That just happened

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I didn't have to wait too long until I got a letter from U.A. I mean obviously I'm nervous but what for? I know I got it....hopefully. goes nothing, just open it and read. I opened the letter and took out some weird little metal thingie, and then it just lit up and showed a hologram. "JESUS!!" That scared the living soul out of me. Is that..All Might?!? It was and he was congratulating me on making it in and that he was a new teacher there. "YES!! I DID IT...." I cleared my throat a little, "I mean yeah..I knew I'd make it." My smile grew to a smirk, I bet a certain someone would looooooOoOooOooOoOve to know I made it in. I changed into a white shirt, my dark green jacket and black pants then walked over to where katsuki lived, at least where he lived when I was friends with him way back when. Well if insults and bullying counted as friendship...then I would've been his number two bestie next to izuku.

I got to his house and knocked on the door three times. It opened a short while after, and me being full of pride I didn't even look to see who answered before saying , "guess who just got accepted into U.A. Katsu-" I decided too look a little too late, "yoouuuu aren't Katsuki..." For starters the person at the door was a woman and now probably a very concerned one.
" no, but he is my son..may I ask who you are?" She had no emotion in her face.
"Oh! Um I-I'm (y/n).." I scratched the back of my head and smiled awkwardly.
"(Y/n)?? ohh my is it really you (y/n)!? My son doesn't stop talking about you! Well more like insults, but he talks about you more than anyone else." She laughed awkwardly, "So I'm guessing you're here for him right? Come in, he's up stairs second door to the left." She backed away letting me in.
"Uhh..yeah..thank you." A small blush was plastered on my face as I began walking upstairs. Get it together (y/n) be confident and sassy get him angry...well that actually won't be hard wether or not if I was sassy but you know, whatever.

As soon as I was about to open the door and barge in it opened before I could grab the handle. I pulled my hand back quickly and noticed a shirtless Katsuki, and I'm pretty sure my face just got even more red than it was. I quickly looked down then back at his face, he didn't look as mad as usual but not happy either. "What the hell are you doing here?" His voice sounded deeper and more raspy, did he just wake up? I straitened up a bit and twirled a piece of hair on my finger.
"Oh I just came by to see if you got a letter from U.A." I gave him a side glance and he furrowed his eyebrows
"What's it to you?" He crossed his arms and leaned on his door. Why did he look so good...SHUT UP BRAIN.
"Cause I just got mine," I got on my tip toes and leaned closer to his face, "and guess who got accepted." I grew a devilish grin.
"HOW THE HELL?!" I peeked in a saw his letter on his bed. Then I pushed passed him and grabbed it then sat on his bed. He slammed his door and pushed me down on the bed yanking the letter from my hand. "How the fuck could a quirk as useless as yours get accepted!"
"Why are you so upset hm? You got in too." I crossed my arms and looked at his arms which where on each side of my head.
"Well of course I did," he smirked which quickly turned into a scowl, "Did you really think that by getting into this school you'd be better than me!? You didn't even the notice the damn robot that was coming after you from behind!"
"I would've noticed it, but the real question is why did you take the time to attack it when there were many robots right next to you, worth even more points?" He averted his gaze from me and a small blush appeared on his cheeks
"There wasn't anyone around me other than you so I just stole your point that's all..."
"Hmph...well either way that point didn't affect me since I did end up getting third place," I put my hand in front of my face to "check" my nails, kinda like that hand emoji minus the nail painting brush. I looked back at Katsuki to his face burning with anger. Then he grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head and put one of his legs on the bed next to me while his other was standing in between my legs.
"Oh yeah? Well that's where you're going to stay cause you'll never top me, you're weak, you're a useless shit!" I saw his arms tense as his grip became hotter and started smoking.
"Like you'll even be able to be a top hero with that kind of attitude, I swear if I didn't know you better id think you were a wannabe villain!"
"YOU JUST WATCH ILL BECOME THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND SURPASS ALL MIGHT! I'll have thousands of fans kissing my ass."
"Tch. You're not worthy to have anyone kiss your ass." I rolled my eyes which snapped him out of cocky zone.
"You're not even worthy enough to kiss my ass."
"Who said I wanted to kiss your ass?!"
"So you're saying you don't want to kiss me?" He leaned his face in closer to mine. And I got too flustered for words. Kiss him? Wait how did this topic even come up I'm...this is not okay..
"No, what I'm saying is that nobody would want to worship someone with your attitude."
"So that's a no?" He smirked and got a little closer.
"T-that's not what I me-," I was cut off by him tightening his grip.
"Shut up." Then he slammed his lips onto mine. I had a wide eyes expression then soon I kissed him back. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why am I not using my quirk to just push him off? Do I like it??

