Chapter 1

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Picture of Lamara on top^^

What is love if your not here with me? What is love if your not really sure?

Shutup and I'll shut up
Come here and I'll go there
Lay down and I'll lay down
Steal this and I'll steal it
That's how everything was he had me under control and no one would know not even my best friend. He would say one thing and no matter how dangerous it was I'll have to do it, I had to what other choice would I have. You don't know him like I do, you don't know what he'll do to me. I would try to escape but I find myself coming back to him even when he's black hands touch my face with speed, am just like that, it's like I need him but truthfully I know that one day my life would end because of him and no one would know why. I fear him because of what he did- I could hear knocking on the door, it was getting louder. I day dream a lot , I quickly got up and stumbled to the door coming across Tailor.Tailors my best friend, since the start of secondary school, this girl knows me in and out but I am too good faking to be happy with him, she doesn't know what he does and am planning to keep it like that.

You don't know how piff this girl is for a black girl with an afro, her skin is so smooth and clean, she dresses like them sex neek's but she can rock it that's why people like her even though she's rude and will gun any girl down. That's just how she is.
"Wargwarn, no hello yeah?"
"I was actually going to say hello, your to farst."
"Steady baby! You sure your sex life good"
Then we both started cracking up laughing, another reason why she's my best friend she's too funny.
"Nah true say I came to come see if you wanted to come to this party tomorrow, bare man are going-oh yeah skeen no man for you, your cuffed. But still nuff people are going."
"I don't know man"
"Don't be like that, am not even asking, you're coming for a fact. AYYY you know April that piffy he's coming."
"Your actually such a hoe"
Then we just started talking about what we was going to wear and how we are getting there and stuff. I really just feel to chill at home but I know tailor she'll start vexing saying If it was Rickzs I'll go. Yeah that's his name Rickzs, and they call him that for a reason. He's not a road boy, no no. He's far from that, he's worse.

*Phone ringing*

I look at my Iphone 6, I hope it wasn't my mum she talks too much- it was him.
"Eyy Lydia"
"Rickzs, you alright?" "Of course" He would never ask back.
"Are you going to that party tomorrow?"
"Yeah b, I was just calling to ask init but you man read my already, ay come buck me today I wanna chat to you"
"I can't Rickzs my mums coming home early today"
That's a lie.
"I don't care, come see me" Then he dropped off.
Yeah that's Rickzs.

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