Who Are You?

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I was frozen, how does he know me? What does he want with me? I heard Katsuki's knuckles crack, but without turning to him I said, "Calm down you'll make it obvious."

"I won't calm down, if he tries anything I'll kill him." He said in an angry whisper, trying not to be too loud.

The man scanned the group, looking back and forth before he pointed directly at me. My breath got caught in my throat as a cold sweat started on the back of my neck.

"You....considering the amount of people who looked around while you stayed still, im guessing you're Y/N, right?" His voice, his voice was something I've never heard before, tired and raspy but with a slightly highpitched tone, not deep and scary, but light and creepy, "Hmm, if you don't answer me I guess I'll have no choice but to make you."

"If you lay a single finger on her you'll be dead bastard!" Katsuki shouted while his hands began exploding
"Haaa so she is the little princess I've been hearing about."

Princess...who knows me, what do they want with me.

"Everyone stay back and protect Y/N, leave them to me" Eraserhead jumped off the stairs and his hair rises as his eyes turned red. He fought people with no trouble, since their quirks were gone that guy and the thing behind him couldn't do anything.

"Stay behind me, if anything happens they'll have to run up to us." I saw Shouto walk in front of me before Katsuki grabbed the front of his shirt.
"Listen here half head! If anyone's going to protect her it's gonna be me!"
I heard a light stale laugh,"do you really want to fight over who's going to protect her right now when she's in danger?"
"Tch. I'm not finished with you." He let go of Shouto's shirt then stood behind me.

We all watched as Eraser Head beat up all the villains coming after him as the main two just stood by doing nothing. He was amazing, this is what a pro hero is capable of doing. Some of us were too distracted by the fight to realize the purple thing got away. When I looked at where it was before it was gone, then we all turned around to see it behind us. How did he get here?

"Ahh nice to finally see you up close, now I hope you don't mind but I'll be taking you now."
"Over my dead body!" Katsuki was about to attack when Thirteen stopped him.

Everything happened so fast, before I knew it Thirteen was taken down by their own quirk and Katsuki ended up attacking the thing head one along with Kirishima. The last thing I saw was Shouto go in front of me and wrap him arms around me. I opened my eyes to see I was in some room. There wasn't any furniture, and it was all just brick almost the same as the building we were in during the hero and villain stuff. There were huge holes on the walls which gave the room a little light then I saw a shadow in my left corner. Without hesitating I levitated a piece of the wall that was on the floor and threw it in that direction. I made a new little hole on the wall but there was nobody there. Was I just imagining-
"Now now, that's no way to treat a stranger." I heard a low feminine voice come from behind me so I got some cement pieces from my previous attack to throw behind as I turned around. "Tsk tsk. At least have better aim if you're trying to hurt me." All I saw was a shadow, a seemingly thin shadow with long hair. I was panicked, my mind wasn't working right and all I could do was just throw little pieces their way and hope at least one would hit them. They ended up right next to me and I was able to knock them down. When they stood they were in front of the ray of light, oddly enough they were actually really beautiful, I mean as beautiful as someone can be with blood running down their face. I blinked a few times, still staring at her before I went to levitate something else, but I couldn't. I looked back at what I wanted to lift then at her and I couldn't do anything. Does she have the same quirk as Aikawa? I looked at her directly in the eyes and she sighed, closing her eyes so I tried to lift it again, but I still couldn't.

"Ah...you sure got me there, I took a chance getting close to you just so I could touch you."
"T-touch me?"
"Hmm? I'm guessing you already noticed your quirk isn't working."
"What did you do to me?" I lowered my arms a stood straight, "WHAT DID YOU DO-"
"I numbed your quirk, so you won't be able to use it at all, our fight now only deals pure strength, so come at me."
"Tch." I ran after her but before I could touch her I got tackled to the floor by someone else. I looked up to see some other girl with medium length curly red hair and patches of green/purple/yellow scales around her body. "Oi! What the fuck is this? Who are you?"
"My what a mouth you have." I looked at her clothes and she was wearing our school uniform
"Umm hello I'm not the villain here, she is," I pointed in the woman's direction only to hear a laugh from the one on top of me
"Oh silly, I know that already."
"My heart won't be able to do it, so would you please?" The woman pointed to something while looking at the girl on me
"Tch." She got off me and I was about to get up and jump her when I saw...myself. What is this?
"Ah! Your hairs a little darker than what I did, let me fix myself." Then the hair color changed, it was my hair, my face, my body shape. I was too distracted and shaken up so move my body, I didn't understand what was going on or why it was happening to me. "Don't worry, I'll make sure your reputation doesn't go to shit." She grabbed a brick and was about to hit me when her hand froze, literally.
What the fuck? Ice?? I looked to my left and saw Shouto, "SHOUTO!" I got up and ran to him then turned around to see the girl was gone but the woman was still there
"Who are you?" Shouto asked with a voice more serious and stern than I've ever heard
"I guess I should introduce myself, my name...well you can just call me 'Numb' and leave it at that."
"Are you okay Y/N?"
I looked up at him and smiled "yes, I'm so glad you're here."
"Oooh is that your little boyfriend??" numb asked
"Yes I am."
"Sh-shouto what are yo-"
"Just go along with it." He whispered down to me before standing in front of me.
"You're gonna wish you never hurt her." He shot eyes in he direction and trapped her feet, he was running up to her to hit her, he charged with his left side, probably to distract her to he can use his ice again
"Sigh kids these days don't know the value of good shoes," she blocked his hit but when he went again to hit her, his powers were gone, just like mine.

The woman started to unzip her boots before she got out of them. Shouto was about to fight her again until the girl from before hit his head and he fainted
"Oh shut up." The girl hit me as well and then everything was black.



Ahhhh I have a whole little story line made up in my head, I'll go back to the original story when season two ends so I won't spoil you guys who aren't caught up with the manga. I love you guyysysysysysy💖

Vote goal ~ 10🌟

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