Are You Okay?

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"Y/N! I'm so glad you're okay!" He ran up to me and hugged me. The lady was struggling to stand up.

"Oi! David now that we're all here shouldn't we take a cute little family reunion picture? Or are you going to run away from me again?"


"It's nothing, she's just trying to mess with you."

"Now that's just sad David, how can you not tell her about what you did! Why didn't you tell her the truth honey!" She stood up and ran towards us then David moved him arm causing the ground to crumble leaving a huge hole in between us and her.

I looked back at David and pushed his hands away from me and backed up. "Who..are you?" I grabbed my hand and stared at him.

"y/n please now isn't the time-"

"Who are you! Why did she call you honey! What did you do to me?" I shouted louder and felt my quirk slowly come back

"Y/n!" he sighed and let his gaurd down, "I'm...your dad. And she's you're mother."

I dropped down to my knees and my eyes filled with tears I couldn't stop. "no," I used my good hand to lift up some rubble and aimed it towards him, "you're lying!" then I began to hear singing of a very familiar lullaby and I turned towards her.

"And she sleeps as a beautiful princess~ come here darling, I was with you the whole time, he left us because he didn't love you." she opened her arms towards me

"That's not true! I left to protect you from everyone trying to kill you, I had to fake my death for you both!"

"Th-then why did you come back? Why did you fake your death only to come back!" I shouted at him

"Because the people trying to kill you are dead now! They died and I could come back. I came back for you, to renew our family but your mother, she, she left you the day I came back."

"Shut up David! She's my daughter you left us first."

"But, you tried to kill me? You kidnapped me, had that nasty little midget torture me all for what? Revenge because he left? You're own daughter to do that?"

"tch." in a flash she jumped over the gap and grabbed me in a choke hold with a knife to my neck

"If you want her to live give up your powers!"

"You're crazy! Why are you even doing this, I'm here now let her go!"

"And then what?"

"Come back to us," she froze and looked at me

"Mom?...."she lifted up her knife, "I'm not..your mother!" she brought the knife down to stab me but got stopped

"I'll give up my powers! Let her go!" I looked up at David more tears filling my eyes

"Tch, big mistake." She tossed me over causing me to slam my head on the other wall, "You're going to die Disaterous." She grabbed his hands and wisted his wrists causing him to cry out in pain.

"No!" I yelled and let out my hand.

"Your quirk is gone now! how will you save your little girl now! Hahaha!" she turned to me and stabbed David in the stomach, she began running towards me.

"D-da..d?" Tears ran down my face as I yelled as loud as ever.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice that belonged to Katsuki.

"Watch out!" I then saw Todoroki stop Katsuki before he ran into the hole.

"Tch I knew it was there I know what I'm doing two face! Y/N huryy and get over here!"

"no," I looked towards the knife then her arm and body and she was frozen in her tracks floating up into the air, "you guys need to run, now!" I used my arm to lift David and bring him over to Katsuki and Todoroki, "please take care of him."

"Hah?? What about you? I'm not leaving you here to die!" Katsuki shouted as Todoroki helped David up.

"I'm not going to die trust me! Just please go!" I looked towards Katsuki with pleading eyes and he hesitated but helped Todoroki and left.

"I'm trusting you." then he left leaving me alone with both her and the boy.

" never loved me huh? You! You left me a lone in a park! What if David didn't come! You don't even care do you?" she couldn't reply since I had her in a fully controlled mode. "I'll never forgive you for this."

I threw her to the ground hard and felt a sharp pain in my heart, I began crying harder than I ever have memories flooded my mind in full detail. My childhood flashed trough my head, the day my dad gave me the necklace that I still have now i know why it felt so important. the walls around me began to crumble as i was still crying. The floor and the ceiling were also crumbling everything was falling apart slowly I felt when Katsuki, Todoroki and my dad left the building and then it all crumbled in, everything turned to dust and began flooding over as pipes were broken.

"Y/N!! Oi Y/N what the hell are you doing!" I heard Katsuki screaming out my name and i opened my eyes.

I lifted myself up and began to levitate myself out of there when I heard

"sweetie, please, don't leave me like this..I'm your mother."

"No, you're not my mother, I only have a father." I turned away before I would change my mind. As i was leaving i heard shouting curses and how she never loved me and how she tried to kill me when my father first left. I didn't pay attention and left before there was no way out. I slammed my way through the last brick roof and landed.

"Y/N!" Kastsuki ran up to me and grabbed me before I could fall down, "You're a god damn idiot you know that?"

I smiled and hugged him, "but I'm your idiot."

"Tch, don't scare me like that ever again," he hugged me tighter and kissed my head. Ever so silently did i hear him whisper, "I love you." then everything went black.

I'm so sorry for taking such a long break ^^;;;  honestly I've lost inspiration on this story but worry not I'll start another along with one shots!!! I have disappointed my readers BUT next chapter is 🍋( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🍋 so keep up.

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