Chapter 7

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Cause I need something different.

Look at what he did to you.

He was just angry, he wont do it again.

Thats what you said last time...

I was in my bathroom now looking at myself in the mirror, counting my purple bruises, covering my whole body. My eyes were all swollen and puffy making one eye looking bigger than the other. The right side of my lips was dropping still having dry blood on it. Even my cheeks were swollen and even bigger. I touched my face, cringing because it hurt so much. I looked like I just came out of hell my face was so swollen. I couldnt even look at myself without crying; evem when I touched my neck I heard Ricks voice... "I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON".

I got into the shower slowly, and whem I poured the hot water on me I screamed. My body couldn't take the pain, I couldn't take anything. I stood there in my bath and cried. Cried until that was enough for me to Bath.

*Phone Ringing*


*Phone Ringing*


He kept calling me. He kept texting me. He wouldnt leave me alone.

When I screamed for him to stop strangling me, he stood there and breathed hars. He was angry, his eyes was pitch black I couldnt read amything, I dont think he knew what he was doing to me. He just stood there and watched me cry and fall down as I was struggling to get back up. "Lamara." That was the first came out of his mouth. "Lamara, it wasnt me, I woukdnt do that, it-it was anger babe". Then silence. With effort I stood up wiping my tears and grabbed my stuff. Then he grabbed my arm and I flinched. "Im sorry Lala, please" and he kept repeating himself, he was kissing my neck begging forgiveness, telling me wouldnt do it again, and he dont know what came over him and he loves me. For a second  I zoned out taking in all what he was saying, and then I pushed him away from me. "Look at me Rickz, JUST LOOK AT ME, I CANT EVEN FEEL MY FEET, LAST TIME YOU DID THIS YOU SAID IT WASN'T YOU, THIS TIME WHO WAS IT!!! RICKZ IM NOT AS STRONG AS YOU ARE, YOUR WORDS HURT ME ENOUGH AND WHEN YOU DO THIS TO ME I FEEL DEAD, I AM DEAD". He couldn't do it. He couldn't even look at what he did because he didnt want to believe he did it. I walked downstairs and before I closed the door behind me, he came towards me and told me he was sorry and then he put his arms around me. I was close to turming around crying on his chest. That's what he expects to happen like always do, but this time I walked out.

My mom went to work a few hours ago, so it was just me at home. I couldnt go out with my face looking like this. Tailor kept calling to see if I wanted to go out with her and April but I just lied to her and told her I was hung over and that she should tell me everything that happens when I see her.

I was in the living room laying on the chair watching TV. I scrolled down my phone and I kept seeing Rickz name, all his missed calls. Facebook messages, and texts. It was annoying me, he wants to br okay with jt, and he expects me to call him back listening to him saying the same thing he always says.

I couldnt even chew my toast without my jaw hurting so I just gave up and closed my eyes.




Shit, I slept off.

Why didnt my mom take her keys, this women.

I got up and checked the mirror my bruises so she won't go mad. It was looking too bad so she would know.



Guess who.
I got the door and peeped outside to see who it was.

He looked so calm and warm. He was wearing his blue Adidas tracksuit and he had his earing in again. He was smiling with his white straight teeth looking so sexy.


"Lamara I know your there ma, come open the door".

Then he started laughing.

His warm sweet laugh, showing his white teeth more. I just wanted to cry in his arm and tell him everything.

"Marvin I cant open the door".

"Lala open up ma, I wanna see you, its me Marvin".


"Lamara please, I miss you so much please open up b".

I wanted to open the door. Nobody was here to stop me. But my bruises, he cant see me. He'll get angry and go to Rickz and I dont want nothing happening to Marvin.

"Marvin just go, I cant open the door".

"Lamara stop playing with me, I miss you. I want to talk to you so why arent you letting me do that. You go on how you wanna see man and catch up but your telling me to go, what the fuck".

Marvin I want to see you.

"Marvin I don't want to see you right now"

"WHY, I didn't even do anything stop playing open the door".


"You know what, I am going to count down from 10, if you don't open the door am gone for good, dont even think about me"


Marvim I cant.


I dont want you to see me my bruises.


I want you to be safe Marvin.


Rickzs.. You dont know him, he'll have you killed.


I am beimg abused.




I cant have him walking out my life.


My hands tremble as I reach my hands out towards the icy door. Just about turning it.



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