since when did he ever smile so sweetly like this? I blinked a few times then just smiled back. "Ok, first person to pin the other down wins." Before I could agree to it he charged at me.
It was a good thing David taught me a few fighting moves as backup in case I over exhausted my quirk, though it was mostly defense. I blocked Katsuki's fist with my arm and went to hit him. We blocked each other hits but neither of us got a punch in. Obviously we were going a little easy on each other since we're dating but it was starting to get difficult. Katsuki had way more stamina than me so it was only a matter of time before I started getting worn out. He noticed and then lunged himself towards me, I barely got out of the way. Out of nowhere I fell to the ground, Katsuki made me think his lunge was his only move just to get me off balance and then he swung his leg under mine making me fall.
"IDIOT! THAT HURT." I was about to get back up when he pinned me back down. His hands held down mine and his legs were over mine so I wouldn't kick him.
"It looks like I won." He smirked and leaned closer to my face. "You know what?"
"What?" I tried not to make eye contact since the current position was a bit...awkward.
"This reminds me of the time you came over just to say you made it in."
My face became red again, I began thinking what would've happened if I didn't get away. It felt different now, I'm not sure I'll be able to pull away if he tried anything again. "I was able to get out of your hold though, so don't underestimate me." I smirked back at him and tried twisting my wrists free.
"I won't." Was all I heard before his lips came crashing onto mine.
My eyes fluttered closed as our lips moved in unison. His grip on me began to loosen, but I didn't feel like breaking away this time. His hands then found their way to the buttons of my shirt. His teeth grazed my bottom lip before he sucked on it and bit. I did the same to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't realize he unbuttoned my shirt just under my boobs before I stopped him.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything if you don't want to"
I bit my lip and brought him into another kiss. "I don't know if I'm ready yet."
"Then at least let me make you mine in another way." He whispered into my collar bones. Before I could say anything I felt a sharp pain on my collar bone. I winced and pulled his hair. I felt him begin to suck and graze his teeth along the same spot, that's when I knew what he was referring to. I squirmed under him as his hands went up and down my sides. His lips were on mine again in a quick motion before he looked at me. "It suits you, I like it." He smirked
"What are you doing!?" I hit his arm and went to cover myself before he grabbed my hands again.
"Let me make another yeah?" He licked the skin o my left breast but before he could bite it the door opened.
"Katsuki are you home?" It was his mother.
We both froze realizing we were right behind the opened door. He quickly got up and I began buttoning my shirt as fast as I could.
"Yeah what is it?"
"Well firstly learn to lock the damn door, but come and help me with the groceries."
I popped in behind Katsuki and waved hi to his mom
"Ohhh Y/N, what a surprise, what are you doing here?" Her frown turned into a smile while greeting me
", I was just helping Katsuki with our homework."
"Katsuki asked for help? That's a first."
"Ahhhhhh well he didn't ask, I just did it anyways."
"She just wanted an excuse to be with me after school hours." He added giving me a side glance slightly smirking.
"Yes, because everyone just dying to spend extra time with you." I rolled my eyes and looked at him
"Well obviously, who wouldn't? I'm the best person there is."
"So are you two a thing?" His mom interrupted our almost argument and I choked on air
"Yeah." Katsuki said as bluntly as ever
"What?! I didn't think anybody would be able to handle your temper." She smirked down at him and rubbed his head
"Yeah well I learn from the best." That earned him a glare from his mom before she looked back at me
"So does this mean you'll stay for dinner?"
"I wish I could, but I already had dinner plans with my dad." I smiled. I just decided to call David my dad since that's what he basically was for me, even though we weren't related I really felt like we had some sort of bond.
"Aw, well next time, just tell me when your dinners are free."
I smiled and excused myself. Down the street I grabbed my phone and texted Katsuki
'Idiot, what am I supposed to do about this mark?"
'As long as you keep buttoning your shirts to your neck nobody will even see it.'
'Ok but what if my dad sees it?'
'Just don't show your collar bones for a while, next time I'll do it in a more concealable area'
'Obviously. Just be prepared.'
I didn't even know what to text him other than idiot. I blushed harder than before and thought to myself just what would've ended up happening if he continued. Would I have really let him do that? A part of me is really glad his mom came, but I'm also disappointed. I shouldn't be, but..ughhhhh I don't even know anymore. That boy does things to me that make me go crazy for no valid reason. I got home and went to take a shower. When I took off my shirt I ran tiny circles around the quarter sized mark on my collar bone then blushed again feeling a tingle in my stomach. I wonder if he really plans on marking my boobs. I got into the shower and relaxed. Today was pretty unforgettable.


I hate how I always leave you guys like this, but I started college (ew) and I've had no time for literally anything. But I really will try to get a new chapter at least once every two weeks so bare with me I love you guys sm. Also I sense a lemon coming soon uwu

🌟vote goal: 10

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