Chapter 14

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*Phone ringing*

That was the 6th time Ricksz has called me today and I've just been airing his calls.

When Marvin said Ricksz name on the phone to Tania last night, my heart felt like it was moving from left to right.It felt like someone had spilt hot water on me and all I wanted to do was sit in the pain.

When he locked off the phone to her, he kissed his teeth and then looked at me.

"What's wrong now?"

I couldn't even look at him because instantly he would clock I am lying and get pissed off.

"Nothing Marvin."

He shrugged his shoulders then looked on his phone.

"I'm taking you out tomorrow."

I laughed at his amusing joke.

"No you're not." I said.

"I wasn't asking. Just be ready by 4 Init."

That was that. I couldnt even be asked to argue with him. I was going out with Marvin today and I was actually looking forward to it.

So Ricksz can fuck off, he can't tell me what to do anymore because me and him are done.

I was going to meet Tailor for a bit to before the event and tell her everything but she was out with April again and I didn't want to cockblock. We start college again nextweek so I wanted to leave her and her man. My college is actually calm. I go SFX. I take the train from waterloo station and it only takes 15 minutes. Not much rude girls but bare gassed yutes and couple road boys. Everyone's safe though. I don't even get into trouble because I know college is not a joke. You can never catch me bunking college or messing about. I'm too smart for that and I think that's why my mum lets me off alot because I do well.

"Lamara , you hear me."

I jumped as I heard my mum shouting my name then ran downstairs before she starts complaining. I entered the front room and found her sitting there in her work uniform. She looked bare tired aswell because she's s single mum and she works all the time.


I sat down opposite her.

"When was the last time Ricksz beat you?"

My mouth hung in shock. I started sweating and fidgeting. How did she even know? No. No. No. She doesn't, just play cool.

"Where did that come from? He doesn't hit me."

She tuts and then sits up in her chair.

"You want to lie Lamara? I know everything, everything. You may not have it in mind but I know things child. You came out of me righ? I know everything. Your bruises dont show nothing but your eyes tell a story. When you walk through that door, you know what I feel like? To cry Lamara. To know my child is being beaten by man brings terror to me when I sleep. God can strike me down if I'm lying, I thought he would only do it once.. But he didn't did he child? He continued. Lamara, m- I am sorry, please. Don't go back to him. He is not good for you, he is going to kill you baby girl"

Just as she finished her sentence I felt tears in my eyes and I was trying to firm it but I couldn't. One teardrop, two teardrops, three then many. I clasped my face in my hands and started crying. She was right and hearing my own mum say that just made me cry. She knew from the start. That's why she could never look at me in the eyes because she knows it'll tell another story.

She got up and sat next to me, placing my head on her lap and she stroked my hair and sniffed endlessly. I caught her crying a little but she turned around and wiped her tears.

"Ricksz is not good for you"

I woke up on the chair to find my mum gone. She's gone to work so it's just me at home with nothing to do. After that conversation with my mum and sleeping made me clock things I hadn't already . So Tonight when Marvin drops me back I'll go to see him. Loving someone does not mean sacrificing yourself to pain. That's one thing Rickzs would always do and that's give me pain. But love changes people and makes people see things in a different way. I had a quick shower again then put on my white long midi skirt and light yellow crop top showing my belly button with my white heels. I put on my pink lipgloss and did my makeup. After, I straightened my hair making it eaiser to pack it in a bun, then slick my baby hair.  I looked in the mirror and adjusted my skirt. I actually looked really nice.

*Phone ringing*

"I am outside, you ready yet?

"Yeah, give me two minutes."

"Alright beautiful."

"Shutup Marvin."

Looked in the mirror for the final time then left the house and rushed downstairs not wanting him to wait for too long.

He started flashing the lights from his white Range Rover and beeped bare times. Can he just calm himself before people hear him and come outside.

He came outside from his car and started laughing then stopped when he saw me.

"Lamarq.. You look beautiful man, nah no lie you look sexy."

I couldn't even help but smile. Of course he looked fucking attractive aswell. He was wearing all white. His white Armani top and big white Armani jacket, rocking it with white jeans and all white airmax's. He looked so buff and you already know how sexy he looks when he smiles aswell.

"You look good."

"Stop with the compliments they're too much."

Then he started laughing and came around to open the door for me. That's just Marvin.

"Where you taking me?"

"O2, we are going to munch today."

We are at Harvesters now, sitting at a table both eating the steak and chips with coke. We eat the same food too.

I kept catching this barstard looking at me and he think I didn't know.

"Stop looking at me Marvin."

"I can't help it man."

"Should I put a bag over my head or something?"

"That'll be amazing."

I kissed my teeth and carried on eating.

"Relax man, it's just me remember. Not one of them road boys that'll will move you."

"I know."

"Good, rememeber you have my back and I have yours so if there is anything that's bothering you tell me."

Yes. Ricksz.

"Nothings bothering me. You have my back and I have yours."

After that we just talked throughout the whole night, catching up on everything and bussing bare jokes. Marvin's just funny, nice, cute, sexy and generally just my bestfriend (boy bestfriend.) He ordered me chocolate chip ice cream when I finished my steak and kept making me spit it out because of the jokes he was making about some fat lady at the table next to us. We almost got kicked out because we was making too much noise.


He looked at me, and started smiling making me get goose bumps. Why does he do this to me?

"Why have you gone so serious?"

"Because I need to tell you something real important."


"Listen it happened-"

"Ey, Lamara."

That familiar voice was just standing behind me.

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