Chapter 16

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Another 10 week time skip


Laughing could be heard from the cellar. It belonged to Jack.

Anti had left and went to haunt someone else, so Dark was alone.

He didn't have anything to do, he couldn't without Anti. He was powerful, but he still needed help.

He had to make a plan.

He finally decided that he would chain Mark up to a bed frame and he would leave, forever.

Darkiplier POV

I sit near the bedframe Matt was bound to at one point and I left Mark's body. When I did, I felt powerless. I used all the energy I had left in my ghost form to tie Mark up while he was unconcious.
I decide to visit Sean one last time.

As I walk down the stairs to the cellar and shut the door, I see Sean looking at me. He tilts his head and laughs while looking at me with a creepy threatening look.

He stands up as best he can and gets close to me. I see the cut on his cheek is infected.

"What are you doing?" He asks, so close I can feel his breath. "Nothing." I say boldly.

"Are you here to hurt me?" He yells. I nod a no and start walking to the cellar door. He tried to chase me, but the chain on his torso is stopping him.

"Have fun in the dark again." I say as I exit the cellar, shutting the door behind me.

That's the last I ever saw of Sean, Mark, or Matt.

  Three hours later

Mark POV

I wake up in my room, with the feeling of pressure on my wrists and feet.

I look to where the pressure is and I see I'm tied to my bed.

What the fuck happened?

I tug at the ropes that are holding me to the bed frame,  but to no use.
I sigh with irritation.

I sit back on my bed and I try to think of what to do. Then after an hour or so I hear someone knock on the front door.

"Help!" I yell, and a voice that sounds like Matt copies. I hear banging on the front door again, but then after yelling for help more, it breaks down.

I call for help and so does the other voice. I hear the other voice stop yelling. My door flies open as Ryan steps in.

I see Ryan look at me with Matt next to him. Matt looks cautious of me.

I ask one of them to untie me. Ryan looks at me, pulls out a pocket knife then cuts me free. I laugh again then I hug him. He hugs back.

He seems to realise something. "oh no." He bolts towards the cellar. I look to Ryan, but he's as confused as I am.

I run after him as best I can, but I feel very weak. Ryan helps me to where Matt is.

Matt unlocks the cellar door and he runs in. I motion for Ryan to help me down the stairs, he does.

There is a disgusting smell coming from down here, Ryan notices it too.

I ask Matt what's down here, but he just says "Ryan, get the flashlight on your phone on."

Ryan does as he's told and he lets me stand by myself. The light from the phone shows on the empty cellar wall. Matt snatched the light and he begins to shine it around the room.

Eventually it lands on something I though I would never see.

I see Jack in the corner, with a rope tied around his waist that's tied to a pipe. He looked dirty, cut up, bruised, and angry.

Matt tried to approach him but Jack snaps out  "Go away!"

I look at him, and try to approach him but Ryan stops me.

"What are you trying to do to me now?" Jack yells out to me.

"W-what?" I mutter out. "Don't act like you're so fucking innocent!" He yells. "I didn't do anything."

He laughs like a maniac and he responds with "I can't trust you, or anyone else. You need to go, now!"

I look to Ryan and he dials 911.
Matt tries to stop him, but it doesn't work. Ryan tells the police to come and take Jack away. I snatch the phone from him and I crush it under my foot. "What are you doing?" I yell.

I must've stepped too close to Jack, because next thing I know I'm on the ground. He has a rock in his hand and he aims it at my head.
"It's time to end this." He says, raising the rock in his hand.

Matt him, and pins him to the ground. I look to Ryan and he tells me we need to go upstairs.

"Get off of me you mother fucker!" Jack yells as I walk up the stairs.
Ryan tries to punch him unconscious, but as I walk out of hearing range I faintly hear Jack say something.

Sirens approach the house as I sit next to Ryan.

I sit patiently, but then I feel myself lose consciousness after feeling something hard hit my head.

Isolation :: Antisepticeye + Darkiplier Where stories live. Discover now