Chapter 10

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I am at Rickzs house now, helping him count his money. Stacking it to the side. He picked me up from Kaspas and dropped Tailor home. The car journey was really awkward because he told me he saw Marvin, and he don't like me being around him.

"Rickzs he wasn't there for me he was with a girl, I swear"

That's the first thing I said when I saw his hand moving towards me, I though he was going to hit me, but instead he put his arm around my shoulder, making me feel all tingly.

"You know I love right?"

I just stared at him smiling and told him to shut up. Then he came all up in my face, so I was smelling his perfume on him, he looked so sexy aswell, wearing black jeans and supply and demand jacket with a white top and a gold chain. His smile is so attractive aswell, he bites his lips slowly and he doesn't even notice.

"La why you acting babe, you know you can't resist me"

Then he started biting my neck.

"Rick-Rickzs stoppp"

I was trying to push him off me, he knows what he is doing was turning me on. He leaned more over the wheel and started kissing on my neck slowly.

"A-ah Rickzs"

He started laughing then he said "You want it bad."

"I've finished counting your money."

He was in his bed topless watching me. He tapped his bed gesturing me to come lay down with him.

"Let me talk to you"

I took off mu jumper and was now just in my vest and his shorts.

"I hurt you right?"

I stared at him, not knowing what to do, then I nodded my head.


"Do you know why?"

"Because you had issues when you was younger?, and the household you grew up in"

"But that's all you think right? That's all you think just happened. All that time I was on the roads when I was young, I was trying to help my mum when nobody was there to help us, we had nothing. Lamara I wasn't them boys people was scared of, I was a boy who people laughed at. I would be walking and be a target of money. I would run and my mum would look at me like I'm sort of dirt, like my dad. Do you think I was Tough? I was far from that. I used to get set up by so many girls, one nearly even got me stabbed by a group of boys. The last girl I thought that loved me set me up and I had loads of man onto me, 20 men were surrounding me, they looked like they was all my age. I can tell you that half of them either had a knife or a gun. As one of them got out his strap and pointed it towards me, guess who I saw? My mum. She was in her work clothes, looking so tired and worn out. Hair sticking all over the place and she has a tesco bags in her hands. She looked at the big commotion and when she noticed that it was me she dropped her shopping bags and ran for her life just to save me. They didn't even give a fuck that she was my mum or a woman they just pushed her back. She was crying Lamara, she didn't know what to do, she tried to come get me then one of them punched her. He punched her right in front of me and what could I do?Nothing I felt useless, I couldn't do nothing. She was even mouthing to me not to do anything. "Mick that wasn't part of the plan! that's his mum!" Thats what the girl said when she saw my mum on the floor bleeding. Then we all turned around when we heard some boys running shouting something to you "Police are around". That's what one guy said while still running, all of them started running too. The boys that came all looked 14, my age. They took my mum and I and helped us get home. There was no police. They just wanted to help me. Cleyton, Tyrone, Ash, April, Ro and Beckz were all 14 like me they had bad lifestyles. They were boys that saved my life that day"

I looked at him as he hands were in his head, his veins were becoming more visible each second. He was shaking and he couldn't control it.

"Those are my brothers, they brought me up, they taught me how to be me. They saved my mum. I fucked up every man who thought they could try me. I ripped every nigga who ever got me. I got big Lamara, I got the name Rickzs, nobody would touch me or my boys. But I could never forget my mum being punched. Never.. And when I find the person. I swear to God.."


He got up and pasted around his room quickly.


He punched his wall continuously, he threw his clothes and everything all over his room, he was getting so angry. Instead of crying he got angry.

I ran towards him and held his arms together. I stared into his eyes> He wasn't Rickzs no more, he was a troubled 18 year old boy who got fucked over by everybody. Who wasn't loved by anybody. I leaned over and hugged him.

" She didn't have to get punched like that Lamara, why would any man do to her?"

He was hurt, I could tell.

"I know baby, I know. Come here."

I calmed him down and laid next to him on bis bed, arms around him kissing his head while his hands were around my waist and his head on my chest

That's Rickzs. That's Rickzs that I never knew about.

What do you guys think? do you forgive Rickzs an understand why he is the way he is? or you still don't like him?

Team Marvin or Team Rickzs?

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