Chapter 11

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Marvin POV 

"Follow me somewhere Marvin" 

I'm in my living room with Tania, and she's just chatting so much. I just asked her to come over so we could chill but I didn't know she'll be talking this much, she's really just starting to annoy me, and that;s the least thing I need right now. I don't even like the ways shes dressed, at first I thought she mostly wears shorts and small tops because of the weather but she came my house in the smallest top I've ever seen so I could easily notice her breast don't get me wrong she has an amazing body but I just don't like her exposing her body like this if you understand?

"Nah I'm going out later, ask one of your girls."

Then she looked at me and gave me some killer screw.

"Who you screwing Tania?"

I could tell she was angry at me because I wouldn't follow her, so I got up and dragged her up from the chair across me and pressed my lips on hers then wrapped my arms around her small waist. Her hands were slowly rapping around my neck. I pushed my hands towards her neck and tickled her.

"Stop Marvin."

I continued.

"Marvin stop!"

She tried to move my hand away, but I was too strong. She couldn't take it no more so she started begging while laughing at the same time.

"Say sorry"


"Say no more then"

I got her on the floor and sat on top of her tickling her more in various places. 

"M-ssttoppp! S-ORRRYYYY!"

"I cant hear you"


"Good, next time you won't screw man, you get me"

Then she started laughing. 

"Shut up"

I sat down and started checking through my phone. I didn't see what I was wanting to see. She still hasn't tried to talk to me, she hasn't even apologised. I was angry inside but I didn't want to show no emotions. Tania got up from the floor then made her way towards me and sat on my lap facing me. She started kissing my neck and I wasn't feeling it. She was getting more sexual, putting her hands in my boxers. I don't want nothing. I swear I only kissed her because I didn't want her to be angry. She could tell that I didn't want it because she stopped and crossed her arms.

"What's wrong with you."

"Nothing man."

"Then why you acting like this, after yesterday you've been resisting me."

"Hello Marvin are you here?"

"What man Tania!!"

She hit my chest then screwed her face and got off me going back to her bag.

"You have issues man."

I just wanted to be anywhere but here right now. Everything was getting to head so quickly. I didn't want Tania, nah don't get me wrong she is very attractive and she is a good girl but I only want one person right about now and that's Lamara.

"Get out" 


"Leave my fucking yard."

"Whatttt, you can't just kick me out like that."

"Tania get out my house!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, what makes you talk to me like this? I'm not a dickhead you know!"

"You know nothing, so get out!"

I got up and threw her shoes and jacket at her.

She just stared at me, looking so hurt but right about now I did't care.

When she left, I went to go call up one of my boys to see if they just wanted to catch up and see the others aswell. I just had to go get my head around. He said I should meet him up in Peckham.

I went upstairs to put on my black jeans, with a black bomber jacket and all black huraches and left. I took the bus to Peckham and got off near subway and just walked towards Bird in bush road. 

Loads of people were watching me when I was walking, thinking I was here to beef because I saw one touching his pouch.

"Yoo Marvin."

I turned around to see Marcus strolling up towards me, with Donell and Billsz. I've known these three all my life. They are my boys and we all go way back. WE all used to get in trouble together then make bare trouble on road. I seemed like a sweet boy to everyone but when I was on Road people got shook. I would fuck up anybody I didn't like and get away with it. I've changed though, things are not like before. Not after what happened.

Donell started squinting her eyes at me. He was wearing his blue duffer tracksuit with his black Nike jacket holding his two phones in his hand. Donell was the funny one, he's mum was funny as well. Whenever we all his house his mum just cusses him and exposes him dirty. She is soo yardy.

"You man, are you sure this is Marvin?"

Then we all started laughing.

"Nah real talks Marvin your peng"

We all looked at Donell and stepped back. 

"I think it's time we actually cut off Donell, I swear I think my mans gay. He cant be saying things like that."

"Shut up Marcus, you shouldn't say them things out loud, what if my future wife was here listening and heard you say that."

Bilsz started looking at me as well. He was just pure aff. He was lucky he was good looking aswell, when we was younger he used to move to girls in some strong aff accent and you know when you can never hold the laugh in. That was us. He was dressed like me but just had a dark green bumber jacket and all black airmaxes. 

"Nah but reals Marvin you've changed. I didn't even know it was you"

"I feel you bro."

We went into some next chicken and chip shop to order some food and sat down to chill.

"Boss man, 4 wings and chips twice for me. Don't do them small wings yeah."

"Fam, Donell your fat."

Then we all started laughing because he was getting angry. 

"Nah guys it's been too long man! When was the last time we was actually all together."

"That incident."

We all looked at each other one by one. There was silence for about thirty seconds.

Marcus looked at me. 

"We said we wasn't going to ever bring that up Marvin."

"I know but I can't just forget."

I didn't say I was all Saint.

What incident? Was it Marvin and his boys who hit Rickzs mum? Comment what you think!!! 

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