Chapter 8

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I'm in my bed with him right now. We are both in our under wears, breathing heavily after what just happened. He is kissing my neck, over and over again, telling me how much he has missed me and how he never wants to leave my sight. He looked at me then started staring at my lip

I'm in my bed with him now. We are both in our underwear, breathing heavily after what just happened. He is kissing my neck, over and over again, telling me how much his missed me and he never wants to leave my sight. He looked at me then started staring at my lips then he pressed his lips against mines, gently.

"I've missed you so much babes"

"I know Rickzs... just don't do that again."

"Babes I know, its just that guy's name that gets me mad. I just want it to be us forever, like right now. Its' just me and you"

"Really?, Rickzs no more side tings?"

"No more baby girl just me and you against the rest"

"erm-mm Rickzs?"

"Yeah babe."

"You need to st-stop hitting me. You don't know how much pain I was in, my whole face was bruised, I couldn't even walk properly that's how fucked I was, I didn't even see Tailor."

"Lamar you know me, you know how mad I get, I just black out Lam. I didn't even know what I was doing until I saw you laying on the floor crying your soul out. I need help Lam, I never wanted to hurt you like I did, I felt so hopeless I'm even scared of myself. I don't even like hurting you, your my wife, but when I'm hurting you I don't even know who I am, I just black out babes"

"You can't keep using me as your punching bag though, I am a human , I'll just leave. You can't expect me to stay with you when you beat all the time and on top of that you go around sleeping with other girls. Then get mad when I speak to other boys, I'm going to have boys that I talk to and they are just friends you cant get angry."

"What did I just say; it is just you and I. I don't need any other girls man. I swear and promise you that I wont touch you again. You cant chat to next mans when you have me, I'm cutting all my sides off and I expect you to do the same Lam, especially that Marvin guy. I do not want to see you with him, your mines and mines only."

I jumped on top of him, while he was topless,smiling. He was watching me for a long then cuddled me and whispered in my ear that I was his. He is a nice person when he wants to be trust me, he sometimes makes me feel like I am the only girl in the world. He would apologise, and then show up at my house on his knees making me laugh. He truly cares for me.

That's what happened. When Marvin got to "1" my hands were nearly turning the door handle to open it, and then Rickzs telling me he was on his way. So how could I let Marvin in when Rickzs was on his way? How could I even be brave enough to open the door and let him see the bruises on my face?

"1." Then he paused. "Alright La, you made your choice and you clearly proved to me that you do not care about our friendship at all!, So fuck you and don't ever speak to me again!"

Then he kisses his teeth. Hearing his footsteps going the opposite direction of my door, made me shrink smaller and smaller. Marvin has never said anything like that to me. Not even when we stopped talking for years. He is serious, very serious. He doesn't want me to talk to him again. So that's it I've lost him again.

After Rickzs left my house, Tailor came by and this girl has been talking the most about April. How he took her out to Nandos and bowling and they started talking about them actually becoming something but one of his hoes came along and Tailor got angry but she wasn't in the right to say something so she just walked out.

" Her hair was irritating me too, Brazilian is not for everyone for sure, her leave out girl"

Then I started laughing and she kissed her teeth.

"Ermm Lam, did you see Marvin at the party or was it just the alcohol speaking"


"No Tai, it was him"

"Woooow, really he was looking like a WHOLE meal out here. I didn't even notice him, I could swear that you two were close! More like batty and bench,so where he at?"

"I don't know and to be honest I don't care about him anymore."

"What?!Really?, What happened between yous?"

"Damnn Tai, just drop it! please stop speaking about him."

Then she kissed her teeth again complaining on how serious and moody I am getting these days.

We went to Camberwell after to just stroll around, then took the bus to Kaspas. At first I thought Rickzs and his friends were going to be there so I dressed casual,in my white Polo top, Grey jeans and my white airforces. I had on some faux eyelashes and just lip gloss and highlight. As me and Tailor walked inside a group of boys that looked around my age started looking at us and talking about us out loud.

Then one black wearing a hoodie came up to us while his friends watched.

When he got up to us, I wanted to laugh, he had some baby face and was already smiling.

"Hello pretty lady"

OMG he was talking to me.

"Ermm Hii"

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

Tailor started laughing and just watching the scene.

"Alright good, can I get your phone number?"

"Ermm you look about 16 years old, plus my phone is broken"

Tailor looked at me, trying to hold in her laugh but failed!,she started laughing out loud pointing at the boy and only putting him in shame "You just got rejected son, sit your ass down." With that being said he went back to his friends only to be laughed at too.

One of the boys was near the window and started pointing.

"I swear that's Tania."

"Yeah it is her." One other boy said.

"She was in a fight couple days ago, but apparently her ass got whooped bad." He said laughing and making others around him laugh too.

Then Tailor looked at me, ad we looked outside.

It was her.

And she was with Marvin.

Team Marvin?

Team Lamara?


Team Rickzs?

Guys im back and better!! I will be updating you guys do not worry!! please write what you think so far and if you think that I should continue.

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