Chapter 12

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Jack's Pov

I've been down here for what seems like weeks, but I'm pretty sure it's only been a couple days.

I've been living off of bread, apples, water, and the occasional granola bar.
It stinks down here with the smell of my dirty self and pee (and some feces).

My green hair is tangled and my paranoia has unbearable. I mostly have my back against the cellar door rocking back and forth, trying to ignore the shadow creatures running around the dirty floor. I also hear voices in my head say things like 'You're done for.' 'You will die here' 'nobody cares that you're gone.' 'Nobody will help.' And sometimes I also hear Dark yelling for me to stay quiet when I start whimpering like a hurt dog.

The cut on my cheek is almost scanned over, but it most likely has an infection. Same with the gash Anti left to infect on my leg.

As I sit against the cellar door I get pushed down the stairs by it swiftly opening and closing. I also hear Anti laugh from behind the door.

"That motherfucker." I whisper under my breath trying to lift myself up with my arms. As I try to put my body weight on my ankle, it gives out. I cuss under my breath. My ankle must be twisted from the awkward way I landed on it.

Just another injury to add to the list.

I was starting to want revenge on anybody who forgot about me, to really hurt them. My good morals were telling me to stop thinking about it, but I couldn't help it.
My new friends were now the one's made from the darkness and my mind.
The friends I have made scare me, but are starting to make me feel sane. They didn't leave me, or not yet at least.

Then I realise, all my friends are heathens, and that's why I like them.

Dark's POV

I hear Anti open and close the cellar door from my bedroom, so I go to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

When I get near the cellar door, I see Anti running a knife slowly and softly down his arm. Not hard enough to draw blood, but enough for him to feel it. "What did you do with the cellar door?" I ask walking closer to him.

"I shoved the Arse down the stairs with the door." He says pushing harder on the knife to draw blood, and he starts staring at the red substance slowly running down his arm. "Now why the hell did you do that?" I half ask half yelling. He puts his arm down, and lets blood drip to the floor. "I wanted to tease him without letting him see light." He says putting the knife on the counter. "You could've killed him!  Then you wouldn't be able to work with me!" I yell in a deep voice. He was about to respond, but I hear someone knock on the door.

"Who the fuck could that be?" I mutter under my breath motioning for Anti to open the curtains and to secure the cellar door. Anti does as he's told as I answer the door with my almost normal eyes.

"Hello." I say faking a smile. "Hey Mark, I was wondering if uh- we could do a collaboration with Jack? Last time it didn't end too well." The guy at the door says. I didn't recognize him for a second, but then I realise that It's Matthew/Matthias.

"Hey Matthew sorry but Jack is-" I start to say but then I hear Anti make a fake cough, which inspires me. "Sick." I  finish my sentence with. "Really, why isn't he answering his phone?" Matthew asks. I look around but then I remember that Anti was here luckily.

"Hey Jack, why aren't you answering your phone?" I pretend to ask Jack. Anti does his best Jack impression (which is almost spot on) and says "Sorry, I just really feel sick. I don't want to talk." I look back to Matthew.

Jack's POV

I'm back leaning against the cellar door when I hear Anti impersonating me. I hadn't been paying attention to anything but my thoughts, so I didn't hear Matthew until now. I try to decide whether or not to call for help, but despite the possible consequences I call for his help.

"Matthew help me! I'm trapped!" I yell as loud as my vocal chords can mutter. My voice wasn't warmed up yet, so it wasn't as loud as usual.

I hear Matthew ask "Was that Jack?"

Dark's POV

Oh shit, I heard Jack yell for help and Matthew asked me what it was. Jack would pay for this later.

"The tv in my room, don't worry, it's nothing." I say reasurringly as I can. Matthew seems to believe it and he says okay, and waves goodbye before going back to his car.

I shut the door and I see Anti walk towards me. "Go fuck Jack up, and tell him to shut the hell up. Do it in the dark though." I tell Anti. He nods and grins, showing his slightly sharp teeth.

He walks towards the cellar as I head back towards my room. Jack was going to regret doing what he did.

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