Chapter 15

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"Lamara what you doing with man?"

I am at the counter now with April. For a second I thought it was Ricksz, I think his voice was just in my head and I kept thinking about him.

April was wearing his Armani tracksuit and had his black hat on.

"I'm eating with my friend. what's the problem April?"

"Fam I have no problem, Ricksz would be the one to have a problem."

"So you're just going to go tell him."

"I'm not even a snake but you know I'll want him to do the same if he saw Tailor with another man. Regulations G."

I kissed my teeth. "You go tell him, and pass on the message that I hope Tania is okay."

"Tania? What? Tania from the party? The ashawo?"

I had to laugh, April's just funny. "So tell your boy what I said yeah." Then he nodded, took he's food he oredered and left.

When I got back to Marvin he asked if I was alright and stuff, probably because I looked pale.

I obviously told him a lie but truthfully my head was going all over the place. I was scared. What would Ricksz say? How would he react? Would he go back to his old ways? Would he stop being nice to me and just beat me up?

I think Marvin knew I wasn't feeling good because he dropped me back home and told me to call him in the morning, when my minds at rest.

My mum was at work again and I had nothing to do. I just wanted to eat but I wasn't even hungry. I went to have a shower and wore my long black jersey, tied my hair in a loose pony tail and jumped on my bed then called Tailor. I told her how Marvin came to my house and he was just relaxing there, and the Tania phone call incident and she started cussing like mad and said it was beef the next time she saw her. But she was only interested in the part when I saw April.

"Wait La your going to fast, what was he wearing? Who was he with? Why was he there?"

"He was wearing his Armani tracky, he was on his ones and he came to get food init."

Then we started talking about college and a drink up she wants to plan.

She had to locked off after because her mum was chatting shit to her and she had to go. I had nothing to do, So I just slept off.

*Knocking on the door.*

Who the fuck is at my door. It's like eleven and I knew it wasn't my mum because she was at work and doesn't come back till early mornings. I don't bait out my house aswell so that people don't come thinking they are allowed to just starting kotching here.

The cold just hit me as I stepped out from my bed. I put on my nike slippers and vaseline then jogged downstairs because the person was getting frustrated and continued knocking, which was getting louder and louder.

I opened the door getting ready to parr the person out but sealed my lips as I saw Ricksz standing there in his Zara tracksuit and fur black jacket.

He had his hand around his head looking like he was trying to control his anger then walked into my front room. He didn't even say hi or nothing, he just barged in.

He was pacing around the room then stopped when he saw me walk in.

"Who were you with today?"

"I don't understand."

"Stop fucking playing dumb Lamara."

I kissed my teeth- "I was with Marvin, Ricksz. Who were you with yesterday? Or did you not get my message from April?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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