Heros v Villains

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I'm gonna be fighting katuski...and it's not even because he got me mad. Will he actually fight me though? I mean I am his gf.

"Y/n?" Izuku called me out of my thoughts
"Are you okay? You're looking scared."
"Well it's not that I'm scared, it's more like I'm nervous." I looked down at my feet running a hand through my hair
"If anyone should be nervous it's me! I mean I just got this quir-"
"What?" I looked up from the ground to see him freaking out and stumbling over his own words, I understood nothing that came out of his mouth other than 'I've totally had this forever' and 'I just never used it'. I didn't question him about it since I was still wondering exactly what Katsuki would do if he finds me. My thought was broken when Izuku grabbed my shoulder and said it was time. I nodded and gave him a confident smile as I shook off my nerves and prepared for the worst case scenario.

We began running through the hallways of the large building looking for the bomb.
"Hey I think we should split up, it'll give us a better chance to find out where the bomb is faster." I said while running along side Deku
"Yeah that Sounds good-" then we heard a loud bang followed by pieces of the wall flying in front of us.
"Found you Deku!" It was Katsuki, and he had the same look in his eyes as he did back in elementary when he was about to beat up Deku, except this time it was more deadly.
"Deku go! I'll hold him off!" I stepped in front of him ready to grab Katsuki in case he tried chasing after him.
"But y/n-"
"Go! I got this! Just find the bomb." He nodded and ran off, just like I predicted katsuki was about to chase after him.
"Get back here Deku! Are you that much of a wimp that you need a girl to protect you!" He ran past me but I levitated some wall pieces in front of him so he wouldn't go. He clicked his tongue and faced me. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" He was obviously annoyed, but then again when wasn't he.
"Your fight is with me, so unless you wanna be labeled a wimp for running away from a girl. Be my guest." His lip twitched and he looked around.
"Tch. You never learn do you? But fine if you want to fight that badly then I won't go easy on you!" He squatted down a bit while his hands began lighting up.
"Hn, who said I wanted you to go easy on me? Honey." I smirked lightly preparing myself to doge his punches. He began running after me but then ended up throwing his first punch on the ground and wrapping his other arm around my waist taking me behind a huge piece of broken wall. "What the hell was that Bakugou?!" I looked around and everything was covered in a thick smoke due to him punching the ground. Then I looked at him and he was right on top of me still holding me in his arms. I began wiggling around to break free only making him hold me tighter. I let out a wince of pain and grabbed his arm.
"Why are you wearing that." Was the only thing he said while staring me directly in the eyes
"What?" For a moment I stopped trying to break free
"This," he pinched my arm pulling on the tight leather sleeve, "what kind of shit hero outfit is this?"
"Well unlike you, I chose something that isn't heavy with a lot of extra stuff."
"Maybe you should've added extra stuff, too many people were staring at you."
I snickered at his remark, was he serious right now? "Oh..and who were those people? You and your seven devils living in your mind?" His eyes narrowed and he let me go, making me hit my head on the ground.
"No, I'm talking about two face."
"He only looked for like two seconds, what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that he looks at you in a way that only I'm allowed to look at you like. He can't get it through his thick ass skull to know you're mine."
"I'm pretty sure he, as well as everybody in this school, knows I'm yours, you literally yelled it in the cafeteria." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Hmm....well apparently I need to show proof."
"What do you me-" I was cut off when I felt his tongue lick up my neck just under my jaw. I put my hands on his shoulders to push him back but he grabbed them and slammed them down causing my knuckles to scratch. Too quickly was that pain masked by a new pain on my throat, a sharp throbbing pain. "Ahh..K-Katsuki, what are you doing?" I felt him sucking and biting the same area over and over again, in its own weird way, it felt...good. Then as soon as it started it ended. And Katsuki's face was in front of mine again.
"Now people will know your mine, and if they still don't back off then I'll just have to make them." He had a satisfied smirk on his face after seeing the huge bruise he left on my neck. Surely it was going to be there for a few days, I started getting up when he cupped my cheek and planted a small kiss on my lips. He then got close to my ear and whispered, "if we weren't in battle right now I would totally fuck you." My face turned a crimson red as I got up, knocking Katsuki off his knee in the process. "Oi clumsy ass! Watch it!"
"Yeah yeah, it's your own fault for saying that."
"Well it's the truth, we can't have a relationship without truth." He smirked and got up to face me again. The smoke started going away which meant the cameras would be able to see us.
"Hit me." I said while keeping an eye on the smoke
"What?" This was probably the only time I've ever seen him look genuinely shocked.
"Explode a rock at me or something." I walked in front of a medium sized cement rock "the smoke is going away and if we don't look like we at least tried to fight they'll know something was up, not to mention you left this mark on my neck for proof."
"Ugh..are you sure you can handle it?"
"Yes, im sure! Now hurry the smokes about to fade away!" I readied myself for a few more bruises and scratches to come as well as a huge impact force of rock.
Katsuki charged at the rock causing another explosion and launching me towards the wall. I was able to hold the whole exploded rock in place, give or take a few shreds that cut me up a bit. The smoke was gone and I took this chance to run off and try to find Deku.

Yo I'm back! Man I'm really sorry about the almost three month wait, thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years was going on and family stayed longer than just the weekend, but thank you for the support and comments, you guys are hilarious and I enjoy reading them, it makes me happy. I love you guys have an amazing day!!

🌟vote goal: 10

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