He let my hands go and I put them up to his chest. One hands began going down my side making me jump and realize what was happening. My eyes shot open and I pushed him back breaking the kiss and I was breathing hard, I didn't even realize how long I was holding my breath. I got up fast causing me to bump heads with him.
"Oi! What the fuc-" I ended up stumbling on my own feet grabbing the door and slamming it open only to almost run into his mom.
"Ah...h-hello, um I was just....just wondering if you guys would like something to eat? I just made dinner an-"
"Thank you but I can't....I just remembered that to feed my pet rock!" I smiled awkwardly.
"Your pet ro-"
"Yup! His names rocky, now if you'll excuse me, it was nice seeing you again Mrs. Bakugou!" And with that I was off leaving her with and even more confused face than she had when she opened the door to me for the first time.
"Uhuh...Katsuki honey are you hungr-"
"No." And then he slammed the door shut. His mother sighed and closed the door after I ran out.

I got back home, completely out of breath, and it's not because I wasn't used to running, I was used to that, but you know...running while flustered and out of breath to begin with isn't a cup a tea. I was leaning on a wall pressing my hand to heart and trying to catch my breath, and then my door opened.
"(Y/n)? Are you home?" I jumped at the voice then calmed down once I realized it was David, the guy who's been taking care of me. Oh look at that you came earlier than expected, a week early to be exact.
"Y-yeah, I'm in the kitchen.." I heard his footsteps come to where I was. I gave me a stern stare. "Um..what's up?"
"I know what just happened..." HOW DID HE KNOW IT LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED, WHO IS HE SOME MIND READER? Well honestly I don't even know his quirk or if he has one, I've known him for six years and yet I don't know the basics of him wow nice people skills (y/n).
"Y-you do?"
"Of course I do, I mean have you seen how shook up you are?" Oh im shook alright.
"L-look, yes that did happen b-but I didn't like it at all!" I didn't like it right? Right!?
"You didn't like it? But I thought you were waiting for this day practically your whole life." WHERE DOES HE KEEP GETTING THIS INFORMATION!? I mean yeah I admit I did wanna kiss Katsuki back in 5th grade but was I really waiting for this my whole life?
"N-no! What kind of person waits for this their whole life?!"
"You? I mean you were non-stop talking about U.A. And let's not mention how anxious you were to get that letter."
"Huh?!" Fuck...
"Well yeah I saw the letter, congratulations...I think?"
"A-h r-ight. Yeah! No..I thought you were talking about me getting a pet rock.."
"Nothing! But yes thank you, I'm extremely happy I got in!"
"Right, but about this pet rock thing, are you...okay?"
"Mhmm, now then if you'll excuse me I'm gonna get ready for bed cause I have a long day tomorrow! Night David.." I sure will have a long day tomorrow...damn (y/n) you couldn't of been more of an idiot, if he would've known about your "reunion" with Kacchan he would've guessed exactly what the reason behind your attitude was. Ughhhhhhhhh I'm gonna shower, and then try to sleep.

Hey sorry if these are a little short, I promise I'll try to make them longer on the next chapters.

But oh mai oh mai I wonder what's gonna go down when you see Katsuki at school the next day. Will you be in tip top shape for the exercises you'll have to do tomorrow?

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