Chapter 3

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Jack's Pov

I was telling Mark about this cool restaurant here in Ireland that served delicious food that we could go to, but he just stared at the wall behind me with a straight face. I waved my hand in front of him after a while and he seemed to snap back to reality.

I sighed, "Well Mark?" I said a looking at him. He nodded his head and said "Let's go there." In a calm and bland tone. I roll my eyes and get off the couch we were sitting on. "Let's go then, I'm actually very hungry." I said rubbing my stomach, and Mark chuckled. "Aren't you always hungry Jack?" He said in a sarcastic way. I laugh. "Sure can we just go?" I say smiling and grabbing my apartment keys.
He smiles and nods while walking towards the front door.

I pull on some sneakers and so does Mark, and we walk outside the apartment. I lock the apartment and I call a taxi as Mark and I walk down the stairs.
Once the taxi arrives and we get in, I ask Mark how life was lately.
He looked a little nervous for a second but then he answered with "Okay, just a little jumpy I guess. How about you?" And I reply "Just dealing with paranoia and trying to keep to my schedule for uploading." He shrugs and looks out the window. Since the drive to the good restaurant takes about twenty minutes, I start checking Youtube and Twitter comments and messages. I reply to as many as I can, and the ones that mean a lot to me.
When the taxi arrives at the restaurant, I must've replied to at least fifteen comments and messages in the short drive. Mark was just staring out the window the whole time, which I thought was very strange but I just ignored.

I pay the taxi driver and we head inside the restaurant. I look at Mark and say "What do you think you are going to eat?" And he seem to contemplate it as if it were a life changing decision.

After a couple more minutes he finally answers with "Steak, and fried I guess." And we get a waitress to take our seats.

We get to our Booth and the waitress looks at us and asks "Hello gentleman, what would you like to drink?" and Mark says "Just water please." And I say "The best beer you have on tap." She walks away.

I look at Mark and he looks distressed about something until I try to get his attention by drumming on the table with utensils like a little kid. He jerks his head up and his eyes glint red for a second and it startles me. He gets the red glint again, but then it goes away. I look around frantically and my mind is racing with bad thoughts.

Our waitress comes back with our drinks and asks for our order. "Just a Well done Steak please." Mark says seemingly back to normal. I choke down some saliva and I say "Just uh, a,  uh-" I bite my lip before looking at Mark again really fast. "-a hamburger please." I finally finish. She nods and walks away.

Mark looks at me, well more like stares at me. "Mark is something wrong?" I ask nervously. He chuckles and nods a no. I sigh to pretend that I believe him, but now I don't think I do.

After we eat the next thing I had planned was for us to go to a thrift shop to see if anything interesting would be there, but it's next to a knife shop. I want to see what happens in the next hour.
Feeling a little lazy with the time skips, sorry!
We catch a taxi to the thrift store, and we park. He seems to notice the knife store next to the thrift store immediately and he grunts.

We step out of the taxi after I pay him, and Mark is obviously trying to avoid looking at the large display of knives and some other weapons scattered inside the shop. I walk up to him and say "That's a nice shop in there isn't it Mark?" Tauntingly. He shrugs and swiftly walks inside the small thrift shop.

Something is different about Mark, but it might just be my paranoia taking things and altering them.

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