Chapter 9

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(Tania on media)
Marvin POV

I walked into Kaspas now with Tania, opening the door for her and grinned when she blushed.

I got to "1" and heard Lamara's footsteps step away from the door, I waited a bit longer maybe thinking that she'll change her mind but she didn't. That's when I knew she was serious about the decision she made, she wasn't even talking to me. I was angry so I just pasted off. What have I done? I haven't done anything I missed her so much and I'm sure she did to but why do this? That's her own problem, she didn't hear what I had to say to her and she never will.

I went home and called up Tania, I didn't have nothing to do or no one to see, all my boys were at college and I wasn't even feeling to see them either. I just wanted to see Lamara but she is just a fucked up person. I don't even know Tania that well. I just noticed her from that party on Saturday.After Lamara left I bumped into her and she was angry screaming she was going to get some girl back so I calmed her down and took her number. I could tell she was happy when I called her to come see me because she started doing that thing when girls act like they don't want to see you but they are already halfway dressed.

She was looking sexy as well when I picked her up. She had curly, Brown long hair out, almost covering her black top and her black fur jacket. She was wearing ripped denim jeans that made her ass extra big. I kept eyeing her when she was walking; she even caught me and started hitting me, messing about.

"Omgg, I'm I seeing properly?"

"What do you mean b?"

Tania dropped her milkshake on the table and started walking towards two girls that was sitting on a table. She looked so angry, like she wanted to punch someone, I was trying to calm her and get her to sit down but shoe wouldn't even listen to me.


She looked at me, she looked different. She wasn't wearing loads of makeup on her face, less than before and she looked so moody and pissed. I just stared at her, clenching my fist together, getting angrier remembering what just happened. Now shes in Kaspas. This girl is getting me mad. Other than that she looked really nice even though she dressed simple... I still wanted to hug her and make her smile. I still wanted Lamara.

"I see you still have a mouth"

Lamara screwed up her face and got up.

" Excuse me, can you go somewhere else because your starting to annoy me."

"Pardon, you think you can jump me at the party, I knew I'll catch you slipping. Getting mad because I was chatting to-"

Tailor got up and pushed herself against her.

"Repeat yourself babe."

"Get out my face!"

"Bitch, don't think I don't know you, try me Lamara."

"For fuck sake Tania, Just leave it!"

Then I pushed Tania outisde. 

"Marvin, it was her that jumped me, I swear Marvin it was her!"

"Tania calm down man, stop acting like that just leave it."

"Why are you picking her side for? do you know her? You didn't even try to defend me or anything Marvin but you just pushed me out here"

"Tania calm down!, and yes I know her but I don't fuck with her like that"

If it was a different girl I would have left it, but it was Lamara and I  wouldn't let that happen. As I was walking to my car I saw a black Benz Outside kaspas.

Who did Marvin see? 

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