Chapter 2

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(Tailor in media)

I'm too good to you, im way too good to you, you take my love for granted I just don't understand no.


<p>"I told you not to fuck about, and you know I hate it when you fuck</p>about"

"Rickzs, I-I won't do it again! Please baby stop"

<p>He does the opposite and punches me harder then pushes me against his</p>wall making me breathless.


I wake up on the couch, I was crying again like always when
I dream about this boy. What did he even want to see me for, I really hope this
guy doesn't make me do nothing for him maybe he has finally thought about what
he does and want to apologise. Yeah that's it.

Tailor left about two hours ago I was expecting my mum to be
back from work like she usually is but she isn't anywhere to be seen. Its 6:30,
I need to start getting ready. I go up to my room and look in the mirror,

Why do you let him hurt you?

He doesn't hurt me all the time; he hurts me because he
loves me.

He's going to kill you...

I hear that sentence echo that it my head but I don't pay
any attention and do what I usually do,


I put on my high
waisted Topshop jeans and my black Nike jumper, it doesn't look too cold
outside so I leave my jacket and put on my trainers. I sit down and put on my pink
lip gloss, mascara and eye liner on my weak pale face then curl my long hair. I
really can't be bothered with any makeup today I am too tired.

*Phone ringing*

My mum. I don't answer.

*Phone ringing*

*No answer*

*Phone ringing*

What's wrong with this woman?

*Picks up*

"Lamara Why can't you pick up your phone? Who do you think you are?!!"

"I was sleeping, fuck"

"Fuck? Young lady watch who you talking to, you must be on some drug talking to me like that your funny Lamara,  listen child.Im gong to Whoop your ass when i get back, watch that smart mouth I'm not even playing with you"

She won't touch me.

"Am going out"

"*Laughs* "you better sit your ass down, because when I come home and your not there trust me I'm going to catch a case hunny and you know I'm not playing."

I've had enough and cut the phone and switched it off. This woman pisses me off I swear.

Rickzs said he would beep when he's outside so I Just sat
down and day dreamed for a bit, I was getting sweaty and tensed up. The house
is so empty without my dad and I want him here more than my mum... He's not
dead, they just divorced when I was eight they kept fighting and arguing and my
dad kept cheating on her and getting drunk. He had issues something about he's
childhood messed him up but he would never touch me and never did. So it's just
me and my mum, she's so rude and loud. She hates Rickzs, she's even taken my
phone once and started cursing words to him on the phone. She's so stupid
because when I went to see him he was not happy, as soon as I sat down on he's
bed he touched my cheek, smiled and then placed his other hand on he's belt and
winked. Immdetly he's face darkened then-

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