Teams A-Z

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A/N yo okay so I was about to do a chapter when they all go to the disaster zone but then I realized I'd be skipping the whole villains v. Hero teams so that's what this chapter is. Also I decided to change 'Davids' (aka your caretaker or whatever) name to amatsu. So you won't be confused as to why a hundred men randomly show up in your house. Another thing is I'm kinda choosing your hairstyle just so it'll be easier for me, I'm sorry! That is all, enjoy!

Wooooh! Today's the day i not only get to try out my super suit, but also the day I get to really prove my worth. I glanced at my phone to check the time, and well...I had about ten minutes to finish getting ready. "Ahh! Not again!!" I ran straight to my closet to granny uniform. While putting it on, I knocked over a small box I have on my desk when I put my arm through my shirt. All that fell out of it were pieces of scrap, but also a weirdly colored necklace. I bent down to pick it up, one charm had the shape of a crescent moon, it was fairly small, and the other was basically a line under it that was colored in an emerald green, with light blue mixed in, it looked like a weird little galaxy. For some reason I decided to wear it, then I put on my knee high socks and my shoes then ran downstairs.

"Y/N! I was wondering when you'd finally come downstairs. I brought donuts if you want any." I looked to my right and saw the tall dark haired male, Amatsu.
"Oo! Yes my favorite!! Thank you." I went into the kitchen and grabbed (insert favorite type of donut here). He began walking towards the box to get a donut himself.
"Oh yeah no pro-", he stopped mid sentence and I looked up at him so see pure shock in his eyes, "that necklace...where did you get it?"
"Hm? This? Oh well mom gave it to me."
"Even after what she still kept it?"
"Trust me, I didn't keep it for her, I kept it because she told me my dad gave this to me the day I was born. She also said he died when I was one, so I figured this is the only connection I have to him so I'm gonna keep it."
"Oh I about your mom." He glanced at the microwave behind me, "actually this can wait until you come back, you're gonna be late."
"I will don't worry, now go!"

I ran to school basically almost tripping as I got to the door. When I got in i noticed Katsuki looking at me for a longer time than usual. This made me blush a bit as I walked to my seat.
"This is the first time I've seen you wear socks that high." Katsuki stated.
"I have higher though." I said bluntly, not realizing what kind of thoughts I basically just put into Katsuki mind.
"Oh really? Well one day you should wear them for me." He said as his hand went on my knee trailing upwards. I smacked his hand away as the bell rang.
"In your dreams kacchan."
"Maybe I will dream about it." He smirked and turned back around to face the front.

Someone needs to handle this mans I swear. God...what did I get myself into. As soon as I finished my thought the door slammed open to reveal none other than, All Might himself. I, along with everyone else, was astounded, shocked even. This was so unexpected, and wow he's even buffer in person.
"Hello!! I am here to teach you on hero basics, and training. So today we will be doing combat training!! Along with these!" Then the walls had shelves coming out, "your hero outfits!"

Everyone cheered but I stayed quiet, I'm not much of a yelling person but I was still extremely excited. So we all got our box and went to change. We all walked out of this dark alley, and wow everyone's costumes were so cool. My costume was pretty simple, it was an all black skin suit, the top was a halter, basically a turtle neck without sleeves. There was a zipper in the front that started under my belly button and ended at the top of the neck line. Since I didn't want to be a walking shadow I had white line that went straight down both of my shoulders to the end of my ankles. For shoes I had white boots that were calf high, they had a small heel but not too high since I would actually die from rolling my ankle about a thousand times.

 For shoes I had white boots that were calf high, they had a small heel but not too high since I would actually die from rolling my ankle about a thousand times

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(First and last time I use a picture in one of my chapters)

After I walked out the first person I noticed was Shouto. It's not to hard to see him since he's the only one here with multi colored hair.

"Hey Shouto!" He turned around and I waved him over to me. As he got closer he had a light blush on his face staring at my face.
"Hey y/n, nice outfit..uh..the boots are really nice..are they comfortable?"
I laughed a bit since his question was completely random, "Yeah they are, and they're pretty easy to move in too."
"I like the way you put your hair." My bangs were parted in the middle, and I had a semi high ponytail, since my hairs pretty wavy the end of the pony tail was curly waved.
"Huh?" A small blush creeped onto my face, he sure has a lot of compliments.
"It's different from your usual let down hair, it's nice."
"O-oh th-anks...I really like your costume, is that ice?"
"Yeah, its simple but I like it."
"And I'd really like to beat you up in it." I jumped to see Kastuki walking up to us.
"K-kastuki!" I tried scolding him but I just sounded like a small mouse.
"Did you forget already? I told you not to compliment her." Katsuki inched closer to shouto but before anything could happen All Might began talking and telling us how things were going to work.

We were all going to be in teams of heros and villains, for the heros to win they either had to capture the villains or the bomb. How the villains win is basically the opposite, and teams would be chosen randomly. When the teaming was over me and Izuku were team A while Katsuki got paired up with Iida, poor him, he has to be in a group with Katsuki, I feel bad. While I was getting excited about being in a group with Izuku and he on the other hand was extremely flustered, All Might called out the first group to be against each other.

"Team A, you guys are the heroes! And Team D, you're the villains!"

Those words made me completely stop talking, my face was frozen with a now nervous smile. I tweeked my head to the right and saw Katsuki death glaring Izuku, but this time Izuku didn't look as afraid, which made Katsuki angry. This is just great of all the people we could've been against it just had to be with the one guy who wants absolutely destroy Izuku. I let out a long sigh then straightened up and smiled at Izuku, "Don't worry, we will win I promise!" Then I grabbed his arm and walked to our starting positions. Hopefully considering the fact that me and Kacchan are dating now he won't use his quirk on me and break the promise we made.

Or will he?¿ Probably not I mean he totally won't beat up a girl, specifically a girl he's dating..right?


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