Chapter 12

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"Rickzs stop it man."

"Stop fronting, you know you like it."

It's true, I did like it. I enjoyed it when he rubbed my pussy slowly while kissing my neck second by second. I grabbed him around his neck not being able to take the pleasure without reacting, and bit his chest while sucking it slowly.

"Babes you know that tickles"

He chuckled, so his white teeth were showing now. Making him look so sexy. He layed me down on his bed flat on my back, before laying on top of me. He scanned my body slowly, smiling then reacting. He held my breast firmly with his left hand and used his right hand to grab his dick and slowly inserted it in my vagina. 1st step: grown. 2nd step: pain. 3rd step: pleasure.

He looked at me then kissed me, pressing his lips firmly on mine. He started biting my ears now making me laugh and trying to push him off me. "Your mine baby."  That's what he whispered in my ear, making us go all over again.

We are both just laying in his bed, under his covers, smoking some weed. He was making me smile telling me stories when he was little,like when he almost shit himself in morissions because they caught him stealing doughnuts and threatened to ring his mum. Rickzs was just moving so different and I was starting to fall in love with him all over again.

" I have to go away on Saturday."

I looked at him bare suspicious.

"Ermm where you going?"

"Outside London, this shit thinks he can take weed from me and not pay then decide to do a run away."

I started laughing and then he just looked at me screwing, but he couldn't hold it in so he started laughing aswell.

"No babe that's piss take, I'm going to get my money."

"But how long you going for?"

"Just a couple days init, Till I find the fat yute."

Rickzs is never actually gone when he's gone. He was people to check on up on me, to see if am doing good, to see if I'm not rolling with boys and all that stuff. Last summer he went away for days and when he got back, Ash told him I was only chilling with my college boys and he still got angry and boxed me black and blue. So when he goes away I have to be very careful because I know am being watched.

He got up and walked across his room to go put on his True Religion jeans and his black North face jacket and Air forces. Brushing his hair and spraying himself.

 "Where you going now?"

"To make a couple sales init but I don't ask you to come because I don't want my girl involved in that. Any man that tries to make his girl sell for him that's stupid and his a dickhead."

I started smiling and got up to put on my black supply and demand jacket tracksuit that he got me.

"I'm going to go see Tailor then."

"It's cold outside, go take my black jacket.I'll come buck you later on yeah b."

I walked away from his bed and started making my way towards his door.

 "Wheres my kiss."

I kissed my teeth and ran back to kiss him, but not on he cheeks and left him grinning.

"Shit he told you all that?"

"Yes I've never actually ever seen him like that, he looked so broken."

I'm at Tailors house now just chilling in her room, my mum is not at home she told she had to talk to me so I should stay at Tailors until she comes back.

Tailor looked pretty today, she had her afro packed up and jelled in the front and was wearing her grey nike tracksuit. She only had her clear lipgloss on and eyelashes/

"Why do you think he told you that?"

oh shit.

"You can't tell her about Rickzs hitting you.

why though?

"It would ruin everything, you know Tailor. You and Rickzs are good terms now so don't mess it up"

"I don't even know man... we just started talking then he told me."

"Bless him man, who do you think Big.M was? I've never heard of him."

"Same, and he'll be our age aswell, to think they hurt his mum that's fucked up."

"He would have been bhum aswell."

"Your such a hoe."

She started laughing.

"What's happening with Marvin though, I'm really confused."

I told her how Marvin came to my house and I didn't open the door and he said he don't want to speak to me no more. I had to cover up small and just say Rickzs don't like me with him.

"Rickzs needs to chill though, he is your day one, so what the issue witb you talking to him, But thats a violation how he is talking on the girl you had a fight with in the party,"

"I don't even think he knew, but boy that his own."

We just sat down, talking about hr and April and how they are talking again and all. My phone started ringing and I picked it up to see it's my mum calling.

 "Yes mum."

"Lamara come home."


 "Because I said so, so come home."

Then she kisses her teeth and hangs up.

"Tailor I'll call you later, maybe when I get home, I have to go.

I've been knocking on the door for like 1 minute now, and it;s dark aswell. It's around eleven and I still might have to go back to Rickzs even if my mum chats shit. I knock harder than before before I could knock again my mum opens the door. She looks cute, she's still wearing her nurse uniform and shes wearing her hair straight today. She screws me then looks me up and down.

 "Where you been?"

I was at Rickzs and then went Tailors."

"I don't want no grandchild Lamara, do you hear me?"

 "Yes mum."

She didn't even seem angry, she would have normally given me some long lecture but today she seemed calm.

I closed the door behind me. The house smells like shes been cooking loads. I can small steak and chicken and plantain and my mums special strawberry cake all running through my nose. I shout from the corridor as she walks in the living room.

"Why did you want me home so quick?"

"Come here La"

I walked in the living room.

Guess who. 

Sorry for taking so long to upload I was going through a block. But comment below if you like the changed Rickzs.

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