Chapter 7

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~~Flash back~~
"let's get to bed kid." Apex said.

"Okay.." then he looked at me. "Goodnight (y/n)."

"Goodnight sweetheart." I give him a caring smile as he walks to Apex to go to bed. It's going to be along night with the boys I think to myself.
~~6 hours before you arrive~~
~~Apex POV~~
"For the third time she's not my girlfriend!!" I yell at Baby FaZe.

"Don't Yell at me." He mumbled, "yes she is you girrrlllyy friend!" Baby faze started laughing.

"You think that's funny!!" I jump on him and tickle him, he's my cute little nephew.

"Nooo!!! Please stooooppp!!!" He screams as Rain comes into the room.

"What are you guys doing?" Rain asks.

"I'm teaching my nephew a lesson-" FaZe Baby enter ups me.

"He likes a girl!!" He yells as I tackle him.

"Are you talking about (y/n)?" I feel my face get red, "dude you like her? This must be a fight to the death and the vape king is going to win!"

"Wh-hat you l-like her to?" I shuddered.

"Well yeah, must of us do.. I mean I know that Nikan is not really into her but that's okay." My eyes widen in disbelief.

"Really dude?"

"Yeah dude."

"Game on."

~~5 hours left~~
~~Blazikin POV~~
I was watching YouTube with my sloths, when my door to my room opened.

"Hey dude." Alex said to me.

"Oh hey adapt." I paused my YouTube video about sloths, "what do you need I'm busy?" I ask him.

"I wanted to ask you about something..."

"Go ahead." I say agitated.

"Well do you like (y/n)?" I could feel my heart skip a beat, but remained calm.

"Well yeah I guess..." I feel my cheeks flushed red while I looked away.

"Well you going to join the club?"

"Wha-"Adapt cut me off

"To fight for her love me, Rain and Apex are already in! We fight to night." I took a moment to think.

"Get ready because I'm going to beat all of you. Game on!" I grin. This is going to be a challenge, which I accepted.

~~edited twice~~ (but fixed)

"Gaming Love." (FaZe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now