Chapter 4

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(Marvin in media)

If I could go back to the day we met, I will probably do it all over again and I would choose not to be your friend when you ask me I'll just say I got a man.


I never thought in my life that I would see him again. His gone so tall and sexy I can't even lie, we're both the same age. Me and Marvin grew up together we went the same nursery, primary and secondary school. We were closer than me and Tailor, but what fucked it up was that he caught feelings for me and I did like him back but I just didn't want a relationship with him. We were too close for that and I didn't want to ruin it.

There was even a time when we both almost got kicked out of school for cussing and taking the piss out some African teacher. The teacher tried to curse my mom and Marvin and I wouldn't have it, he cursed her soo bad which made everyone laugh. She even called my mom and I told my mom what happened, my mom cursed the teacher out too and she shouted at me and Marvin after. Me and Marvin go way back.

Them days I knew him he wasn't what you would call "buff" or even "attractive". He had a big gap tooth that people would talk about, he never used to carry himself Properly I'm his uniform. He always looked scruffy and shit but the thing is he never cared, he would just say " I don't care how I look now, when I'm older and grind hard and make p's then I'll look fresh". I always laughed when he said that. He had that kind of rainbow swag, red top, blue jeans and white trainers then he always use to wear them out of date snapbacks that use to glass every boys. That made everyone laugh apart from me. I liked it, Marvin was different and he just had my back so I had to have his.

Getting older was really tough because he had to move to America and I couldn't handle losing him so I drifted away from him to stop myself getting too emotional, having the only person I wanted gone. We kept arguing after thats why we stopped speaking but it was so petty and corny, when we saw each other we would just make eye contact for time then walk away. I didnt even get to say goodbye to him properly the next Saturday my mom told me had left in the morning and I started crying, my mom knew I liked Marvin but didn't have the guts to tell him. He always use to come over and make my mom laugh and I guess she took him in as a son. When he left I drifted away from everyone and I never spoke to anyone till I was in year 7. But now his back and I don't even know what to say I can't look at him I don't even know him like that anymore and I guess me and him have ALOT of explaining and catching up with.

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