Chapter 13

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His body froze as my eyes scanned every inch of his body. He shivered as I pree'ed his blue Nike bomber jacket, black baggy jeans and black air max's. I knew he was watching me to. Grinning when he saw I was wearing a Supply & Demand tracksuit and black bomber jacket and nicely packed my hair up in a tight bun making my face stand out.

On the other side of the room, was my mum just smiling, talking and greeting Marvin. But I couldn't hear nothing. I was zoned out. I could see nothing but black around me. I wanted to shout at him, tell him to get out but I couldn't, my mum wouldn't even allow him to leave. She loves Marvin, I think she even loves him more than me.

"This nah good yute Lamara."

That's what she'll keep telling me whenever she talked about him.

"Be with Marvin, Rickzs is not good for you."

That's what she'll say when I argue back with her.

But I couldn't. I can't. And I won't. Me and Rickzs are good now. Better than anything. But I'm scared. Right now I'm trembling, shivering in fear. I have people watching me. I have people around my area that knows Rickzs. What if someone saw Marvin and goes to tell him they saw a boy rolling up in my yard at this time. He'll blow. And if I tell him it was Marvin, that'll just be game over. He warned me, and he will keep saying that when he hits me. When he goes back to being him.

"Lamra can you hear me?!"

Back to reality.

"Nah, sorry, I was thinking."

"You didn't greet Marvin."


She kissed her teeth and mumbles curses underneath her breath, obviously pissed that I didn't jump into Marvin's arms like she expected me to.

"If you need food or anything Marvin, call me,Your not leaving till you eat and eat plenty child."

Marvin smiled and gave my mum his blessings as she walked out the room and closed the door.

The atmosphere was so silent and cold. So silent I could hear my heart beating rapidly. I was still shocked he was in my house.

"Your not going to holla yeah."

The sudden voice made me jump a little but I was able to style it out by walking to the chair across him and sitting down.

"Bmt Lamara, what's wrong with you? Don't tell me being light skin has gone to your head."

"Shutup Marvin."

"Oh she speaks. Amen."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. He saw I was trying to hide my emotions and started smiling.

"Why have you been airing man, did I do something."


"So what, you just don't want to talk to man."

I didn't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. He got up and walked towards me and stood right In front of me. Breathing heavily on my neck making me have goose bumps all over my arm and smelling his sweet after shave.

"Lamara I missed you man, don't do this."

That's when I just grabbed him. I hugged him tight and started crying bare. I wouldn't even let go, I just continued to lay in his muscular arms and smell his sweet perfume.

"Ay why you crying?"

But he still had his arms around my waist as he said this, and held me until I stopped crying.

We are both sitting side by side in silence. I can't tell him what Ricksz done. Not even that I have a man that wants me no where near him.

"Sorry yeah, for airing you and stuff, I just wasn't feeling well and I was just shocked you came back. You didn't even tell me."

"Obviously man wanted to surprise you init but that flopped. Lamara .. don't let me feel like that again. The amount of times I felt to punch bitches because they kept talking and I just wanted to talk to you."

I turned around when he said this, to hide my cheeks going red.

"I know you've missed our wrestling aswell."

"Weirdo.. No not really."

"When did you become an actor?"

"When did you start talking to Tania."

"At the party, sweardown man didn't know you had beef. She's kool though."

He caught me screwing up my face, making sick noises.

"Are you jealous?"

I started laughing. This boy isn't serious. I could never be jealous of whatever they have. Karly aint even all that pretty, she just has a nice body.

Plus, I have Rickzs.

"Of what?"

"Me and Tania init."

But when he said that I started getting red and angry. I dont even know why but I wanted to stop talking about her and just slap him.

"There's no fucking you and Tania, wasteman."

"Chill, so theres you and me yeah."

"Did I say that Marvin?"

Then he nodded his head at me and smiled trying to do some baby face. Then when he grabbed the attention of my eyes, he just stared at me.

"What man."

"Nah your brave,"

Then he grabbed me and wrestled me to the floor. I was actually trying to get off and fight my hardest but he was too strong.

"Ow, Marvin! Stop man! Get off me! Dickhead."

Then he pulled my jumper and top up a bit and started blowing on my tummy making me laugh. Marvin's so childish. He used to always do this to me if I was angry at him when I was little. That's how he always used to get away with things with me.


He was onto of me, still grinning. He's eyes were now pierced on to my lips and his hands were now resting on my belly. For a second I just wanted it to stay like that.

"Lamara I really need to tell you something."


"Before I went America Init, when we was both still young-"

His phone started ringing, playing the ringtone of Fredo Change.

"Ey Tania, what man .. Nah am with someone ... Whose that .. Don't play dumb man, whose that in the background? .. I know your with man... I can fucking hear the boy... Allow it, you lots are probz beat-.. Ey don't cut me off.

Tell him to fucking hold his mouth ...Ricksz? Whose that?..."

Are you thinking what im thinking???

Is Rickzs cheating on Lamara with Tania?!!!

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