a loving end

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                            THIS IS R18 YALL!!

I woke up in a random room and didn't recognize a single thing. But strangely the scent was familiar and right then I thought I was going crazy or in a dream. I was about to shut my eyes again when I heard someone speak.

"Finally you're awake lazy ass." I turned and saw Bakugou standing by the door.

"Oh hey baby!" I smiled and laughed a little.

"D-don't day that shit dumbass!" He turned away and blushed.

I sat up and looked and grabbed my leg. I flinched a bit and noticed it was wrapped in a bandage. I touched it and whimpered a bit.

"Stop messing around with it idiot, you ended up getting a large gash on your leg when you escaped, you didn't realize since you blacked out from the loss of blood." He closed the door and walked over to me.

"I see," I looked around more and noticed the boyish theme, "so I'm guessing this is your room?" I asked looking at him kneeling in front of me.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, who else would it belong to?" He then reached his hands towards my thigh and out of instinct I slapped them away. "Oi dumbass I'm changing your bandages..I mean unless you'd like me to do something else?" He looked at me and smirked a devilish grin.

"Sh-shut up!" I poured and crossed my arms.

"You're really cute ya know that?" He grabbed my chin and smiled.

"Pft. What's gotten into you? Are you happy you're spending time with me~?" I poked his cheek and his smile faded.

"No. I just like being in full control of you since you're injured." He smirked and finished changing my bandages.

"My arms still work ya asstit..." I felt a stare hot as fire burn my face, and I began blushing hard.

I felt his hands slither up my thighs and onto my waist. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me. Then I felt his hands go under the hem of my shorts and towards the front unbuttoning them.

"H-hey! Bakugou what are you?!" He cut me off kissing my thigh.

"You'll feel good I promise." And with that he slowly took off my shorts being careful to not hurt my leg. He started kissing up my thigh and ran his fingers along the lace of my panties. "If you want me to stop tell me." He whispered inching closer to my most precious spot.

"No," I hesitated a bit and then breathed, "k-keep going."

He smiled slightly and started taking off my underwear. My left leg was then lifted over his shoulder. I flinched a bit since it hurt but the pain was only for a second. He had his right arm along my thigh and his hand around my ass. He used his free hand to slowly run up my right thigh. His thumb stopped right above my womanhood and he looked at me for reassurance. I nodded and he slowly slid his thumb down my entrance. I covered my mouth with my arm and closed my eyes. He went up in down at an agonizingly slow pace a few times then I saw his head go down. I was about to ask him what he was doing then I felt something hot and wet right on my entrance. I jumped a bit and inhaled sharply. His thumb then focused on my clit while his tongue focused on my opening. I soon became a squirming mess and started breathing heavily. He switched his main focus to my clit and he sucked it. My back arched a bit and I let out a moan.

"Mm that's what I wanted to hear." Bakugou then inserted two fingers while still licking my clit. I used my arms to support my weight so I wouldn't fall back.

His fingers curved in every direction and his tongue worked wonders. I began moaning more each time and then his fingered rubbed against a certain spot inside and I moaned louder. I heard a small chuckle come from him and then that same spot kept getting rubbed over and over and I soon fell down onto the bed arching my back in what they called pleasure.

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